Thursday, 30 April 2009

No News....Again

Man, this is a dry spell, while your waiting for something to happen on eo, check out this game, it's quite addicting after lvl 10 ;) but get ready for a long run...

Defend Your Castle

I'll try and unearth some news...

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Big News Up Ahead?

I've been told repeatedley whilst online and from other sources that eo is definitely worth watching at the moment and in the near future tipping that a big announcement, one which is certainly due, is on the horizon.

Not really sure what this could mean, but it could be one of a number of things :

  1. Total Wipe
  2. Item + Stats Wipe
  3. Another Server (this is one that's been going for a while)
  4. New Version or mass updates
  5. Game Shut Down

Yeh 5 is drastic. Lets face it all of them have been heard beofre and speculated over, and as far as admin attention goes recently it's been few and far between, infact i haven't seen an admin on in a while but couldn't that mean they are working on something big? Hmm, i'm not making any promises and i'm extremely uncertain myself however i will say it's worth keeping an eye on for now, just anything to bring a little fun and excitement back into our EO lives.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Eo Forums Taken Over By Zechooff

Yeah more forum news, sorry but endless really is running dry at the moment, seriously if anyone has any ideas for my posts then please feel welcome to comment.

However it seems as at the moment the forums are once again under attack, but this guy looks as if he means business, Zechooff or "¿δZⁿɱΩIî◘46046☺651♠165¿δZⁿɱΩIî◘46046☺651♠165" by his full name is simple reposting threads containing 3 pictures of Xzibit smiling or laughing, i must say one of the best spammers to be fair. Of course what he's doing is automated and the forums have seen this before, but to be fair he's actually completely consumed general discussion and is now beginning on Trading.

It'll all pass eventually but it's always funny when a spammer moves in and livens things up a bit, strange they never wipe out the lounge section isn't it? Get a glimpse of the madness here.

Thanks people.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Recent Server Downtimes

Seems as if the server has been acting up recently, it usually does around this time of year, if you get the connection message just be paitent as it's usually up within the next hour.

Larger post tomorrow ;)

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Stat Whores Vs. Casuals

It seems to me at the moment that endless is sepereate into 2 classes of people, and no i don't mean actual 'classes' i mean there are some which go for the whole "training and kickass armour" routine and some who just laze about doing nothing, this is the war of the stat whores vs the casuals.


These guys can get really annoying. Granted i spend a lot of my time being a stat whore myself, especially when new things are released or there are new things to see due to a level up i'm all over getting the best stuff and leveling up like mad, but the bitter fact is if you're a stat whore you need to be higher than lvl 10 which i am not, infact you need to be higher than 20, or 30 or whatever. At the end of the day you're determined as a stat whore not always by how you dress (we're not that prejudice) but by the way you act, are you constantly training, or getting the most powerful weapons, or would you care if you KSed some and got a big drop? Or lead monsters to someone else in order to wipe them out so you could have all the training? You do? Well then you may just be a stat whore, and these guys go around like big moneyn kicking ass and taking names, usually in the PK zone making it inaccessible to the rest of the world and its this arrogant behaviour which whilst deserved due to their commitment annoys people like us that just enjoy playing the game.


These guys flood the streets, often sitting down, and will also cheese off a lot of people. Again i'm gonna through my hat in and say i do spend a lot of my time being an EO Casual seeing as i'm a reporter and there's a lot more talk and a lot less do but i don't approach it in the same style. Do you laze aroud aeven or stronghold or anywhere else all day just chatting? Do you not ever level up? Would you miss you name more than your items or levels if you got hacked? Well welcome to the casual club, and unfortuneately it's getting bigger. With less updates and less chance of competing for the big prizes, the amount of casuals in the game has risen to the point where they're practically everywhere 'just chatting' while the rest of us are either trying to play the game or stat fest our way to the top, but themz the breakz.

I can't really call between these 2 seeing as they both have their annoyances, overall though i'd go as far as saying that perhaps stat whores are better because they're out of our way and atleast they're playing the game, but you can't argue with their dominace of practicaly everythign training related and that's iriitating, and as for casuals, need i say more? So i'm not gonna opt for either side i'll let you decide whose the most irritating, take your pick they're both poison.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The rise and fall of Endless Oracle

A couple of weeks ago i reported to you about Ducci's new server which could be connected to with the IP adress and using the port 8079, i said it was empty, deprived of members and needed updating however in that same post i reflected on the fun aspects including the choice of character names, the new radical approach to adminship and the ability of a whole new world to play with, sure it wasn't great but it was moving and i was willing to give it a chance.

I saw it through, logged on quite a few times and said hello, chatted with admins and actually attempted to play the game as best i could and overall i thought the admins were in good spirits and ducci did seem determined to continue with development, however this was to be short lived.

It soon surfaced that development was slowing, the admins were becoming less frequent and not as friendly, heard all this before? Yes i thought you had seeing as it's exactly what happened to endless online itself and you could see it coming from a mile off. With all small online game the enthusiasm is enough to drive development and attention at first and response may be good but eventually the admins realise they're losing interest and also how much work it really is to run a game, and slowly the game disintergrates and unfortuneately endless oracles was no exception.

Eventually Oracle's admins lost interest and got distracted and moved on to other servers and other friends, ducci found it hard to cope and people found holes in the server and slowly yet surely the server began to collapse, fortuneately and regrettably i say this, there wasn't much to collapse but it still stood to be taken down, and now it seems as if Oracle's days are numbered. Accusations have been made about Ducci's programming capability's which i'd like to dismiss in retrospect and ideas have been thrown out there which attempt to demerit the server orducci's work, but at the end of the day Ducci went and did something and it didn't work and there's nothing lost overall, i'm still behind him and the server through and through but it seems in vain now due to this hopeless situation.

Is this an omen for servers to come? Surely this is all that can come of private servers due to the frailities of poor programming and lack of attention but i suppose we'll see. For now this one's floating in the water, bring on DF's server the next lamb to the slaughter.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Happy Easter!

The news has been coming slow and thin recently, and i'm sorry that my posts haven't been very regular this week but i've had a lot to keep on top of (work), however, i promise a stronger approach to posting this week and i'd like to start by wishing everyone a happy easter!

The only news i can bring you at the moment is that the eo forums have been thrown into turmoil, the genereal discussion section is practically just full of spammers and spam bots and the admins just don't seem to care, it's a real shame to see especially considering a couple of months ago, with new updates and more amdins active it was seeming really positive, now we've gone down even further than before.

Well, that's all for now, enjoy easter and your chocolate and i'll see you during the week.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009


Yeh i'm back slightly later than expected as we missed the home flight and were stuck in berlin till tuesday morning, fortuneately we did have a bit more fun though given our 2 extra days in the capital.

I'm just adjusting to whatever it is that has happened since i've been gone but it seems fair to say that not much has taken place. However if you want to keep abreast of all the developments of the Project Atlas Eo server (DF's Private server currently in development) then visit "blackwood studio's" home page here so you know what point they're at, looking at some of the things they've already accomplished on this new server it all seems to be moving positiviely.

