Well, plus the old blog, some 145 posts later, I'm bowing out, I have and still do love writing on this blog, but there is no need for me to continue. Nothing happens on endless online any more and my popularity, after a failed attempt to publicise the blog, has hit an all time low, especially considering how long it has been since i posted.
I haven't been on endless online in some time either, I've moved on, i still knock about on the forums for a chat, and occasionally i logg on to see if anything has changed, or if any of my friends from these wonderful years have logged on, and apart from the new quest nothing else has.
So until i deem it either worthy or possible to reinvent this blog, i'm deeming this blog deefunct.
But I've had a great and enjoyable time writing on it, issuing guides about the new versions, letting people know about events and happenings, documenting my day to day activities whilst viewing the endless online world and community from my view point. And even though i can recall countless memories in which I've enjoyed endless online, such as the blue room, the Christmas event, the release of dragons at last, discovering new versions with friends, the addition of Atlantis and more, i have recently found myself lacking any interest in the humdrum activities that endless online revolve around, not that i don't enjoy the community, but lack of depth into characters, infrequent updates and moderation, and hacking have all pushed me away from this game.
It all began with the winter period, where someone i knew became very ill and attention became more devoted to that issue as oppose to blogging. Even though at the peak of Novemeber i was brining around about 200-300 hits a day and plenty of comments. And i stopped posting completely at one point, up until the new year which brought new interest, which quickly faded as i realised how little interest there was in my blog now.
Back when i started this blog, on freewebs, i didn't see many visits, however, after i decided to move to blogger, i was in a period of time, after the release of v27 where it was easy to gain attention and readers, within a week, this period had ended, but fortunately i had gained just enough people to keep my blog going so the word could spread, and soon become a well-known blog, which was once quoted by Wickedfrost as one of three of the ''Only blogs you need''. However, now without that special time, and with Nezlo's and Wikky's blogs posing so much competition, it is near IMPOSSIBLE to launch or relaunch a blog that remained dormant for such a long period of time.
And so, knowing that there is no chance of regaining my past glory days, and knowing that endless online may not have many more of them itself, I'm giving in. I'm going to strip the page of most elements, however, still feel free to browse the archives, although the freewebs archive is long since gone.
Maybe, one day I'll find interest again, maybe i'll find an urge, or a need to post, maybe there will be on of those, time periods again, in which i'll find my way back to this blog, and to you readers, but until then it is farewell, and thank you for reading.
Nick Moss
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Current Changes
I'm currently editing the layout of the website, which may take a while. I'm hoping to completely change the look and feel of the site buy building it via photoshop, to fireworks, to dreamweaver etc. As you can probably currently see there has already been some changes, and even though the site may look a little tacky at the moment you'll have to bare with me whilst i edit and upload the actual template, a preview of which can be seen here.
I Think you'll agree it looks better.
I Think you'll agree it looks better.
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Another boring day in boringville.
*Yawns*, nothing...nothing is happening, not a single thing. Eo's community has levelled out, speeders are still gallivanting about, Pk is owned by high levels, people are in the wall, just another same ol' same ol' day in endless online, unfortunately. All i can say is a little excitement for the forum users / people that visit the endless online website, plus, i suppose this could vult is paying attention, but apparently for the past few days and few days forthcoming vult has been working on a new layout and forum design for the website + forums. This is yet to be officially confirmed, but a lot of speculation, and hints for avamy, suggest that it is all too real. Ok, this may not be a new version or a transformation to a new server or anything, but hey, at least he's willing tog et off his ass and do something with this game. Read up about it here.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Well, i used to be on the forums of a little game project known as the forbidden gates, and with the link being in my nav bar, i decided to pay it a little visit. To find out they've released a very small, very very small, sort of demo client. Although the test version was due to be released on Halloween last year if i remember correctly. It's OK, nothing to do but walk, just 1 small room, no-one online usually, and it can be a little slow. But you're allowed to make an account, a couple of characters (with different hair, races and genders) and just chat. I suppose it'd be quite fun with several people online, but oh well, it's a start.

Check it out and join the forums at : http://forbiddengates.com/
Check it out and join the forums at : http://forbiddengates.com/
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Sorry, but the page colour and a couple other problems have recently occurred, and are screwing up at the moment, I'll get them sorted and have things back ship shape soon.
