I know wickedfrost wants his revenge, but seriously, he's going about it all wrong. Letting hackers and speeders out of jail will not help save this community, nor punish vult. Arvid jailed all those people, and then vult let some free, but the majority of people in jail deserve it, they are speeders, hackers, scammers, and don't deserve freedom. I understand that wikky is hurt, hell, we all have our beef with how the admins treat us and this game, but seriously wikky, get a grip. I got many nasty complaints after posting a comment on hiss blog complaining about his current actions, and I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but i stand by my views, and i through this logic at anyone that supports this :
1. A hacker is jailed for hacking several account
2. Wikky helps release the hacker to get back at vult
3. The hacker is now loose and up to no good, but you are happy that wikky is doing something.
4. You logg on a couple days later and your account has been hacked by the released hacker, you now disagree with wikky.
Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean this won't happen.
A block is a peaceful way to get a message through to an admin, whereas releasing a spawn of evil, underhanded players upon the community because you're feeling angry about an admin, is not. This is ,most likely not get admin attention to do anything, he'll just fix it, maybe try to jail a couple players, and probably end up banning or jailing wikky when the glitch is fixed. I know wickedfrost is just trying to do good, but this is all wrong, this will only destroy the community and come back to bite you all in the arse, i seriously suggest the next time you see this message :
Please refrain from yelling ''GO WIKKY'' and heading down there to help, this will be fixed, and it can only destroy the community more than it is already. Question me, flame me if you will, i stand by my morals and decision. -Picto
I agree 100%. Letting out crimminals would be wrong. If it were up to me, i'd ban them forever for hacking and scaming. But i also sympathise with wikky too, something must be done, but adding fuel to the fire is NOT THE WAY TO GO ABOUT IT, IT'LL ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE U DUMBASS! wat i believe is that we should use some of these hacking agents and programs to strike back against those who violate the rules, such as speeders, hackers and scammers. I belive that a sectret police force should be created, for the good of EO, otherwise, if this slippery slope contiues, then we all might be in for some bad changes, like actuallly having to pay for the game, or worse, the game shuts down all together.
by the way picto,i saw that u were revolting the other day. i thought that was pretty cool^_^. If u decide to make a force to combat the evils of EO, then i'll glady join!
that has passed, i was threatend by the big man himself. Either way, atleats i was doing somehting un-harmful, if wikky cna't take the heta he should get out of the kitchen.
What heat? Yours...lol...
Vult-R? He doesn't even pay attention to EO anymore.
I welcome the heat...something...anything to make this retarded game interesting again...but if you're going to bring 'heat' Picto -- remember that I'm going to bring my own flamethrower to the party.
And if you must build your readership on my back at least don't sound like an asshat doing it. Thanks.
Wikkedfrost oh dear oh dear wot hav you become? i used 2 look up 2 u i used 2 think u were the best bt not anymore, u let u'r emotions get the better of u, u wud hav been a terrible light giude. Picto u rule =] u'll onli b gettin flamed by idiots now=] xxx
I must say, a hacker in jail for stealing accounts? He'd just sit and jail huh? Nah, he'd be stealing another account to play on still. Thats got to be the most HIGHLarious shit i've heard in awhile.
I agree with u too, getting the hackers and cheaters out is wrong, I know, as my friend's original account was hacked a few weeks ago, but he made a new account and still keeps playing...
What I think is, if the speeders and cheaters keep cheating and speeding, then the normal pple like us, won't ever stand a chance of getting drops at npcs like octo, ninja, apozen, dragon, etc...
Even if we train hard and lvl we would be no match for them...so, wikky, I used to admire u..but now I hate u -.- for ur actions.
I just have 1 problem with what you said Picto, and its the hacker example. Jailing a hacker doesn't stop him from hacking, he can still hack somebody from jail i.e. Keylogger,guessing password and so on. So a speeder would have been a better example. Now the wikky part , I do understand the reasons why wikky, but becoming rambo and putting your account at risk for people who may not in about 12 months remember it is not the right way to go about it. How aboout a boycott. Nothing will hurt vults more than to see his game empty. I mean he'd have to take notice of that. Wicked i don't think exploiting glitches is the right way to do this, there are perfectly legal ways to make vults feel the burn.
Picto picto picto. Its Wikky's actions.. I know letting the cheaters out of jail is stepping over the line, but Wikky did what he had to do.
i'm actually suprised with how many people have decided to side with em <3
It doesn't matter anymore if players help people jailed, get out.
Why? Because Vult-r is doing it himself.
Vult-r has showed that the jailed, will be out in a matter of days, with a pat on the back and no harm done. That's how Vult-r is running the game, Vult-r has made yet another big mistake in doing so.
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