Yeh i just thought 120 posts was pretty cool, anyway welcome to the MEGAPOST. As you should already know i'm heading off for a bit, nothing "vacation" like , just a trip to Berlin, i leave at 2am GMT tonight =0 so yeh no sleep for me and i'll be gone until hmmm, sunday morning perhaps? So it'll just be you lot by yourselves until then, so i thought i'd give you a megapost to keep you guys occupied for a while, so lets get going!
First things first, head over to the eo forums and sign up if you want to stay on top of the latest news, and also to check out the craziness which is currently taking place on there, i mean seriously, yungstunna has returned and "waged war" on the forums, ressurecting old threads and spamming continuosly, i'm not in on the facts totally so i'm not sure if it's someone different on the account, but it's caused a bit of much-needed mayhem to keep us interested, bare in mind the strong langauge and if rob fox gets his way crude images but other than that the forums are good for a laugh so yeah check it out.
Next, to make sure you're in on the know-how then keep up to date on Nezlo's and Wikky's blog, not to mention the other great links in my links drop down on the right which also includes an email thingy in case you want to get in touch.
Next, i've added a subscribe button, so basically if you want to be kept up to date on the blog then just click the RSS button on the right and at the top of the loaded page just click the subscribe button and bam you're hooked up without any registration or anything, however if you feel like a more personal touch hook me up and become a follower of the picto-blog on blogger, not that there will be much to follow until sunday.
Ok, next thing, if you wnat to check out any of the servers i've been talking about recently then here are you're IPs and respective servers, i'm certain you know how to alter IPs, if not just ask or go searching on other blogs and you'll find out soon enough...
EO Oracle (Ducci's Server) : + PORT 8079
Rena's Server :
Project Atlas (DF's Server (in development)) : Read about it here , looking really good.
So yeh knock yourselves out if you feel like a change of pace...
Awesome training up next, if you're gonna stay on your real server account then fair played help yourself to a cookie, and if you're looking for decent training then here's my suggestions...
- Desert - Not the whole place but that select area (a massive square) where there a gnomes and rock golemns, seriously this is awesome training for any level but especially those under ten, i mean it's practically always empty and you've got you're big hitters for exp with the golemns, and continuos and decent exp from easy-to-kill gnomes, check it out.
- Biters + Reapers Room (Room 2) - Not sure how to get there? Well check my massive update guide which is still getting hits here. A higher level for this and preferably a bow of some sort but still amazing stuff, biters are easy to kill if you get them early enough, they give decent exp, you don't have to move because of the constant spawns, the reapers are your big exps with some great drops, worth a looky but BRING POTS.
- Yeti (1st Spawn) - This is slightly slower granted, but just as rewarding/ The yeti's come in pairs and fairly frequently compared to other bosses, plus you've got penguins to keep you filled up until the spawns happen. The place is practically empty half the time and you have a good chance of bagging yourself a valueable ketova for restoring some of your pot money.
- Apozen Overlord Room - Not when it's pakced but when it's empty, honestly. When there's no-one there grab yourself a bow again and get going, since the spiders are passive until you attack apozen just stay clear of him and get a good distance form the spiders with your bow and pump them full of arrows. 4-5 should bring one down depending on level and it's 92exp in the bag, the spawns never stop so you've got plenty to attack just make sure you don't get into a close fight as they deal tough damage.
Ok, some more fun stuff now and a while ago i told you about that tower defence game Onslaught, well i hope some of you played it and here's another great game which is slighty easier and but just as enjoyable and a bit more deep called Vector TD check it out for some good strong fun.
Ok, and another game you should try and get hooked on (i know i did) called super crazy guitar maniac deluxe 2 or something crazy like that. Basically it's a stripped down guitar hero playable with the arrow keys and A,S and D, it sounds simple but it becomes a challenge later on has some decent choons for you to beat along to, go have a good go at it here, awesome for a browser based game.
Feel in the mood for a good laugh? I'm sure you've seen it all before but please head over to Chuck Norris Facts and check out some absolutely hilarious (at times) made up facts, some of them had me in stiches, some just made me... worry? They really are good and worth a good look over so head here to enjoy them and look out for Vin Diesel and Mr.T facts aswell.
In the mood for someting funny but your eyes are tired? Well listen to what will be tieing me over on my trip, the ricky gervais show, this collection of podcasts is absolutely classic, with Ricky Gervais, Steven Merchant, and the idiot genius that is Karl Pilkington, some of the shows have has me literally rolling in laughter and i'd suggest them to absolutely anyone to atleast give them a try becuase they're really that funny, you can probably torrent / download for free somewhere, but they're also avaliable on itunes and some for free (1st season?), visit the official website here.
Feel like a change in style? Then visit ZeroPunctuation and watch his library of hilarious game reviews, it's such a unique style but really effective and contains the sort of humour you don't get until a second after it's passed,they're only about 4-5 minutes long but it's still interesting and worth a good laugh sometimes, check out the massive library here.
I've been watching Danny recently, this amazing guitar hero "phenom" on youtube who has full combo'd (100%) pretty much every tough song, including through the fire and flames on expert, perhaps not everyone will appreciate this, but seriously check it out to be amazed for guitar hero fans and non-fans alike (the videos show his hands playing it aswell!). Link to TTFAF here and then sub links follow to other videos.
It sounds weird but i've been listening to loads of Metallica recenty, yeh, just thought i'd mention it ;D.
Hey it's april fools (well it may not be anymore depends when you're reading), i contemplated an april fools joke to play but i couldn't be bothered / that cruel so i just left it for you lot to come up with your own, enjoy.
I've been doing a lot of drawing for things recently, lots of landscapes and i can tell you i'm sick of seeing trees, so if anyone's got some artwork they'd like to share just post it in a comment (link or whatever) and i'll give it a look over and maybe post it.
Well that's it, i'll see you on sunday and until the enjoy yourselves! Thanks.
WOW lol! When you say "Mega" you really mean it.
lol. i was supposed to be getting my wife a nurse but i got hooked on that damn guitar game
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