Thursday, 6 December 2007


Not sure if ANY of you noticed, however, we've currently sauntered, rather unawareingly past the 40'000 hits line. Quite a worthy accomplishment if i do say so myslef. Troubled, however, as i haven't been posting lately, and thus have lost viewers, but there's just so little to talk about in endless online.

I'm still pulling out for a big hack, scamm or some sort of arena block that'll shake things up, until them, I'm sorta just wasting away my life on pro evo 08...

Gonna stick the crimbo tree up, may as well ''get in the mood''..
That's more than can be said for eo, they haven't even bothered with snow this year, so don't hold your breath for a Christmas event. This lack of attention clearly spells errors for eo, if they're forgetting to update for Christmas they can't be paying to much attention, I'm sure they all realise that it's December now. So either vult is too smashed to update or they really can't be bothered.

Regardless, nothing is happening, only one thing, and that is what wikky already covered.
People are selling accounts over Ebay now for R/L money, seriously, don't do it, if you want to go waste $350 on some pixels, and end up getting scammed anyway be my guest. But on that note, emphasis on the word R/L MONEY, this is the big time we're talking about, so don't by accounts, or cash, for r/l money, unless you're willing to loose alot...

No snow....Just like England i suppose....


Deadwil said...

Picto...its christmas on eo now=] come take a look

Anonymous said...

i like how that worked. you made the post and later on the same day we get snow funny how that works. so i guess the admins still care a lil thanx for getting us snow picto