Friday, 4 January 2008

Sorry, haven't posted in AGES.

There's been nothing to talk about, and on top of that it's been a very busy time of year, not only for me but everyone.
When the new year really gets going I'll be sure to update more frequently, of course 8 days ago (the 26th i think?) was the one ear birthday of the blog, so happy last week birthday and what have you.
I don't get nearly as many readers now, and i have only myself to blame considering, i haven't been posting so it's only natural to assume that people would loose interest.
On top of that i haven't logged into endless online in quite a while, due to there being absolutely nothing to do or talk about at the moment, however i may logg on later and try bag myself an oron now the prices have dropped.

Oh also, I'd give a link to a previous post about barus and them being discontinued for good some time around summer, but i can't be bothered, however i have to say i told you so, there was no event, and so baru's rarity becomes increasingly higher. So i would recommend buying before they sky-rocket in price and in turn may even go lore, just a word of advise, as i already have mine.

There may be some minor changes happening to the blog very soon, so stay tuned for those.

Happy new year, and please come back often, I'll post a bit more soon, cheers.

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