Hey, if anyone wants me to post about anything specifically then please do let me knoiw, i'm finding it difficult without too much news to keep posts regular so if anyone wants me to report on anything including making little guides or stuff then leave a comment, other than that i'll try to dig out some news but don't be dissappointed if i don't bring you as much as usual, and if i post more about casual-internet-based activites and not specifically endless.


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

120 Posts - Going Away - MegaPost!

Yeh i just thought 120 posts was pretty cool, anyway welcome to the MEGAPOST. As you should already know i'm heading off for a bit, nothing "vacation" like , just a trip to Berlin, i leave at 2am GMT tonight =0 so yeh no sleep for me and i'll be gone until hmmm, sunday morning perhaps? So it'll just be you lot by yourselves until then, so i thought i'd give you a megapost to keep you guys occupied for a while, so lets get going!

First things first, head over to the eo forums and sign up if you want to stay on top of the latest news, and also to check out the craziness which is currently taking place on there, i mean seriously, yungstunna has returned and "waged war" on the forums, ressurecting old threads and spamming continuosly, i'm not in on the facts totally so i'm not sure if it's someone different on the account, but it's caused a bit of much-needed mayhem to keep us interested, bare in mind the strong langauge and if rob fox gets his way crude images but other than that the forums are good for a laugh so yeah check it out.

Next, to make sure you're in on the know-how then keep up to date on Nezlo's and Wikky's blog, not to mention the other great links in my links drop down on the right which also includes an email thingy in case you want to get in touch.

Next, i've added a subscribe button, so basically if you want to be kept up to date on the blog then just click the RSS button on the right and at the top of the loaded page just click the subscribe button and bam you're hooked up without any registration or anything, however if you feel like a more personal touch hook me up and become a follower of the picto-blog on blogger, not that there will be much to follow until sunday.

Ok, next thing, if you wnat to check out any of the servers i've been talking about recently then here are you're IPs and respective servers, i'm certain you know how to alter IPs, if not just ask or go searching on other blogs and you'll find out soon enough...

EO Oracle (Ducci's Server) : + PORT 8079

Rena's Server :

Project Atlas (DF's Server (in development)) : Read about it here , looking really good.

So yeh knock yourselves out if you feel like a change of pace...

Awesome training up next, if you're gonna stay on your real server account then fair played help yourself to a cookie, and if you're looking for decent training then here's my suggestions...

  • Desert - Not the whole place but that select area (a massive square) where there a gnomes and rock golemns, seriously this is awesome training for any level but especially those under ten, i mean it's practically always empty and you've got you're big hitters for exp with the golemns, and continuos and decent exp from easy-to-kill gnomes, check it out.
  • Biters + Reapers Room (Room 2) - Not sure how to get there? Well check my massive update guide which is still getting hits here. A higher level for this and preferably a bow of some sort but still amazing stuff, biters are easy to kill if you get them early enough, they give decent exp, you don't have to move because of the constant spawns, the reapers are your big exps with some great drops, worth a looky but BRING POTS.
  • Yeti (1st Spawn) - This is slightly slower granted, but just as rewarding/ The yeti's come in pairs and fairly frequently compared to other bosses, plus you've got penguins to keep you filled up until the spawns happen. The place is practically empty half the time and you have a good chance of bagging yourself a valueable ketova for restoring some of your pot money.
  • Apozen Overlord Room - Not when it's pakced but when it's empty, honestly. When there's no-one there grab yourself a bow again and get going, since the spiders are passive until you attack apozen just stay clear of him and get a good distance form the spiders with your bow and pump them full of arrows. 4-5 should bring one down depending on level and it's 92exp in the bag, the spawns never stop so you've got plenty to attack just make sure you don't get into a close fight as they deal tough damage.

Ok, some more fun stuff now and a while ago i told you about that tower defence game Onslaught, well i hope some of you played it and here's another great game which is slighty easier and but just as enjoyable and a bit more deep called Vector TD check it out for some good strong fun.

Ok, and another game you should try and get hooked on (i know i did) called super crazy guitar maniac deluxe 2 or something crazy like that. Basically it's a stripped down guitar hero playable with the arrow keys and A,S and D, it sounds simple but it becomes a challenge later on has some decent choons for you to beat along to, go have a good go at it here, awesome for a browser based game.

Feel in the mood for a good laugh? I'm sure you've seen it all before but please head over to Chuck Norris Facts and check out some absolutely hilarious (at times) made up facts, some of them had me in stiches, some just made me... worry? They really are good and worth a good look over so head here to enjoy them and look out for Vin Diesel and Mr.T facts aswell.

In the mood for someting funny but your eyes are tired? Well listen to what will be tieing me over on my trip, the ricky gervais show, this collection of podcasts is absolutely classic, with Ricky Gervais, Steven Merchant, and the idiot genius that is Karl Pilkington, some of the shows have has me literally rolling in laughter and i'd suggest them to absolutely anyone to atleast give them a try becuase they're really that funny, you can probably torrent / download for free somewhere, but they're also avaliable on itunes and some for free (1st season?), visit the official website here.

Feel like a change in style? Then visit ZeroPunctuation and watch his library of hilarious game reviews, it's such a unique style but really effective and contains the sort of humour you don't get until a second after it's passed,they're only about 4-5 minutes long but it's still interesting and worth a good laugh sometimes, check out the massive library here.

I've been watching Danny recently, this amazing guitar hero "phenom" on youtube who has full combo'd (100%) pretty much every tough song, including through the fire and flames on expert, perhaps not everyone will appreciate this, but seriously check it out to be amazed for guitar hero fans and non-fans alike (the videos show his hands playing it aswell!). Link to TTFAF here and then sub links follow to other videos.

It sounds weird but i've been listening to loads of Metallica recenty, yeh, just thought i'd mention it ;D.

Hey it's april fools (well it may not be anymore depends when you're reading), i contemplated an april fools joke to play but i couldn't be bothered / that cruel so i just left it for you lot to come up with your own, enjoy.

I've been doing a lot of drawing for things recently, lots of landscapes and i can tell you i'm sick of seeing trees, so if anyone's got some artwork they'd like to share just post it in a comment (link or whatever) and i'll give it a look over and maybe post it.

Well that's it, i'll see you on sunday and until the enjoy yourselves! Thanks.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Going On A Trip, Megapost Tomorrow!

Yeh i'll go in to more detail on the next post, but basically i'm off for like 3 1/2 days (leaving thurdasy 2am) and won't be able to update until sunday, so i'll be leaving you a MEGA-POST filled to the birm with info for you to enjoy until i get back tomorrow, thanks.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Server Migration

Nothing like a major update, but i finally found out why the online number has been so low recently on the eo website. It's because vult had once again moved the server, reason? I have no idea there must of been some minor complications with the old one or a contract ran out or something so we get a brand new server to play on and it's not private for once!

However this does come coupled with some bad news, unfortuneately everything which you've done on the old server since he opened the new server will all be in vain as when he finally gets around to deleting the old server which some people may still of been playing, all the stuff they'd accomplished in those days will be erased only to find themselves back to when the new server was made when they finally logg on to the new one, so yeh if anyone hasn't changed their IP since the move and has leveled, unlucky.