Monday, 18 February 2008
90th Post
Almost at the big 100, for blogger anyway, i made at least 50 posts on the old free webs site before anyway, but still. And, as usual, the forums are down, a quick visit to the site will greet you with a SERVICE UNAVAILABLE message on a blank page, looks as though it's all really hitting the fan, since vult has made no move to straighten this out or let us know what's going on, but oh well. We'll have to wait until things are up and running again, until then there doesn't seem to be any news to report, certainly not about endless online, however, all of you valiant readers since early 2007 will remember that my birthday is now within 8 days. I don't do anything spectacular, but it's always a nice feeling when you've lived another year longer, February 26th is the big day, get it in your planners.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
ITT: D0\^/NT1M3
Forums came back up earlier this week, after that little incident, however, they went back down again yesterday, now you can get on cut they're running really slowly.
Not much to mention in terms of endless online however, it's pretty much rolling the same as it has for a while now, and there really isn't much to report.
In light of this, I'm still not receiving as many hits as i once hoped, but this is life, and I'll still try to advertise if possible. However, that is more than can be said for endless online, whom except for the occasional (and rather frustrating) forum downtime is remaining, well, boring, overall. Nothing seems to be sparking interest nowadays, and the great year we had once hoped would shake endless online back up again, is still trying to get started, and we're what? 1 and 1/2 months in? So perhaps this year won't all be about excitement, or new versions. Having said that there hasn't been a new version for some 6 months now, and there weren't any events over the holidays or anything, it so seems as though the attention is slowly dying, but this is just how it goes i suppose, ah well.
Not much to mention in terms of endless online however, it's pretty much rolling the same as it has for a while now, and there really isn't much to report.
In light of this, I'm still not receiving as many hits as i once hoped, but this is life, and I'll still try to advertise if possible. However, that is more than can be said for endless online, whom except for the occasional (and rather frustrating) forum downtime is remaining, well, boring, overall. Nothing seems to be sparking interest nowadays, and the great year we had once hoped would shake endless online back up again, is still trying to get started, and we're what? 1 and 1/2 months in? So perhaps this year won't all be about excitement, or new versions. Having said that there hasn't been a new version for some 6 months now, and there weren't any events over the holidays or anything, it so seems as though the attention is slowly dying, but this is just how it goes i suppose, ah well.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Forums are currently down, don't know why, probably just a server problem or something, otherwise i wouldn't worry too much, i should imagine they'll be back up, probably by the time you've read this.
In other news, there really isn't any, except for (as you may already know) , avamy got scammed for some $550, after attempting to sell money over pay pal. I know she's trustworthy, but you should never buy or sell any eo gold, or any other game's money, over pay pal. Looks like avamy is taking this one to the cleaners, full story here.
In other news, there really isn't any, except for (as you may already know) , avamy got scammed for some $550, after attempting to sell money over pay pal. I know she's trustworthy, but you should never buy or sell any eo gold, or any other game's money, over pay pal. Looks like avamy is taking this one to the cleaners, full story here.
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Speeders - The Official Thread
Very good thread, lots of trustworthy information and I'm backing it 100%, it's about time we help out endless online.
Check It out.
Very good thread, lots of trustworthy information and I'm backing it 100%, it's about time we help out endless online.
Check It out.
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
It came from outer space...
Well i try to keep my blog well balanced between endless online, and real life happenings, and when i saw this on the tv earlier i knew it was worth blogging about. Look at the left side of this picture...

Can't see it? Here's a close up...

Yes that's right, you, like millions of other people, are probably wondering what that strange figure is, well, some people entertain the idea that it is a actual living creature, working around on the landscape of mars, whereas other people seem to draw that conclusions that it is probably just some ol' rocks and shadow, creating a nice illusion, what do you see, you decide...
In endless online related new,s there is nothing much to report, ever since these brief quotes form Rexor and Teror were published, although, quite an interesting things is that little race between Old favourite Number 1 Medusa and newcomer Marlina, who has caught up to Medusa's level INSANELY fast.
Lvl: 81
EXP: 73,219,784
Lvl: 81
EXP: 73,338,120
Considering what a head start Medusa got that's pretty good from Marlina, she obviously has no life, so kudos to her.

Can't see it? Here's a close up...

Yes that's right, you, like millions of other people, are probably wondering what that strange figure is, well, some people entertain the idea that it is a actual living creature, working around on the landscape of mars, whereas other people seem to draw that conclusions that it is probably just some ol' rocks and shadow, creating a nice illusion, what do you see, you decide...
In endless online related new,s there is nothing much to report, ever since these brief quotes form Rexor and Teror were published, although, quite an interesting things is that little race between Old favourite Number 1 Medusa and newcomer Marlina, who has caught up to Medusa's level INSANELY fast.
