It seems to me at the moment that endless is sepereate into 2 classes of people, and no i don't mean actual 'classes' i mean there are some which go for the whole "training and kickass armour" routine and some who just laze about doing nothing, this is the war of the stat whores vs the casuals.
These guys can get really annoying. Granted i spend a lot of my time being a stat whore myself, especially when new things are released or there are new things to see due to a level up i'm all over getting the best stuff and leveling up like mad, but the bitter fact is if you're a stat whore you need to be higher than lvl 10 which i am not, infact you need to be higher than 20, or 30 or whatever. At the end of the day you're determined as a stat whore not always by how you dress (we're not that prejudice) but by the way you act, are you constantly training, or getting the most powerful weapons, or would you care if you KSed some and got a big drop? Or lead monsters to someone else in order to wipe them out so you could have all the training? You do? Well then you may just be a stat whore, and these guys go around like big moneyn kicking ass and taking names, usually in the PK zone making it inaccessible to the rest of the world and its this arrogant behaviour which whilst deserved due to their commitment annoys people like us that just enjoy playing the game.
These guys flood the streets, often sitting down, and will also cheese off a lot of people. Again i'm gonna through my hat in and say i do spend a lot of my time being an EO Casual seeing as i'm a reporter and there's a lot more talk and a lot less do but i don't approach it in the same style. Do you laze aroud aeven or stronghold or anywhere else all day just chatting? Do you not ever level up? Would you miss you name more than your items or levels if you got hacked? Well welcome to the casual club, and unfortuneately it's getting bigger. With less updates and less chance of competing for the big prizes, the amount of casuals in the game has risen to the point where they're practically everywhere 'just chatting' while the rest of us are either trying to play the game or stat fest our way to the top, but themz the breakz.
I can't really call between these 2 seeing as they both have their annoyances, overall though i'd go as far as saying that perhaps stat whores are better because they're out of our way and atleast they're playing the game, but you can't argue with their dominace of practicaly everythign training related and that's iriitating, and as for casuals, need i say more? So i'm not gonna opt for either side i'll let you decide whose the most irritating, take your pick they're both poison.
Most stats whoars are speeders or autoers.
That's EO for ya,
you don't need to put
-Dak after you post, we can all see your name.
eo main server is offline :(
I'm a stat-whore and a casual because I like both, but one thing I am not is cheater, speeder or auto-er.
While on yesterday, I passed by 3 autoers each time on the way to the new Biter room and they stand there whacking with a lens for hours and hours in the original biter room protected by crates. Each time I pass, I report but nothing is done.
I work for my stats and proud of it and personally don't care if people think I'm rude because I like to level! I am a stat whore! Get used to it but I'm not going to speed my way up.
By the way, the EO server was down yesterday because I 'heard' some girl snafu'd a turtle from the Artist chest and someone whined to Vult-R and well, he brought it offline and rolled it back. I only lost 10k exp b/c I was chatting with friends for the last couple hours so no big loss.
Not sure why Vult even cared to rollback. Seems odd that he jumps on in seconds, to roll back a game for an hour and no explanation why other than rumor.
Dead - any ideas? You seem to be the one in the 'know'?
Casuals > Stat Whores.
<--- stat whore, til the end. :)
no speed, no auto....just training my ass off
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