However, don't get to sad just yet, there's some good news related to that point, if you were already playing with the IP GAME.ENDLESS-ONLINE.COM then there's no worries for you you're fine, same goes with TEST.ENDLESS-ONLINE.COM because he's migrated test aswell. I can already hear people breathing sigh's of relief as they discover they've been IP'd to GAME.END... all this time and are not affected as a result, so for all you people get on with it, however for those unfortunate few here are the new IPs to conenct..



Yeh, go knock yourselves out and sorry if you've lost anything...

And one more thing Vult posted another interesting thread in the annoucnements section on the forum yesterday as well warning people about using private servers, check it out for a good laugh here.

Well that's all, try and have a bearable week at work / school.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Disaster Struck + Rena Info

Unfortuneately last night my computer contracted a virus and it started messing things up bad time and i had to erase pretty much everything on my hard-drive that wasn't executable, suffice to say i lost all the pictures i'd taken of rena's server not to mention some of my favourites snaps from my internet's past, meaning i won't be reporting as in depth as usual, however i can still shed some light on it.

First of all the server is practically useless, i'd go as far as to say it's nearly down at least half the time you try to logg on, and i'm not exagerating, if this is a server you want to play you need to be prepared for constant downtimes. This stems's from rena's server actually being just that, it's self served so whenever she's offline, it's offline, and as you can imagine this happens a lot and obviously that this can get very irritating especially when you just want to get online, only to be greeted with...

Secondly, this is a server with more holes than swiss chesse. Seriously, it's basically anything goes - mob rules - on this server, there are no real admins and pretty much all hacks can run well, speeding, death hacks, and most recently that walk anywhere thingy, where you'd normally get D/Ced on the main server, on rena's you're almost met with congratulations as you seeminglessly glide over water and through walls, it all sounds like fun, but in actuall fact this just turns the eo world into a playground, there's no objective or point of being on the server, you just go anywhere anytime.

Thridly, there's no direction or need to play, you can generate clothes with a simple command and pressing i think F12 or F11 you can automatically gain admin atire to strut around the water in, it's all good for a cheap laugh, and shooting your gun can produce small nuggets of fun, but eventually it just gets repetetive and you find yourself asking why on earth you're doing this when you stand to gain nothing from it. As you may well know you start in Estaq so there's not even any reason to attempt anything but walking around because you don't even have to level off newb island, as soon as you logg on it's just one big playground and that's a big problem.

Fourthly, the lagg is horrendous. As soon as you logg on get ready to be bombarded with admin spells and balls of electricity and crap, and all this is going to do is slow down you connection and clutter up your bandwidth, to be honest standing still and being blasted over and over again with admin heal isn't very much fun. And this is another point, there's no hireachy, which some people may see as a good point, meaning everyone is equal, but when there's no goal no-one needs to be equal.

Imagine being in a race but some people have their legs tied together, now when you un-tie them that makes the race fairer right? But now imagine you're told there's no finish line, so what do you do? You've gained no advantage and you're lost in a world with endless possibilities.

As soon as everyone is kitted out with admin robes and devils, you suddenly realise this is a waste of time, there are no perks to earn you're just messing about and it reminds me more of an experiment than an actual game.

I suppose you could draw some positives, just like the other servers you can logg on with a great name you've always wanted, and i suppose for the most part, walking around shooting guns and wearing turtles can be some fun and good for screenshots. Furthermore, i commend rena's server for being the first to actually get out there and online, showing there is a possibility and some good can actually come from this experiment but a clear lack of direction and / or need means it's always just going to be one massive playground, and hacks and exploits are just going to make it worse.

There's the IP you need if you want to give it a run, assuming you can connect, otherwise i'd say stay away.

Sorry this post wasn't as bright and colourful, but it's true-facts and that's that, hope you're all enjoying yourselves and i'll post a non-server related post over the weekend hopefully.

Thursday, 26 March 2009


I've been on rena's server practically constantly getting pictures and finding out news, so i'll be making a post on that tonight, but after we'll be back to normal endless stuff yet again so just hold on you private server haters, but to be perfectly honest there is more to rena's server than i first thought, our at least there is whenever you can actually connect to the server =P.

Until then here's a very addictive and fun game from a range of Tower defence games, where spawns of enemies run through a track and you can place towers along side them to kill the enemies before they reach the other end of the track. It originated on Warcraft (Real Time Stragety not "World Of") online and has since gone on to become huge, including making it's way on to ipods and it's more fun than it sounds. Play what is in my opinion the best version here.

That should keep you occupied, check out the new post later, thanks.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Costumes - Good Or Strong Bad?

This is a touchy subject, i can honestly say that opinion on whether or not costumes should be obtainable in the game is 50-50 split; so lets take a  look at the pros and cons shall we?

Pros :

1. Everyone has a chance of getting a costume which they've always wanted...

2. It introduces another rare into the community which was pretty short on rares after the dupe made chefs and cooks easily accessible.

3. They're difficult to get and so act as rewards for those who have worked hard enough to get them.

4. Since they're so desireable people will spend on lots of pots to get there, thus deleting duped money from the economy slowly.

5. It's practically a large update considering these items weren't really in the game before now, which is a positive step for eo.

6. The items are lore so not everyone will be able to buy them.

Cons :

1. People who deserved the speciality of having a costume now find they're joined in those ranks by losers and cheaters.

2. People spent considerable amounts of in game and real money on costumes before-hand, now to find they're avaliable in game.

3. It has eliminated several super-rare items (costumes) meaning they're less valueable and other items in the game become less valueable (complicated).

4. Speeders and cheaters will mainly dominate the drops and spawns.

5. Due to these items being lore, they will soon become worthless and stacked up multiple times on accounts.

6. Removes the prestige and achievement from people who had owned them for many years.

So yeh it's totally split, i myself was first sceptical about having them in the game but if i got a turtle i'd sure be happy they are there, so it depends on your position. Olbies with costumes will clearly be hurt by finding themselves worthless now, whereas hard trainers who finally get their long-earnt drop at the apozen overlord will relish the chance to flaunt their sucess so it's completely two-sided and the jury is still out. But what do you think, let me know your side and opinion...

And just as an extra, here's a site i sort of recently found out / decided to take an interest in about the famous internet charcter Strong Bad which i'm sure you've heard about, his e-mail toons are short and sweet with some decent clean humour injected, i personally like the series but i suppose it's down to opinion just like everything is at the moment, if you feel like a good chuckle check out all 200 episodes here.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

First Impressions

So i finally got a crack at Ducci's server today which has now gone public for alpha testing, i followed the instructions to connect here and then bam i was away! So what did i think? Well honestly it's still broken and ducci could've been more careful releasing a server which isn't really ready to play with yet. You start with all stats on 100 and all spells suped up but you're on newb island and it's empty so there isn't much fun to be had, although rcently the amdisn have introduced items into the community which has sprused the place up a bit, but there is some DCing for just trying to add a stat point (you start with 6) or trying to cast a spell (i attempted admin heal). There are barely any players (which is understandable) however i did run into the other guy online, Kidchatoic, to be fair i thought you'd aim for better names that that with the whole world of names to choose from (like i did), oh well, he was justing speeding around...