Lvl: 81
EXP: 73,219,784
Lvl: 81
EXP: 73,338,120
Considering what a head start Medusa got that's pretty good from Marlina, she obviously has no life, so kudos to her.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
It's the topic of the day,and so far, the year. Some ''Statements'' have been issued by teror and rexor about adminship, development and light guides. Now i am not the sort of person to plagiarise, so I'll point you in the direction of Nezlo and avamy's blogs, where it all kicked off :
Good sources, so perhaps the future is bright for endless online?
Good sources, so perhaps the future is bright for endless online?
Thursday, 17 January 2008
A couple of things to report, basically, teror logged on for some unknown reason a couple miunutes ago, i think he's still online, but i'm not sure, regardless, he's done nothing major, actually, i don't evne know where he is, proof, as if i ever needed it :

In any other news, I've also swore myself to continue the screen shot catalogue on the endless online forums, which can be found, here. Depending on continued popularity i may add it to the links section.
And finally, I'd recommend you check out EO Wikki, a nice idea that can work if nurtured properly, but that's just it, it'll need plenty of exposure in order to work. Find it, here.
Oh, and one final comment, please don't let the chat box discourage you from making comments...
In any other news, I've also swore myself to continue the screen shot catalogue on the endless online forums, which can be found, here. Depending on continued popularity i may add it to the links section.
And finally, I'd recommend you check out EO Wikki, a nice idea that can work if nurtured properly, but that's just it, it'll need plenty of exposure in order to work. Find it, here.
Oh, and one final comment, please don't let the chat box discourage you from making comments...
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Keegan Has It!
I've been keeping up with the news obviously over the past few days, of the Newcastle manager role, ever since Sam Allardyce was sacked. And I've been keeping up with the odds as well, and just as i sat down and named this new post ''next Newcastle manager...?'' i heard the voice of the sky sports news presenter coming from the room next to me, and he announced that Kevin keegan, the man that made Newcastle United the team it is, has been appointed as Newcastle manager just now, whilst i write this I've changed the title and have turned the sound up so i can hear it form the other room. The odds have been fluctuating over the past few days, but just as it looked as though the Frenchman Dider Deschamps, keegan is the new/old man to lead Newcastle forward!
In endless onlien related news, the downtime has finished and you can log on freely, and no, nothing has changed, more good news later hopefully!
In endless onlien related news, the downtime has finished and you can log on freely, and no, nothing has changed, more good news later hopefully!
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
It's Currently....
6:33pm , Here in England, and the server is down. Don't know how long it'll be, but Vult-R has posted in the announcement section on the forum here. Something electrical apparently, nice to see the admins noticing however, still, could be a while depending. We'll Just Have To wait.
6:33pm , Here in England, and the server is down. Don't know how long it'll be, but Vult-R has posted in the announcement section on the forum here. Something electrical apparently, nice to see the admins noticing however, still, could be a while depending. We'll Just Have To wait.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Welcome Back...
Well, sorry for the downtime, but I've finished all the changes and updates (finally), including changing the address as you probably know if you found your way here; we're now based at www.thepicblog.blogspot.com just in case someone forgot, I'll keep that other page up at www.pictokingblog.blogspot.com for a while though so people can find their way if they don't know.
Anyway, after some long, annoying sessions in front of the PC screen, I've finally got the site done, and in pursuit of gradually making the blog look more professional (ever since I've moved to blogger) , i think I'm almost, if not, am, there.
I've changed the colour again , I've added a chat box on the side, a clock (GMT) and a news feed at the bottom. Only one post per page now, changed that little bar at the top, changed the logo (and at one point the name, supreme kudos to anyone that can guess what it changed too also ;) ), I've changed the favicon (little image next to the name in the tab).
The Picto Blog now no longer has a hyphen in between, changed the contact me link, the links picture and I've cleared and added some links. Removed the picture for the blog archive. Changed the text and title colour. Changed the blacklist image and finally (*takes deep inhale*), I've altered the copyright name to Picto.
And That's just about it, expect some more new posts in the new year, and hopefully some great thing to blog about and a great year ahead, thank you.
Anyway, after some long, annoying sessions in front of the PC screen, I've finally got the site done, and in pursuit of gradually making the blog look more professional (ever since I've moved to blogger) , i think I'm almost, if not, am, there.
I've changed the colour again , I've added a chat box on the side, a clock (GMT) and a news feed at the bottom. Only one post per page now, changed that little bar at the top, changed the logo (and at one point the name, supreme kudos to anyone that can guess what it changed too also ;) ), I've changed the favicon (little image next to the name in the tab).
