By The Way, Here's The Download Again :
Download Here
Then once installed, changed the IP adress in configuration to TEST.ENDLESS-ONLINE.COM
OK, Firstly, i want to answer the question that everyone has been asking, where the hell is everything, well here's your answer, it is no-where. OK? V28A is simply a resource updates, meaning they Can install some large and minor updates to do with gfx, location or statistical upgrades, nothing which features newer advanced weapons, armours or spells. V28A (V28TEST) Is simply a basis for vult-r to put all the version 28 items and upgrades on to, in what is most likely going to be v28B or v28MAIN. Now, either he did this because the upload was far too big to include everything, he was required to do this so he Can later install the further updates with problems, or he released an unfinished version to shut up people who were demanding or complaining about endless online. I repeat, v28A will not contain any new items or features, only new locations, and some minor updates, please realise this before you begin reading, and before you see the ''Future Updates'' Section near the bottom of the post.
OK Then, firstly, here are some myths and facts about v28A :
Myths (Not Real):
- Sharks Drop Baru
- Fire Or Ice arrows are available from ****
- Omg! Chef Hats are sold here ****
- Seamen are somewhere in Atlantis currently
- There are now 2 Apozens.
- Skin Event coming very soon!
- All items being updated tomorrow / today!
- Olawl, crowns are 600k!
- Oblons and rapiers are no longer discontinued.
- I just got a turtle / panda / devil!
- Wow! All the prices have gone up! Xbow is now 1mil, hero is now...
- In The intro (Layered technologies) and the start screen, the 'v27' and '00.27' have not been updated, but it is still v28.
- V28A will be released soon, but not within the next week at least.
- V28A is currently only available on test, sorry.
- In Atlantis you do loose health, but you do not die.
Facts: They Replace beetles everywhere in the game.
They Drop : Beetle Fangs (?) And dragon masks.
Exp Given : 8
Location : Nomad Desert, Vulture Island, Sand secret.

Facts : A Simple NPC in Atlantis, no meaning.
They Drop : None
Exp Given : None
Location : None
And so, they are all the creatures and such that have been uploaded so far, not much to write home about, but I'm sure we'll get more eventually.
So, here are some main features of the update:
There is a band now and some funky new music if you have background music on whilst you play, it is worth heading down there, they do nothing but play, however, you Can stand in the drummer and make rude remarks if you wish, from left to right:
Piano panda (On Piano)
Rock Daddy (Wise Man On Lead Guitar)
Rock Star (Both Wrestlers on base guitars)
Drummer (On the Drums)
And that's just about it, they do nothing but play play play, personally, i miss the disco xD.
Endless Boulevard:
To be honest, not much has changed, but i must admit, it look a lot neater than it did before, and i personally like it.
Sorry if it's a bit small but it's the best i could do xD.
Swamp Temple:
Well here's something very new, a new area and a nice new building, which will hopefully home some secrets as the updates are revealed.
Not much there as i previously said, but, mind the many traps, and I'm sure that by the time another version comes out, there will be plenty of inhabitants, or perhaps some quests?
This is the big almighty update, and i must say, it does meet people's expectations to some degree, although I'm sure people, like me would've preferred a bit more...
There really isn't much there besides some fish and some rather odd building, one of which includes some chairs, so yes, i suppose the is the same as the temple, it will receive some friends as the versions continue, and personally, I'm hoping it gets as much as its full potential Can handle, this sorta location comes once in a few games, and deserves to be rewarded.
There are currently 3 building there, all 3 stop damage, except for one where the upstairs still hurts you, but don't worry, you can't die underwater. And you'll receive different damage depending on level and amount of total hp, so someone with a total hp of 190 will be hit by 15s+, where as a lvl 3 with 60 hp will only be hit by 5s.
Stat Changes:
Here's the round up of the few changes to stats of weapons and armour:
Arrows : Now add 1 accuracy and no strength.
That's it for now, but stay tuned for future stat changes.
Other minor changes include the top bar ; where the HP bar has now become several pink hearts, the tp bar has now become some blue stripes instead, sp bar (how long you can hit) no has a new stupid logo, and the tnl bar is now made up of stars, with another new logo, which is a star.
- In Aeven grocery, there is now 2 entrances to the basement to stop shop bob clogging.
- Hp Bar Has Been Altered Slightly :
- Now on A Map, chests and seats etc. are indicated by a blue exclamation :
- Paths have been added to several locations, including one leading to the disco.
- Endless boulevard now has a rather stylish map at last ^^.
- The colours and maps have all been touched up slightly and neatly .
Here are the answer to some of the questions asked to me by the great asking endless public.
Terralee - which cave is death cave i forgot?
Answer - It is the one with the reaper re spawn in terralee.
Honde - Where do you get the new things, i really want them!
Answer - Well I'm sorry, but they just haven't been released yet, you'll have to wait a while for the upgrade.
Zapmagnet - Will new items come later?
Answer - I'm almost certain they will.
Legacylegend - Why release just maps and no actual stuff?
Answer - Because as i already said, this is just a resource update and not really an overall brand new version, this version is more like the foundation.
Legacylegend - where is the new swamp temple area?
Answer - Check My above video or even Df's guide on the endless online forums.
Zapmagnet - What about fire / ice arrows?
Answer - The Just simply haven't been released yet, don't believe idiots that say they have them or know where they are.
Zapmagnet - Was vult on yesterday?
Indeed he was, mainly to reboot the server.
Equinox - Are you going to get the new stats yet?
Answer - Probably not sorry, it is impossible to predict the stats without some sort of lead or hint.
Zapmagnet - when is there going to be a drop or skin event?
Answer - There probably won't end up being one, there is not need to have one, but you never know.
Legacylegend - What are the ingredients for the new items?
Answer - How do you know they're going to be crafted? I'm sorry but i have no idea.
Zapmagnet - Finally, how old is vult?
Answer - Lal, what?!
OK, Items, now, as of yet no new items have been released, but, here is what is expected of version 28:
And I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to wickedfrost for that picture. Now don't go looking for this stuff now, you'll have to wait until it is properly announced and released by the endless online items. As far as names and pictures go, I'm fairly sure they're all correct.
DF - For helping me massively with this Guide
Test Server Community - For once again, helping me with this guide and giving me leads ;)
Wickedfrost - The Items Picture
The endless online admins - For releasing v28 (You sure shut me up)
The Askers - For giving me questions to answer.
So Thank you all for reading, i can see that moving the blog to was definitely the right move, and now with this post done, i cna finally move on to getting this place looking even better than it ever has, so i hope you enjoy v28A and find this guide helpful, stick around for updates.

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