Anyway, also going on this week was the official best party of the month, hosted entirely by JFKROWLING he rounded up some guests and got the party rocking, there was music, drinks, events and fun! And of course, a nice race at the end to finish it all off, i volunteered to come and join the party and record some of it for this week's 'Picto-Tv', which is a new thing that i will be posting every week, including interviews and tricks of the trade etc. Anyway, as soon as i arrived everyone greeted me and was amazed that i had a link running to a global network website that runs automatic stream straight on to the server, and this certainly got the party bumping...
And After The Race Track beheld a great race with some great prizes...
With This addition i will now add a small link section featuring all the Picto-Tv Episodes that will feature throughout the weeks, months, years, and so, the picto-blog is slowly getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger... You may also notice the fact that i have added a small 'Hot To' for endless radio, everyone should listen to it, seriously..
So thanks To JfkRowling! And To Badboyerk for both providing us with some awesome fun and tunes! -Picto
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