The Picto Blog now no longer has a hyphen in between, changed the contact me link, the links picture and I've cleared and added some links. Removed the picture for the blog archive. Changed the text and title colour. Changed the blacklist image and finally (*takes deep inhale*), I've altered the copyright name to Picto.
And That's just about it, expect some more new posts in the new year, and hopefully some great thing to blog about and a great year ahead, thank you.
Friday, 11 January 2008
80 Posts
We're still only getting 20-40 hits er day which isn't really that good, i wouldn't mind if it coul;d reach it's former glory soon, considering wikky barely posted over the holidays and he still got 800+ hit a day.
Regardless, I've been making a few, minor changes to the blog, alot of them are behind the blog though, encrypting, backing up, web space, storage etc. Still, I'll make sure i get in some proper changes soon, and no, contrary to what i said last time, i probably won't change the blog name, i just felt like sprucing things up a bit and that seemed a bit drastic yet doable, anyway, i won't so nothing to worry about.
Nice to see people reading and commenting especially, thank you to you lot. So, i suppose it#s just back on with the usual, I've managed to get back into DOV, my guild, but i can't make myself the leader (an alt is currently leader), so i suppose I'll get on my laptop later and on my computer and do it that way, just trying to get my hands on some items in game at the moment, but i'm currently happy with what I've got, just waiting for baru to go lore ;).
Regardless, I've been making a few, minor changes to the blog, alot of them are behind the blog though, encrypting, backing up, web space, storage etc. Still, I'll make sure i get in some proper changes soon, and no, contrary to what i said last time, i probably won't change the blog name, i just felt like sprucing things up a bit and that seemed a bit drastic yet doable, anyway, i won't so nothing to worry about.
Nice to see people reading and commenting especially, thank you to you lot. So, i suppose it#s just back on with the usual, I've managed to get back into DOV, my guild, but i can't make myself the leader (an alt is currently leader), so i suppose I'll get on my laptop later and on my computer and do it that way, just trying to get my hands on some items in game at the moment, but i'm currently happy with what I've got, just waiting for baru to go lore ;).
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
We got about 60 hits yesterday, and finally a comment which i haven't in ages, so it's nice to see that it's slowly become general knowledge that I'm posting again. Anyway, I'm going to be making some changes, including :
-Changed ContactPicto. To ''ContactMe''
-Removing Headlines Section, may replace with some sort of feedburner.
-Change Number of Posts Per Page.
-Change Text Under PICTO-BLOG at the top.
-May Change Colour.
-May even change the name, Maybe...
That's it for now, all other changes won't be noticeable, plus I'll be clearing out some of the links in that link drop-down, because some are defunk or out of date.
Thanks for the patience and for visiting.
-Changed ContactPicto. To ''ContactMe''
-Removing Headlines Section, may replace with some sort of feedburner.
-Change Number of Posts Per Page.
-Change Text Under PICTO-BLOG at the top.
-May Change Colour.
-May even change the name, Maybe...
That's it for now, all other changes won't be noticeable, plus I'll be clearing out some of the links in that link drop-down, because some are defunk or out of date.
Thanks for the patience and for visiting.
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Word Of Mouth
Seems as though a few more people are noticing again, we got bout 40 hits yesterday as oppose to the usual 10-20 that i have been having, so thank you to anyone that's been letting others know I'm posting again, and thank you to those of you that have stuck with us and still remain reading even though i posted once every fortnight, for which i am sorry by the way.
It's still difficult to get us out there anyway, much like starting a new blog, but this one at least had a bit of a reputation before, but thankfully my link + latest post is still on that thing on wikky's site so people can see I've posted and check it out, so thanks to wickedfrost for that, and thank you to however has been letting people know of the reposting.
I'm gonna go on eo and let global know now, thanks.
It's still difficult to get us out there anyway, much like starting a new blog, but this one at least had a bit of a reputation before, but thankfully my link + latest post is still on that thing on wikky's site so people can see I've posted and check it out, so thanks to wickedfrost for that, and thank you to however has been letting people know of the reposting.
I'm gonna go on eo and let global know now, thanks.
Monday, 7 January 2008
20 Hits + Clean Sweep
Yesterday we got 20 hits in total, as oppose to the 200 hits i used to get. Know i can understand considering i haven't posted in a while, so i'm going to try my best effort to get the blog back out there again, I'll drop some hints on the forums (Much to the hatred of the other forumers) and advertise on global (if i don't get DCed), because i really want this blog to be getting 200+ hits again like it used to.
Anyway, a couple changes :
- I've removed the Adsense, i couldn't be bothered any longer.
- Got rid of that silly start up page.