You can head over to an empty aeven as well via the shop door on newb island, weird i know, i haven't checked all of aeven's doors yet so who knows where you can get to...

I went exploring with Roythebest and Estargo, and we formed the Nudists group since we had no clothes, it was all good for a laugh and reminds me of very evry very early eo.

I suppose a good thing is that it's a start, i managed to create about 3 accounts, got some decent names under my belt, i've mainly been using the name "Admin" (above) ;D and i suppose that's the fun of playing on one of these new servers, they will never be proper or official, no matter what you win or lose or kill or trade it's all just fake really, it doesn't mean anything in relation to the real game, so i see these servers as a sort of fantasy world, where you can create the name you always dreamed of having, logg on, hopefully eventually go crazy at like dragons or banshees or something with awesome spells, get a special costumes, and just have fun, becuase these were never really intended to be taken seriously, even though ducci and his team are promising updates and exstensions to the game, so clearly they're after a real online gaming world. The server runs fine, and down-time is minimal currently, fortuneately the server capacity is 200, so i can't see any advanced down-time in the near future (i've only ever seen 2 online max) which is a good thing for the server...

As i said though, if you want to hook up and see for yourself all the instructions are in this here thread on the eo forums, all it requires is an IP change (endless ip that is) and a port change of only a single digit, very simple to do. I'm not expecting an uproar of people to leap over to ducci's server, but it's worth logging on and mooching about , especially with the prospect of it actually having proper attention and mechanics in the not so distant future.

We've been server heavy recently, so tomorrow a return to other issues and subjects, thanks.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

When The Levee Breaks


A nice zeppelin-inspired title there but anway, i've covered some pretty heavy sujects recently, so i thought i'd take a break and just give you a low down of happenings in nice brief sections and keep it all a bit casual as well.

So firstly i'd just like to say in response to my last post, thanks for all the comments, all were well thought out and i enjoyed hearing other's opinions; and a lot of people brought up some big thinking points about these new servers, and to extend on my last post, i'd like to bring to your attention 2 new eo player-owned servers which are visible in the near future...

DF's server - Atlas

Ducci's Server - Un-named

Now i'm not suggesting you head straight over to those and start bombarding the creators with questions or comments but in case anyone is interested or has any serious questions you can read up about them there, baring in mind these are forums so the info and posts are a little rough around the edges, but my point is that these server's seem to be coming a long well, and it's suprising to see the response and dedication that they're recieving, i look forward to seeing how they turn out...

Ok, second, the endless report is starting to stagger a bit more, as i said before i don't condemn or dislike the report, i think it's a nice site and it has a legacy, but wikky barely even checks it now and these new reporters aren't really doing all that well, infact one of them quit quite recently. It's a shame to see such a successful blog not even mention the massive updates of recent weeks or have any active attention besides these amateur bloggers (no offence), but i hope it can restore some of it's former glory in it's new regime, check it out in my links drop down on the right.

The more observent of you may of noticed i've linked to the browsers which best display this website as well, if you're still using IE or other old browsers i'd seriosuly suggest following one of these links and downloading a decent one, if not for the good of this site then for your personal browsing experience.

Finally, i've recently signed up to google analytics so this wbesite is now being tracked, and i can see that although i recieve a lot of direct traffic through i'm also finding that a lot of my hits are coming through search engines and alike so please try to rememebr my URL, and also thanks to nezlo, the report and eoSky who have all contributed hits via links on their site, i'm really glad to see the picto-blog up and running again now a month or two after re-opening and seeing it going so strongly, so thankyou readers!

Comment if you have any questions / opinions, i love to hear from my readers! Thanks.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Are you Being Served?


It seems as if the new fad is creating and running your own endless online server, something which has become possible since Sasauge's Eoserv emulator thingy, i'm not sure of the specifics myself and nor am i that fussed but if anyone really wants to read in to it just go searching on forums or eohax and details will surface before too long. I'm not sure exactly how illegal this is, but it must be up there and for now Vult can do nothing about it, because there is a new server every day, the original was Rena's whose you've probably heard a lot about on global recently, she became famous for making or at least helping some of the biggest exploits in eo history, and now she has her own server where you can dress as an admin and level to like 30 in 1 day and now everyone is on board.

Furthermore, i know DF and Ducci have ideas of setting servers up, not to mention another 3 owned by eohax memebrs, but they're completely useless as of now, it's just strange to see so many people wanting to do this seeing as it has no purpose.

Anyway, in other news, i went over the price drops yesterday but this is really getting weird now. Things are dropping all over the board, weapons, clothes, shoes you name it it's lost value. And that's just weird, because i know this could be a result of massive deflation in the economy, but seriously, Baru has dropped from 2.2m to 1.4m in less than 24hrs and that just ain't right.

To build on that point, i have the feverish feeling that there's something going on, i was in the bank today when a scammer put up 990 billion gold for my knob, obviously he changed it to a love potion trying to scam me, and no doubt this cash is illegitimate, but seriously, how could 990 billion gold go un-noticed for so long? Something fishy is happening...

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Reporters and price drops.


Yes, it seems that ol' wikky has now ran out of time to run his own blog and has employed 4 volunteer "reporters" do posting for him. Taking a look at the first page of introductions and first posts i can see already this will be a bad idea, no offence to the endless report, it's a blog i've much respected over the years and has also been a  fierce competitior at times, but seriously, if you don't run your own blog then it isn't your own blog it becomes just like another forum. I look forward to seeing how this will turn out...

Rest assured i will always be the number 1 reporter for the Picto-Blog.

In other news, the prices of EO have taken a  staggering fall today and no-one is really quite sure why. We're starting to see Knobs going under 350, chefs taking a drastic collapse (due to their chest spawns) and scavs and arrows have also taken a hit. No wonder this may all be part of Vult's master plan but if you're not on the same page as me at the moment, let me lay it out for you...

1. Vult updates with a place then needs LOTS of potions to get to.

2. Since only high level people can get there the people more likely to go are those with lots / duped money.

3. Everyone wants to go to this place becuase of the costume chests, which whilst real are incredibley rare.

4. If you die or logg out in there you have to go buy more pots and travel there again.

5. It's a really tough place to survive in meaning lots of pots trips.

Result = Everyone blowing their money on pots = Less duped money = Prices come down as well.

Of course this could all be a mega coincidence although i find that hard to beleive, and well all i can say is well done vult-r and co. you've come up witha  great idea. As always i'm encouraging commenting, are you happy with the prices drops and what do you think about the endless report hiring reporters?


I felt as if i had to post this, basically, i was walking through the hall of pain normally, when all of a sudden is stopped loosing hp on spikes, i kept walking then the arena horns blasted out and bam i end up in the aeven hairdresser with full HP in like 2 seconds.

