It's true, arvid logged on yesterday and i asked whether he'd teleport me to near the wall (in maze) and he did. So i spent some time, talking with these guys, and with arvid, about this wall situation, and it all seems to be going well. And one thing i noticed is that most of the people are rightly accused, they are still genuinely good people, who should be treated same as everyone else, yes still they deserve punishment, but socially, they are no different from you or me.
perhaps this punishment is a little cruel, but if this si what is needed in order to keep the peace, then it is what happens, and there is nothing that can change.
Now, i love hanging around here, but unfortunately i get a lot of ''Picto get me out plx'', and unless i know you are wrongly accused, I'm not even going to try.
Anyway, i thought i may as well point some things out about the wall :
1) You can't scroll out, don't buy scrolls.
2) Don't plee to arvid for freedom, it won't work.
3) People claiming to be admins are not.
4) I'm not in a walk around jail, I'm just hanging about.
5) Don't ask me to release you
6) Don't kiss ass.
7) Being a snitch won't get you out.
8) Don't complain
9) I don't know how long you're walled for.
If you are walled, i suggest either making a new character, or just trying to enjoy your time , in guild chat, global, or with fellow walled, or with me =D, and don't beat yourself up about it.
Perhaps, this is a new golden age of endless, perhaps finally we're going to see some discipline, and 2008 i happen to know will bring some BIG discipline changes, but until then, arvid is a one man army, and it seems to be doing its job.
If you wanna come chill with me, head down to maze 32 in the castle maze, top right corner, i never leave, and i have a hoot, cheers.
Oh and hi to the following :
Good guys.
its true that cheaters must be punished, but some ppl have been acused with no reason, for example my cousin was banned for 45 mins and he dont even train, and dont use cheats, and one of my friends that is in my guild (SKY, we dont cheat),is in a wall in maze and she was acused by some guy that wanted the spot where she was training
"And one thing i noticed is that most of the people are rightly accused, they are still genuinely good people, who should be treated same as everyone else, yes still they deserve punishment, but socially, they are no different from you or me"
They're cheaters, they're quite happy to destroy someone elses fun in order to break the rules. They are socially different than other people in the game.
The fact that they are cheaters is a main difference, the fact that they don't care about the enjoyment of the game for others is also a big difference. The game is divided into 2 sides, Good players, and retards. ALL cheaters are in the latter.
They all have one goal in mind. And are happy to follow such a goal when they know it's 1. Harming the server, 2. Harming gameplay, 3, gaining an unfair advantage.
I don't apair in blogs to ofter but I agree and I speak for myself. I'm walled and I have come to relise that we do need to be punished for what we have done, and we need to learn to play without cheating, and also respect other members, Before I was walled I thought I was untouchable, but I was wrong. Since I been walled these are the stages you will go through
1. Saying you did nothing.
2. Crying to be let out.
3. Cursing at Admins mainly Arvid.
4. Finding all ways to get out.
5. Geting into pointless arguements
6. Soon learning to not beg when a Admin gets on.
7. Becoming good friends with some thats walled.
8. Relising that all of the above is not going to get you out so you start to mentally become stronger about you being walled.
This is not where you want to be, So plz stop Super Speeding, Speeding, hacking, ghosting, auto training and more.
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