Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Inb4 News




Truly, this has been the most boring, dried out week of endless online in history. Seriously, absolutely nothing has happened...

I mean come on, give me a new hack, or someone getting scammed, or a blockade, or, anything! Seriously every morning when i logg on i spend 5 minutes at my pc screen, 4:50 minutes waiting for it to load, and 10 seconds seeing that nothing has happened and logging off.

And it's not just me, all bloggers seem to be going through a dry spell, as with the forums, there just seems to be nothing happening for anyone to post about, and so people loose interest =P

I'll try to post more often but there's no need if there's nothing to post about, and you'll see this happening to a lot of bloggs (all except nez who always seems to have something to say) unless something comes along and spices things up, and quick...



Deadwil said...

i think i mite start blocking random places just 2 give people somethin 2 do. such as insult me=] bless them

Linkpt said...

pm me if u need help deadwil xD

Anonymous said...

Actually EO is very very boring...there's no point to play, nothing new, only cheaters around... Why level up, if there's a guy that is 20 leveles lower with speed that can kill the same in less time?... Why spend time is a game that isnt fun anymore?... Im not quiting at all, im only connecting from time to time to chat with my friends... Eo needs a change... maybe more updates, more moderation, dont know... just need a good change