Weird 0.o


Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Big Changes On the Way


It seems as if vult is keeping is cards very close to his chest at the moment, not even a hint was given about these updates, and yet here we stand, 5 days later and fully impressed with the startling manner in which both adminship and the game have advanced so quickly, but it seems as if Vult and his 4 man team have more up their sleeves, lets assess the options then shall we?

1. Complete Wipe - Seems more unlikely then 2...

2. Item And Stats Wipe - Yeh this is were i will do most of the discussion about a wipe. Depending no the time of week my opinion on a wipe seems to alter, some days i think "yeh that'd be great and fair! Giving everyone the same chance would rock and goodbye to all dupes!" and then on other days i think "i don't want to loose my stuff" but in reality what we're looking at is a good idea smeared with bad results. Think, if Vult were to wipe and everyone became lvl 0, the first thing to happen would be that all the speeders start owning, correct? They'll be taking all the drops, all the kills, all the chests, everything. Second, all the non-speeders will now have to start speeding in order to keep up. And the final result is a large speeding game in which vult may aswell of just turned up the game speed to "OH WOW" himself to save everyone the trouble, and a very small minority sitting in the corner wearing burk clothes, attacking wolf-men with spears and complaining about "them darn cheaters" (i would probably be the leader of this group). So as you can see this idea has more holes than swiss cheese, however, introduce a working anti-speed (which vult has talked about) in to the equation, and this idea suddenly becomes very interesting.

3. Speed Fix - This one really needs to be done fast (no pun intended). Those of you with memories will recall around the new year vult created a hell event in aeven and also created an anti-speed, but alas this didn't work, it was littered with bugs, causing incorrect bannings and d/cing every where which led to him removing it. Thing is, if he could actually get a proper one up a running this not only becomes a decent idea but a game-saving one at that.

4. All unlore costumes get deleted / turn in to useless items - This is the harshest option, but somehow it seems a possibility. I myself have been informed by a friend - Ducci and other costumes-cled people that this apparently could happen soon. This obviously would get rid of all duped costumes and lower the economy, but at the same time it is punishing people that earnt or bought these items properly and are now having them snatched away (some unlore costumes still exsist form the old days). I don't think this should or will happen but it could and it would be a massive mistake.

5. New Version - I know what people are thinking, new updates could mean a new version right? Well your wrong, sorry, but i still refuse to swallow my pride and accept that a new version is a distinct possibility, because as far as i'm aware, 2 updates in as many years just isn't "updating" form, i mean sure what they've given us has been great, but a new version is a lot more than a few new rooms and monsters, i'd like to think this could happen, but it still seems a way off.

6. Light Guides - This is another which has been going around a while, but recently someone has fanned the flames and people are starting to accept that light guides could be just around the corner. I mean think about it, it would solve speeding / scamming problems if the people chosen are honest enough, and it could mean arvid and vult can spend more time in development and less time in the jail. But this is where the problems originate, because if you pick the wrong people you're done for and in a worse situation then you were before. However, I know i'd certainly be up for the challenge ;D.

Well that's all i can think of for now, i hope you've formed your own opinions from this because what happens to eo depends on what the people want, do soemthing wrong and people won't play, do soemthing right and the admins become gods, let me know what you think and post a comment.


Friday, 6 March 2009

Updates At Last! - Apozen, Doors And Updates Guide!

Yeah it seems all my competitors aren't blogging right now, so i thought i'd take it upon myself to tell everyone about the new updates vult added. My guides to versions 26, 27 and 28 (and repective version updates) were all succesful and heavily praised for detail and reliability, so please enjoy.


1. The Ice Cavern In Biters

Remember that out of place ice area at the biters before, well it seems as if it's had a lick of pixels and has finally been turned in to brickwork by vult, good show.


2. First Room

Go up from there and you'll find yourselves 2 newly created stairs, take the furthest ones which lead to room 1. This room is empty besides 2 staircases and some very bizare noises every 30 seconds (like star trek) and this noise is draining your TP you'll be glad to know, very frustrating, seems without pots this place is a no-go. The right stairs take you back out to the biters again.

3. Room 2

If you enter the left pillar in room 1, you'll come out in a room with a spike-covered floor and a constant biters respawn, pretty hardcore training if you ask me. The stairs you appear next to take you back to the first room, but continue up and there are yet more stairs on the far wall.

And yes those are 2 reapers.


4. Is this some sort of maze?

Manage to get through that room of hell? Well you'll be glad to know you'll find yet another room crammed with biters, and this rooms also holds 4 more stairways.

All stairs but 1 lead you back to the beginning room 1, so, to continue take the second stairs in from the right (the one i'm next to) and you're finally there.

5. Hall Of Pain

You thought i meant apozen? Heavens no, you've got plenty of pots to get though before then. The hall of pain is exactly what it says on the tin, a very, very long hallway crammed to the brim with spikes, it is in essence, a death trap, but it's passable, it took me somewhere around 30 big health pots to transverse, but i'm only lvl 8, so i don't know, heal spells aren't any good as your TP is drained...

Hint provided Kyleto : Get naked in the Hall Of Pain! Without armour you take less damage!

Of course, i somehow made it, and boy was it a relief... The hall is good for one reason though, it's anti speed, since there is so much loss of health so quickly, it means that speeding along it will make you disconnect, of course if you get to the other side then people can speed their brains out.

Continue along this room which is uninhabited, and you'll find yet some more stairs, enter them... 

6. Hall Of More Pain

Ok as soon as you enter this room you'll see 2 doors, one which you came in through and another leading down, the once circled below (the down stairs) will take you to the artist room (Chapter 7).

If you want to carry on to apozen you'll have another hall of pain to endure, but this one is passable without pots, just good timing.

They are all time release spikes, there's a perfectly good path which is passable as i said without pots, but it takes a bit of skill.

7. Artist Room - Thanks Deadwil And Anonymous Commenters

And there's your artist room, only very recently discovered. And as you may be able to see it also has the famous artist monster in it. Quite a chubby fellow, he moves and attacks slowly and has around about half the Kings HP. It's been reported that he could hit very high rarely, because most of the time he'll miss. The problem is he's not a boss, so only 1 person is allowed to attack him at a time, which can make killing very long winded, however, the spawn rate is quick and healthy. There are also Vitamans in this room, but we'll get to those in the Maze section further down.

Artist Exp Earnt : 1216exp

Artist Drop :Pencil

Pencils are just random objects like apples and bouqets with no real purpose yet, they'll run you 50-100k though becuase they're new, just wait.

The artist room also has yet another chest, but this one is more valueable. It's really there of course but it's contents are unknown. According to a lot of people Vult himself said it would spawn chefs but i didn't see it so it's not confirmed yet, rumours also suggest it spawns pandas and turtles just like the original chest room, but again this need confirmation. i know myslef it spawn 100g a lot but who really cares? The chest is surrounded by Time release spikes so be quick when checking.

8. The Spike Room (Fake Chest Room)

Come off the hall and your in the spike room, many would think this was the famous "Chest Room", but it's no such thing. The first thing you'll see is a single door on your left, that will lead you to the maze from hell, so avoid it for now, to read more about the Maze From hell and continue to the toilets, check section 9. You can see the mystery single door in the picture below.