- Moved all the links etc. back onto the side of this page again like normal.
-Blacklist Cleansweep
Just minor things.Bar that last one. I Have completely swiped the blacklist of all submitted names, and all names given now require evidence really, or some sort of back up, to prevent what may of happened last time where names were on there that shouldn't of been, and for that i am sorry. So if you have any names to submit please remember, evidence, or a couple of back ups, thanks.
But anyway, as i said before, i'll try and get people's attention again, but if you do still visit, be sure to tell your mates when they're online to check us out.
Anyway, a couple changes :
- I've removed the Adsense, i couldn't be bothered any longer.
- Got rid of that silly start up page.
- Moved all the links etc. back onto the side of this page again like normal.
-Blacklist Cleansweep
Just minor things.Bar that last one. I Have completely swiped the blacklist of all submitted names, and all names given now require evidence really, or some sort of back up, to prevent what may of happened last time where names were on there that shouldn't of been, and for that i am sorry. So if you have any names to submit please remember, evidence, or a couple of back ups, thanks.
But anyway, as i said before, i'll try and get people's attention again, but if you do still visit, be sure to tell your mates when they're online to check us out.
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Dull blog was / is dull
Nice little quote that is ^ . Maybe I'll start taking random quotes and making them post titles more often, ah well.
The new year sucks, to kick it off i stubbed my damn toe. Logged on to eo and no-one was selling orons in the bank, got bored and checked global, very frustrating. Forum account got hacked on another forum (not eo), wasn't particularly helpful.
Bar that it's been a half decent new year, looking forward to seeing what surprises and events this year will chuck up.
I suppose one good thing is that I've just bought a new mouse pad with all that jello in, pretty good, wrist feels fine at the moment.
Regardless i just wanted to let you all know that the screen shot catalogue will be in working order once again, so cheers for the patience of whoever posts on those, I'll check it and update every now and then, link is here. Still gotta make some changes however, so hold on.
Thanks for reading, enjoy the new year.
The new year sucks, to kick it off i stubbed my damn toe. Logged on to eo and no-one was selling orons in the bank, got bored and checked global, very frustrating. Forum account got hacked on another forum (not eo), wasn't particularly helpful.
Bar that it's been a half decent new year, looking forward to seeing what surprises and events this year will chuck up.
I suppose one good thing is that I've just bought a new mouse pad with all that jello in, pretty good, wrist feels fine at the moment.
Regardless i just wanted to let you all know that the screen shot catalogue will be in working order once again, so cheers for the patience of whoever posts on those, I'll check it and update every now and then, link is here. Still gotta make some changes however, so hold on.
Thanks for reading, enjoy the new year.
Friday, 4 January 2008
Sorry, haven't posted in AGES.
There's been nothing to talk about, and on top of that it's been a very busy time of year, not only for me but everyone.
When the new year really gets going I'll be sure to update more frequently, of course 8 days ago (the 26th i think?) was the one ear birthday of the blog, so happy last week birthday and what have you.
I don't get nearly as many readers now, and i have only myself to blame considering, i haven't been posting so it's only natural to assume that people would loose interest.
On top of that i haven't logged into endless online in quite a while, due to there being absolutely nothing to do or talk about at the moment, however i may logg on later and try bag myself an oron now the prices have dropped.
Oh also, I'd give a link to a previous post about barus and them being discontinued for good some time around summer, but i can't be bothered, however i have to say i told you so, there was no event, and so baru's rarity becomes increasingly higher. So i would recommend buying before they sky-rocket in price and in turn may even go lore, just a word of advise, as i already have mine.
There may be some minor changes happening to the blog very soon, so stay tuned for those.
Happy new year, and please come back often, I'll post a bit more soon, cheers.
When the new year really gets going I'll be sure to update more frequently, of course 8 days ago (the 26th i think?) was the one ear birthday of the blog, so happy last week birthday and what have you.
I don't get nearly as many readers now, and i have only myself to blame considering, i haven't been posting so it's only natural to assume that people would loose interest.
On top of that i haven't logged into endless online in quite a while, due to there being absolutely nothing to do or talk about at the moment, however i may logg on later and try bag myself an oron now the prices have dropped.
Oh also, I'd give a link to a previous post about barus and them being discontinued for good some time around summer, but i can't be bothered, however i have to say i told you so, there was no event, and so baru's rarity becomes increasingly higher. So i would recommend buying before they sky-rocket in price and in turn may even go lore, just a word of advise, as i already have mine.
There may be some minor changes happening to the blog very soon, so stay tuned for those.
Happy new year, and please come back often, I'll post a bit more soon, cheers.
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