Yes, it seems that ol' wikky has now ran out of time to run his own blog and has employed 4 volunteer "reporters" do posting for him. Taking a look at the first page of introductions and first posts i can see already this will be a bad idea, no offence to the endless report, it's a blog i've much respected over the years and has also been a fierce competitior at times, but seriously, if you don't run your own blog then it isn't your own blog it becomes just like another forum. I look forward to seeing how this will turn out...
Rest assured i will always be the number 1 reporter for the Picto-Blog.
In other news, the prices of EO have taken a staggering fall today and no-one is really quite sure why. We're starting to see Knobs going under 350, chefs taking a drastic collapse (due to their chest spawns) and scavs and arrows have also taken a hit. No wonder this may all be part of Vult's master plan but if you're not on the same page as me at the moment, let me lay it out for you...
1. Vult updates with a place then needs LOTS of potions to get to.
2. Since only high level people can get there the people more likely to go are those with lots / duped money.
3. Everyone wants to go to this place becuase of the costume chests, which whilst real are incredibley rare.
4. If you die or logg out in there you have to go buy more pots and travel there again.
5. It's a really tough place to survive in meaning lots of pots trips.
Result = Everyone blowing their money on pots = Less duped money = Prices come down as well.
Of course this could all be a mega coincidence although i find that hard to beleive, and well all i can say is well done vult-r and co. you've come up witha great idea. As always i'm encouraging commenting, are you happy with the prices drops and what do you think about the endless report hiring reporters?
I felt as if i had to post this, basically, i was walking through the hall of pain normally, when all of a sudden is stopped loosing hp on spikes, i kept walking then the arena horns blasted out and bam i end up in the aeven hairdresser with full HP in like 2 seconds.
Weird 0.o
I think you could be right about the price drop being planned... but could this mean that Endless Online could be redefined by this time next year?
I personally think Vult-R should appoint light guilds or atleast more people with walling powers to police Endless Online and get rid of speeders, scammers and hackers.
I totally agree with you zack and i'd like to think that light guides could be just around the corner.
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