Friday, 27 March 2009

Disaster Struck + Rena Info

Unfortuneately last night my computer contracted a virus and it started messing things up bad time and i had to erase pretty much everything on my hard-drive that wasn't executable, suffice to say i lost all the pictures i'd taken of rena's server not to mention some of my favourites snaps from my internet's past, meaning i won't be reporting as in depth as usual, however i can still shed some light on it.

First of all the server is practically useless, i'd go as far as to say it's nearly down at least half the time you try to logg on, and i'm not exagerating, if this is a server you want to play you need to be prepared for constant downtimes. This stems's from rena's server actually being just that, it's self served so whenever she's offline, it's offline, and as you can imagine this happens a lot and obviously that this can get very irritating especially when you just want to get online, only to be greeted with...

Secondly, this is a server with more holes than swiss chesse. Seriously, it's basically anything goes - mob rules - on this server, there are no real admins and pretty much all hacks can run well, speeding, death hacks, and most recently that walk anywhere thingy, where you'd normally get D/Ced on the main server, on rena's you're almost met with congratulations as you seeminglessly glide over water and through walls, it all sounds like fun, but in actuall fact this just turns the eo world into a playground, there's no objective or point of being on the server, you just go anywhere anytime.

Thridly, there's no direction or need to play, you can generate clothes with a simple command and pressing i think F12 or F11 you can automatically gain admin atire to strut around the water in, it's all good for a cheap laugh, and shooting your gun can produce small nuggets of fun, but eventually it just gets repetetive and you find yourself asking why on earth you're doing this when you stand to gain nothing from it. As you may well know you start in Estaq so there's not even any reason to attempt anything but walking around because you don't even have to level off newb island, as soon as you logg on it's just one big playground and that's a big problem.

Fourthly, the lagg is horrendous. As soon as you logg on get ready to be bombarded with admin spells and balls of electricity and crap, and all this is going to do is slow down you connection and clutter up your bandwidth, to be honest standing still and being blasted over and over again with admin heal isn't very much fun. And this is another point, there's no hireachy, which some people may see as a good point, meaning everyone is equal, but when there's no goal no-one needs to be equal.

Imagine being in a race but some people have their legs tied together, now when you un-tie them that makes the race fairer right? But now imagine you're told there's no finish line, so what do you do? You've gained no advantage and you're lost in a world with endless possibilities.

As soon as everyone is kitted out with admin robes and devils, you suddenly realise this is a waste of time, there are no perks to earn you're just messing about and it reminds me more of an experiment than an actual game.

I suppose you could draw some positives, just like the other servers you can logg on with a great name you've always wanted, and i suppose for the most part, walking around shooting guns and wearing turtles can be some fun and good for screenshots. Furthermore, i commend rena's server for being the first to actually get out there and online, showing there is a possibility and some good can actually come from this experiment but a clear lack of direction and / or need means it's always just going to be one massive playground, and hacks and exploits are just going to make it worse.

There's the IP you need if you want to give it a run, assuming you can connect, otherwise i'd say stay away.

Sorry this post wasn't as bright and colourful, but it's true-facts and that's that, hope you're all enjoying yourselves and i'll post a non-server related post over the weekend hopefully.


Anonymous said...

ty picto for posting info about renaz server i appericate it very much in my eyes you are the best eo news reporter in the whole internet :) and im sure you will still do a amazing job even if some of ur stuff is gone way to go picto u rock :)

foot said...

finally someone agrees with me that these servers are uselass,never work,and are a total waste of not alone in the world.

Dakatana said...

Well I went on, Didn't wanna use spells and my game was not laggy, my first try I got so I wass a lucky one, a Sacred one acctually, my name on her server. anyway, i spent 10mins trying to get a gun so i just said fuck this and stuck with my main/test/ducci/and now rena scav bow, admin robes took 7tries,never got my white boots:(, and fire forces wings was my first type in,title=Dak so you might see me or i'll make a server and change your mind. NOTE-your lvl is displayed next to your name where ur guild usually is,

Anonymous said...

Is that on rena's or ducci's with the level thing?

Dakatana said...


Nez said...

As soon as I heard about no real admins from another person before(Don't wanna say names) that kept me from even trying to login.
I never knew it was that bad though till i saw this post.

Lewp said...

And this is why I shall never be on Rena's server.