Further on, the only visible chest here is a fake one that will warp you back to the front of the hall of more pain. A pity the old chest room was removed, it was cosier, this is as close to a new chest room as we'll get now, shame, but i suppose it's replacements is fine...

Yeh, and here's the chest...


Also in the fake chest room is the lucrative Hidden Chest, whcih according to many sources, and including vult's word, spawns chef costumes on rare occasions. It's a little tricky to find but it'll show up on your map...

See the blue square, there it is...

Where the circle is...

And there is your proof, as i said, nothing officially confirmed for spawning in it yet as i didn't see vult actually say it had chefs, but there is strong suspicion.

As you can see there are a whole lotta doors, and i mean A LOT (10+) .They all lead to different areas, some fowards some backwards, some to hell and some to... erm, suicide? (SEE DOOR GUIDE BELOW)



2. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.

3. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.


5. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.

6. GOOD - Maze

7. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.

8. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.

9. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.

10. Beginning of Hall Of More Pain.

11. GOOD - Maze


9. Maze FromHell

Feeling adventurous then? Well welcome to the Maze From hell. People hve already explored this, including myself, but it's just so random that it's near impossible to find your way around.

In here there are also more new monsters! Warbears...

You'll barely run in to them, but if you do don't worry, they're passive and have about 22hp, they can easily be killed with one hit.

WarBear Exp Earnt :  3exp

WarBear Drops: Nothing


Yes, we've finally found our way to the elusive toilets, and thankyou so much to SwornBrother who led me to them. Basically, as SOON as you enter the maze from hell don't move an inch, just follow these directions...

A word Before ...

D = Down , L = Left , U = Up, R = Right , The number represents the number of steps taken the that direction. (Right 3 = Walk 3 steps right (not squares, steps))

Ok, so to the directions, as i said, from exactly where you were standing when you entered...

1. Down 3

2. Right 1 Into The Floor Stairs (You'll Warp)

3. Down 1 (You'll Warp)

4. Right 5 (No Warp) , Up 1 (No Warp) , Right 4 (No Warp)  , Up 4 (No Warp)  , Right 2 (No Warp)  

5. Walk Down1 Into Floor Stairs (You'll Warp)

Here is where you end up, the bedroom, on your left are 5 doors which i've numbered 1 through 5, here's a guide for you.


2. Boulder Maze


4. Boulder Maze

5. Boulder Maze

Assuming you want to continue to the toilets, you'll take adoor to the boulder maze...

This place may look simple at first, but it's tricky without guidence. In the centre is a chest with only 1 known spawn : 25g, but as usual we'll assume the best (Costumes) do aswell ;D, to get to it just walk right and through the first stairs you see in the maze and bam that was quick wasn't it?

To continue to the toilets follow these instructions...

1. Go Straight Down through Stairs.

2. Go Straight Up through Stairs.

3. Go Up past 1 floor stairs and then right through Stairs at the top of this section.

4. Go left then immediately down at the corner then right at the bottom along the edge, then up through the stairs.

5.  Finally go right through stairs.

Hurrah! Your in the toilets! In here two hell guardians are near the entrance but easy to bypass. They can come around to the other side but as long as you stay far enough left they probably won't. The middle toilet is actually a chest,it spawns the follwing :

2'000G , 100G , Event Items , Doctor Costume. Confirmed

10. Spike Board

This is a grim place, come through an unlucky door and it's a dead end, the spike board is just hell and there's only one way out...suicide.

11. Maze

Take a maze door and here's where you end up, a maze...

So basically, just walk over some spikes (MORE POTS =0) and there are some stairs (THE FIRST ONES YOU SEE), go through them, you'll come out near some floor stairs, take these to enter another room.

The maze is also where you'll find our first new monster, the Vitaman. These little buggers are killable, although they'll hit 30+ on occasions, upon death you'll recieve a healthy 146exp for your efforts, no drops confirmed as of yet. They're agressive natured and they're everywhere in here so watch out.

Vitaman Exp Earnt : 146exp

Vitaman Drop : Nothing

12. Apozen Overlord's Lair - 

This is the big one, the room you enter through the floor stairs brings you into a massive room with the new Apozen Overlord monster. The overlord himself is not as tricky a customer as the original apozen but will still require teaming, however, it's the spiders that are dangerous as hell and need avoiding, reports suggest hits passing 50s from the spiders on lvl 50+'s so be careful. The spawn is absolutely ages (about 10 minutes) and all creatures appear together like the samurai.

Apozen Exp Earnt : 4500exp



Apozen's Taraduda Exp Earnt :  92exp

Apozen's Taraduda Drops: Nothing

Ring Of Death - Thanks to Deadwil For Alerting Me To This

This is a new feature by vult, as the center of the room now features spikes, dubbed the ring of death, they're avoidable but if apozen spawns near them it could make atatcking tricky as finding positions to hit him from without stepping on spikes could be tough. All spikes are time release.


Obviously pots are still neccesary, but here are the best tips for surviving at the apozen overlord.

1. Stick to the middle : Get as close to apozen as possible and stay there, this is why a lens of truth is better for apozen, there is then less chance of spiders coming to attack you and they may not make it to you becuase your surrounded by so many people.

2. Have Pots : This isn't joke, i know you've already gone through so many pots, but seriously, if you're gonna survive you need more pots.

3. Keep an eye on your health : Seems obvious but really do, and be ready to pot as soon as you drop even below half HP.

4. Kill Spiders = No. 1 Priority : If your lucky people will take the spiders out for you, especially if your near apozen at the middle, but make sure if a spider does start attacking you, kill it ASAP, becuase it'll just keep chipping away at your health and they're so easy to kill.

5. Bide Your Time : The new apozen is much like every other boss spot, and if there's no-one there then your luck is running out. I seriously suggest saving your pots by waiting until you know the room is brimming before going as you'll stand a better chance of surviving.

6. Avoid the spikes : Both on the outside and the ring of death, keep away if possible, more hp loss is the last thing you need.

13. Further Updates?

It's true that vult has been constantly tweaking and updating these rooms since they were released, and they've certianly come a long way sicne the original "Chest Room", i'm sure vult will continue to keep us on our toes aswell, just look for yourself :

I think we all know the answer to that question =/.

That's what you need to see, as i said, any info i've missed or you can add (ARTISTS!!!) please leave in a comment and i'll make sure it's out there with full recognition to you.

Special Thanks :

Deadwil - Eddjjjjjj - Shnarp - All the guys that checked doors and PM'd me - SwornBrother


Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Whole Lotta Love

Hey, i took a break, it was my birthday so i stayed away from the computer.

Anyway, it seems as if the admins are really pulling together now. Granted, only arvid is actually walling or banning a lot, but amazingly we've seen rexor and teror both online within the past 24 hours, and i never though we'd see either of them two again.

Eo seems to be taking a nice turn at the moment, if only a new version was actually a possibility, then with the return of maybe another admin (Aengie perhaps?) i would seriously consider saying that the game really is moving, alas, it seems as if a new version is as far off as ever and the addition of any more admins seems faint considering how lucky we've already been to recieve 4 in 1 day.

