Considering i wasn't here when the actual version was released i have just copied and pasted sections from older posts about the releases on test so i am sorry if some of it doesn't make sense,and i have also took some information from another blog and given full credit, so thank you
''EOTIMES'' , oh , and also
''KARGH'' however, you can visit this link if you want some more detail not included...
Endless Times - Knight , Xtremepunkx , Megamoogle. <- Awesome Guide, Thanks Guys.Oh, and thanks for adding the picto-blog as a link.
Aeven Forest
After you come of the boat from newb island you can go straight forward then left down the path in to a new area..In this new area there are four different entrances to different parts of the forest, all containing weird new monsters.
Upper Left Area
In this location you'll find some flowy's, which are new monsters that are big flowers with faces and legs...They give
58exp and have about medium health, but are easy to kill, there attacks looks awesome and they are slow moving and passive.Up in the top left corner of this areas you'll find some new sprites and some beautifully designed cliffs which fit perfectly with the colour of this place...the flowys don't drop yet...

Second Top Left Area
This area is just infested with more flowys but also another new monster, the
Espring.They drop gold and have about the same amount of health as as flowy, and will give 77exp upon death, they also have a cool attack animation...

Second Bottom Left Area
Nothing Here but some more esprings and a couple nutvipers which will be explained in the next section...
Lower Bottom Area
Now here's an interesting location, some more nice pixel work, and a another new monster, but more secrets. First of all, it's a
lvl 15 barrier to enter, and once in side you'll find nutvipers, that drop , yes you know correctly, jack spears! Another new weapon, which looks pretty cool in actual fact, and has ok stats :
1 accuaracy

They are dropped by nutvipers currently but also by another monster i think (you'll find out later), so here are the nutvipers,they give
96exp, their attack isn't all ther impressive:
But It Keeps Going? Next Stop, Dragon cave....
So you continue through the nutviper place and through a few more paths until you see lava like this:

This means you're very lucky, because it means you are level 15 and cna now enter DRAGON CAVE! Yes, feel very privileged, as you can now fight with an almighty dragon, and probably end up dieing...So continue round and through the cave entrance and voila! Your in dragon cave, it's a fairly big cave infested with biters and, dragons of course. So the first thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting a dragon...

Then the second thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting
lots of dragons...

That's right, there can be up to 6 dragons in the cave at any one time, all ready to fight, and kill, they hit highs of 50 and are not ks protected, and for good reason, they are very powerful and have lots of health, so when teaming it comes back down to kill stealinh again, and snatching that
1224exp and a possible chnace to get one of the following :
Scav BowJack SpearSaw SwordDraco ArmourGoldAnd that's just about it, and yes, your right, i did say scav bow, see :

Stats For the scav bow :
2-2 damage
2 accuracy
Yes, but it's a rather rare drop by the dragons, but if your lucky you'll scoop one up, next on the list, the jack sword has already been then, the saw sword, a rather nice weapon with some nice stats...

Smexy aye? Now here's the lowdown on thee stats :
1-8 attack
9 accuracy
And a new armour, the Draco / Dracota armour which is dropped by the dragon, you'll be very lucky to be caught wearing this...

Current stats are :
6 Defence
3 Evade
And ThenThere Was More...
Ok, so they exist and that's done and dusted, but there's still more to be seen, let's keep going with glasses!

These can currently only be bought from newb island for 1.2k so i suppose you'd have to do some sorta transfer to get them, however, I'm sure in the future they will become available from another shop...they have no stats...
Also, you can now get the oak shield as a drop from the swamp temple, they aren't worth very much now, they are dropped by Flombies so go kill a couple of them and you'll get something...

Current information suggests stats of : 2 defence, 1 Con and 11hp...
Mole Farm
Just right of the goat farm is a new area including some farm patches, an inaccessable house and ofcourse, some moles.They don't drop and only give 1 exp, poor things...
Pig House
Not anything special to be honest, but the house in the pig farm is now accessible, it's empty except for some furniture that is sittable, a bit of fun to have a quiet chat in, but nothing else...Also, you may notice loads'a big books knocking about, they have no reason as of yet except for the stupid farmer and hamster just recently added.
Skyland Castle
This place is a little more interesting, there is more to do and see, and it has been inhabited by phoenixes for now, which is why everyone is there trying to get a fan or a bazzar staff.

Don't underestimate the size of this are,a it's much bigger than you think. There is a way to access the upper floors of the castle also, but I'm not quite sure on that just yet...
Here's a nice good update, the new monster Phoenix. It hangs about at the sky castle, respawning in several different locations, they have a rather high amount of hp, but they don't hit particularly high, also, when they attack they breath fire ^^. They can be killed and deposit a nice
175exp, and you may end up getting one of the following :
Gold (Little Amount)
Bazzar Staff
Fan (Very Rare)
Light Katana

And so Here are a couple of the rewards :
Bazzar Staff
The most common new item, they are dropped by the Phoenix or are currently sold from 30-45k , and they are worth getting. They give you :
6 wis
2 acc
3-3 damage
Which is rather nice to be perfectly hones,t but if your planning on buying the i would suggest you wait a week or two until the price is around 5-10k.

And thank you to
Meiresthai for a huge help on that information.
FanThe second of our new items, and what a lovely little thing it is,. they certainly are a rare drop and you'd be hard done to find someone selling one cheap. So, as before, i would wait until the price has lowered. there Stats are :
8 Charisma

That's it, more of a display weapon aye?
Facts: They Replace beetles everywhere in the game.
They Drop : Beetle Fangs And dragon masks.
Location : Nomad Desert, Vulture Island, Sand secret.
Facts : A Simple NPC in Atlantis, no meaning.
They Drop : Fish
Location : Atlantis
And so, they are all the creatures and such that have been uploaded so far, not much to write home about, but I'm sure we'll get more eventually.
So, here are some main features of the update:

There is a band now and some funky new music if you have background music on whilst you play, it is worth heading down there, they do nothing but play, however, you Can stand in the drummer and make rude remarks if you wish, from left to right:
Piano panda (On Piano)
Rock Daddy (Wise Man On Lead Guitar)
Rock Star (Both Wrestlers on base guitars)
Drummer (On the Drums)
The stats on fire arrows are 2-6 damage and 4 accuracy, and the stats for frost arrows are 2-2 damage and 4 accuracy.
Frost Arrow Ingredients10 Normal Arrows
32 Ice Gems
42 Ice Cubes
Fire Arrow Ingredients10 Normal Arrow
25 Fire Crystals
6 Dragon Claws
6 Dragon Wings
Well, As you may have noticed.. there's an EXTRA room in the HH that leads to a new quest.
You gotta kill all the major bosses then collect stuff.
I'll tell you this NOW.
Just let medusa get the first key. The door to there is glitched and basically anyone can walk in.
When you first walk in the map is basically a giant checkerboard filled with spikes. No to mention the wraiths have the same exp and DEf as dragons.
And If it wasnt enough, the room is a pk room. So anyone with a key can control who enters and who does not.
Also, the drops rates are similar to reaper, when it comes to scavs. And they usully drop around 1k in cash.
So, this is whats in it in nutshell,
-scav drop
-ancient wraiths that gang up on you
-and a spike filed room.
Also, Anyone below level 20 will be killed on entry.
Statues At Temple
This is genuinely just creepy, the admins have adde dliek a merman and beauty queen statue set to the king triddian temple...

So that's it, a huge collage of old posts have turned into a guide of of version 28, but be sure to go to endless times, as their guide is far more informative as far as items etc. goes, thanks, and yes, i had a nice holiday.