Anyway, they all seem to be doing their job as well altohught i don't really know what it is that vult even does when he's online, walling and banning has gone up thought, where as smallcrimes like scamming and speeding a bit have dropped, it's been a while since i've seen a full blown speeder and i've been to the hot-spots. So yeh, keep your fingers crossed, this could be a productive year for eo.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Walling Goes Up ; Happiness Goes Down

Although that may not account for everyone, there are many peple who love the increase in walling, especially myself, but i think it tends to be the current trend for eo players, that being that the majority of eo players are speeders...

But what i mean is that the admin's attention to eo at the moment really has been suprising, with it only being a very short time ago that all 3 admins (rexor , vult-r and arvid) were on at once which is something we haven't seen in a while, it seems as if this new found enthusiasm is really starting to help the game. More speeders are walled; lest scammers get away with it; more inappropriate behaviour is stopped, and all this is resulting in a better experience for the honest members of the community like you and me, the only problem is that all this has one tiny side effect which makes us unhappy and it's the direct result of so much walling, and that is whining.

Suffice to say, i'm not saying walling should be dropped, but what really gets to me is when an admin loggs on to the game, or the forums, and almost immediately global is spammed with "PLZ L3T ME OOUT ARVID I DID NUFFIN WRONG =( " and when they realize that clearly isn't doing anything they swith to the "LUL ARVID SUCKS NOB" comment, so to be honest i'm not really sure what point they're trying to make, thing is they eventually realize nothing works and they go back to their hole in the maze and stew over for another week. I'm not sugegsting these players should be remvoed from the game, but surely something like a global block for people in the wall could be accomplished?


Thursday, 26 February 2009

This "David Vs. Wikky" Spat

Yeh if no-one else ahd already noticed, wickedfrost, resident blogger and eo veteran, and david a.k.a mister x, lover of elephants, have gone at it, in a little internet war whichhas resulted in one very long, very boring and very sad post by Mister X in which not only does he insult wikky, but he actually "calls him out" and lists his USA adress and zip, check it out here it's pretty funny stuff.

Endless-related news tomorrow, thanks.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Duping Is Good

As hard as it is to imagine, i really do think that duping is good for endless, and here's 3 reasons why...

1) More money in the economy - Ok, this is the most obvious reason, and even though it's all fake money, and cna have some negative effects (read last post), overall, having more money in the economy is beneficial: it puts the prices of items up making the game harder, it makes the poor richer and the wealthy less rich, making the gulf between "newbs" and "teh mega winnars" seem less which is good for the community, and it can make the game more interesting with plenty of inflations and recessions.

2) Makes the Game more interesting - Yeh i mean come on, if it weren't for dupes nothing would ever happen and the place would go stale, at least mishaps like these keep the game fresh and exciting.

3) It fixes the game - I have no intention of implying that the game itself is or ever will move forward, i think version 28 or possibly 29 is the furthest the game will ever go, but whenever a little hole is exploited by a dupe, it means vult has to fix it and slowly but surely the game is being patched up. I know it sounds stupid, but this is really the number 1 reason why dupes are good, because once they've come and gone, they're never coming back.


Sunday, 22 February 2009

The Economy

The economy in endless often seems to reflect the real world economy, and certianly as the situation gets worse all around the world, so does eo, but at least endless' economy will recover sooner than later.

You see, at the moment in time endless' economy is still trying to recover from a dupe, yeh that sounds crazy seeing as it's been what, 1-2 months now? But seriously, these things do take time to get back to normal, and seeing as i've experienced so many of these little "Inflations" in the past then i know what i'm talking about.

To be fair, i can understand that some people may want things right now , and may even need some items now, but if you can just try to wait, it'll seem to last forever but eventually the prices will come back down as the amount of items to money in the active economy steadily increases. You may not even notice these slight changes but believe me you'll be glad you waited a few weeks to buy that armour instead of dishing out twice the price now. Until it comes down, i suggest people use this inflation to their advantage, if you can get out there and train your ass off, i mean train on anything that drops, because if you bag a ketova from a yeti which is easy to kill,  then bam that's 300k in your pocket, as oppose to in a month or so when it'll only go for about 200k, seriously.

And this inflation applies to chefs, doctors and costumes as well. It seems as if there's no end to the amount of new costumes and specials in the economy due to the dupe, and with hackers promising more on the way, the situation can only get worse. I mean sure it's great for those lucky few who can afford to buy one, especially if they can buy them honestly, but having more in eo is just gonna wreck the value of the costumes and make them more common, which will annoy old gamers who have got their costumes properly and mean that undeserving cheaters will think they're cool going around in hacked items.

It's a shame but it can't be stopped so i suppose we've just gotta get on with it and accept the more and more costumes and specials.

Anyway, as i said the economy is just a little screwed up at the moment, it'll settle down, you just need to wait and please try to be wise with your money in the upcoming weeks...


Friday, 20 February 2009

Arvid Recommends

Seems as if he think this blog is awesome as well, becuase he took some time out to give everyone a message about it on the special admin speech on eo, so yeh thanks for that arvid. I think this could be a big thing in making this blog big again, and if you want to read the last post then just use the archive on the right. 300 Hits in 1 minute for the win.

Free Guitars and Arvid is On Form

Yeh, that's a slightly more...erm, literal title, not much disguising what the post is about, however, for those who think i'm talking about eo pixel-guitars your wrong, i mean guitar hero guitars.

It seems that someone really screwed up at Redoctane, maker of guitar hero world tour equipment, because the warranty website which allows people with broken equipment to get replacemnts has really become something of an internet phenonimia overnight because of it's big problem which allows anybody to ask for a replacement guitar / mic or drum set for free with no questiosn asked, yes, you heard me.

Basically, if you live, well, anywhere, and your interested in getting a free guitar (like i was) head over to this EO thread on the forums where it's all kindly explained, i've already ordered myself a mic and a guitar for my new 360, and i'm hoping all will be as smooth as i've read on other forums, but be quick because i'm sure redoctane will wise up sooner or later.

Now normally i wouldn't adivse this sort of trouble, but i don't know, this just seems different...

Anyway, on eo-related news, arvid was once again up to his tricks, walling and such, and this time he's even respected requests, yeh, one from our very own Ducci, who has been thrown a few insults, and kidnly asked arvid to wall the person responsible and was i can only assume delighted when the criminal saw punsihment in return, so maybe thigns are starting to look up for endless and it's admin userbase.


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Guilded Tags

To be honest, this is getting out of hand.

Let me take you back to the start of this rant though, because a week ago i realised that my remaining person in my guild DOV was leader, however, the character in question Picto could not do absolutely anything leader-related. This is strange, but due to the considerably rare circumstances the character ahs been involved in over the past few years, it's not all that surprising that he'd be glitched out.

Anyway, i had to leave DOV unfortunately because of these problems, and i spent about 5 days trying to make a new guild called "BTT - Back to the future", i eventually did so only to realise that Picto could still not do anything leader like, he's officially glitched. And so i also couldn’t let one of my alts join and make them leader either, because i couldn’t change ranks with picto. Eventually though, i realised that my original character, the 5 year old "Pictoking", who had just been recruited and was rank 0 in the guild, could do everything leader related, yes, you heard me right. Turns out if he joins any guild that Picto is also a member of, he gets all the leader abilities regardless of rank - tried and tested, amazing i know.

So anyway, i then removed picto form the guild to try my hand at re-recruiting picto and making him a leader, to see if that made any difference, in my haste i forgot to realize that in doing so, picto as no longer in the guild and thus Pictoking had lost all his abilities, yeh, it sucks.

Anyway, i then scrapped BTT and spent another 5 days making HIH - High, which, using Pictoking as the maker, i eventually got to make, and now I’m happy. However, what I was angry about is just how many inactive guilds there are without any god damn members in that are eating up valuable guild tags, ones such as III and VAV and DOV (yeh i know that was my fault), but i still think that a guild without any members should be automatically deleted by the server, it's just common sense, i spent 3 of the 5 days making HIH just trying desperately to find a tag that wasn't swallowed up by an inactive guild, a task which was difficult, more difficult than it seems, so please, this could do with a fix, although saying that seems hopeless considering the admin's affection to the game at the moment.

Oh well, thanks.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

100th post

Well in actual fact, if you include my old freebwes blog before this i could well be over 200, but as far as the new picto blog goes, this is officially my 100th post, and boy has it been a long 100.

I've seen some pretty weird happenings, heard some pretty strange rumours and met some good friends, but even though it's all behind us now, we can always look forward to tomorrow and what it may bring in terms of enjoyment and surprise, although looking and eo at the moment, it seems as if there may not be much to anticipate.

Still, we can hope and wait, arvid is certainly stepping up his activeness and vult will hopefully follow suit, i wouldn't bank on a new version, but maybe some more interesting events in the future.

So that's just about it, I’ll reveal the winner of the raffle next post (that is assuming enough people have entered), as always, head to the first post and leave me a comment and your username to go in tot he draw, or even just post here, on the lucky 100th post, to be in to win a lucky 100k.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Out of control?

Last night endless online finally saw Arvid in the flesh for once, and he stuck around as well.

Turns out, Arvid must've been hella bored because he just went round teleporting random people and walling and banning people as well, but this wasn't just any normal walling session, he was out in force, and certainly wasn't watching global, because I’ve never seen so many people asking him so many different requests, and he just wasn't answering any of them.

That being said, he was certainly doing the community a few favours, cleaning up with walls and banns, but i still feel as if banning is just to weak a punishment to stop someone form coming back with a vengeance and hacking even more next time, i think if you're caught speeding or scamming or anything, it's the wall. Which reminds me, everyone is perfectly welcome to make there way over to the blacklist (link on the right) and, with the right evidence, submit a name; now i find it easily to get evidence form speeders, because if you just ask them to say "I'm a speeder" there arrogance will take over, and bam, there's your evidence in a screenshot, so yeah.

You can still win 100k by the way, just go to the first post and leave a comment.

Anyway, that's just about it, try and have a bearable week at school / work.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Things going up...and down.

Ok, so all the mushy welcome back stuff aside, I’ve actually had a nice reception. All the comments have been positive, and I’m pleased to see people asking me questions about the blog whilst online, and to extend on that point; due to popular demand I’ve added a chat box to my website on the right hand side so people can freely chat about the game and anything they want whilst online or checking the blog, but please don't let this chat box discourage you form leaving me a comment.

Anyway, now on to the down, and mainly speaking, the test server. It seems as if arvid was all pretty much all day and all night going around the server cleaning up, depending on how warranted this was form vult-r, this is quite a weird thing to have happen seeing as the admins aren’t the most helpful people, and now it seems as if test server is down, a reboot? A rollback? HAVE THEY SHUT IT DOWN?! Unlikely, in my opinion he's just been going round tidying up the server of idiots, and it now seems as if they're taking a break in order to get everything up to scratch, there may be some hardware issues or glitches which need checking on, and after all it is the weekend, what better time to do so. It seems farfetched that a new version would just pop up out the blue, so i'm willing to rule that option out.But what i find quite weird is that the test server online player list lists some people as being online, so the general consensus is that people that we're on at the time are still online, whereas people that have logged off cannot logg back on, although this needs confirmation, it seems as if that is the case. So if this were the case, a logg in barricade, then what is it for? Obviously, i don't have the answers, no-one but arvid and vult do, all we can do is wait it out, so please everyone try to remain clam, I’m sure everything will be clear soon.

Another down would be the latest hack going round, in which these 'dupers' can replicate skins and in occasions items by warping packets after dieing in arena to go to a special area in which all people's data resides until they respawn, in doing this you can actually gain someone else's paperdoll once you scroll out of there. Of course, i have no interest in learning how to do this, and for thee good of the economy i don't intend on telling you lot how to do it either, but it is a problem and maybe the fixing of it is why arivd and vult have temporarily shut test down in order to perform some tests, after all, that's what the server is for.

By the way, if anyone still wants to enter themselves in for the prize draw (100k) go to the first post of my new regime (don't send me flowers...) and post a comment there, we currently have 5 people in the running and only a couple days to go =0.


Saturday, 14 February 2009

Don't send me flowers when i'm dead, send them to me now if you like me...

Well i must say, this sure has been a long time coming.

It feels so great to finally be back at the keyboard, fresh and ready to get the picto-blog running once more, and what better day to re-open than the day of love itself, so happy valentine's day to all!

After the dizzying heights that i reached back in the mists of time, and then the spiralling downturn which lead me to close; I have finally returned to you, the readers, in search of interest, excitement and journalism.
I was well renowned before for my insight and the way i viewed endless online via my viewpoint and spoke only my opinion solely, but due to lack of posting in a dark miserable winter, i was forced to close, however, only in my closing have i managed to have my latest rebirth.

As you may be able to see, i have kitted out the blog, dressed it all in fancy new logos and buttons, made it brighter in places; made it darker in others, but i am happy with the appearance and i'd love to hear what you think of it as well, so please open up and let me hear your thoughts!

Also, most will be happy to hear that the coveted blacklist is back, to help track down and nail those pesky scammers, hackers and speeders although now with tighter regulations, all the rules of how you can submit someone and what is need to get this dirty cheater on the blacklist for all to see, can be found on the blacklist page, a link to which Is situated on the right of this post.

Well there is really not much more I can say other that i am overwhelmed with opening this blog, something which i may not of been convinced to do without Ducci's advice, and i can reassure you that whenever something goes amiss, or wrong, or is released or exploited, you can count on me to be there first to let you know exactly what is happening.

And just one more thing, as a celebration of my first post back, i am holding a little competition. The winner of which will receive 100k EOG , and all you have to do to win this is leave a comment telling me about what you think bout the blog, my homecoming, or anything, and post it and your name will be entered into a hat to win the 100k gold, and please include your EO username, the winner will be revealed in 2 posts time, but just remember you have to comment on this post to be entered in to the draw. So please comment and you could be the lucky one.
