Longest. Title. Ever.
Well yet again I've had no point to be posting, much due to this drought of events these days, contrary to the weather in EO. It seems Snow Has happened to fall upon our town of aeven, and even though it has missed the occasional spots by the water, it's produces a nice thick covering, and even transformed the aeven square a bit, I'm assuming this is magic snow. Regardless, it's nice to see the admins still realise the game exists, and as we approach, ever so slowly towards the holy day, anticipation seems to be up roaring in endless online. No, not over the new England manager or the summit meeting on climate change, but to whether we're going to see a Christmas event this year, or not.
Some say yes, the admins will have the decency to see to their players, and some say no, that the admins just can't be arsed.
Once again, Regardless, I'm sure we'll all be in for a good Christmas this year, and, despite how uneventful as eo has been lately, I'm sure something will kick off this holiday, surely?
Well anyway, it's nice to see admins paying some attention, perhaps in the new year arvid will be right in saying that vult will have "More time", and perhaps his assumptions about light guides will also be true, I, and we, will just have to wait, but until then, merry Christmas...
Cheesy? I know, anyway, I'll see you in aeven...
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Not sure if ANY of you noticed, however, we've currently sauntered, rather unawareingly past the 40'000 hits line. Quite a worthy accomplishment if i do say so myslef. Troubled, however, as i haven't been posting lately, and thus have lost viewers, but there's just so little to talk about in endless online.
I'm still pulling out for a big hack, scamm or some sort of arena block that'll shake things up, until them, I'm sorta just wasting away my life on pro evo 08...
Gonna stick the crimbo tree up, may as well ''get in the mood''..
That's more than can be said for eo, they haven't even bothered with snow this year, so don't hold your breath for a Christmas event. This lack of attention clearly spells errors for eo, if they're forgetting to update for Christmas they can't be paying to much attention, I'm sure they all realise that it's December now. So either vult is too smashed to update or they really can't be bothered.
Regardless, nothing is happening, only one thing, and that is what wikky already covered.
People are selling accounts over Ebay now for R/L money, seriously, don't do it, if you want to go waste $350 on some pixels, and end up getting scammed anyway be my guest. But on that note, emphasis on the word R/L MONEY, this is the big time we're talking about, so don't by accounts, or cash, for r/l money, unless you're willing to loose alot...
No snow....Just like England i suppose....
I'm still pulling out for a big hack, scamm or some sort of arena block that'll shake things up, until them, I'm sorta just wasting away my life on pro evo 08...
Gonna stick the crimbo tree up, may as well ''get in the mood''..
That's more than can be said for eo, they haven't even bothered with snow this year, so don't hold your breath for a Christmas event. This lack of attention clearly spells errors for eo, if they're forgetting to update for Christmas they can't be paying to much attention, I'm sure they all realise that it's December now. So either vult is too smashed to update or they really can't be bothered.
Regardless, nothing is happening, only one thing, and that is what wikky already covered.
People are selling accounts over Ebay now for R/L money, seriously, don't do it, if you want to go waste $350 on some pixels, and end up getting scammed anyway be my guest. But on that note, emphasis on the word R/L MONEY, this is the big time we're talking about, so don't by accounts, or cash, for r/l money, unless you're willing to loose alot...
No snow....Just like England i suppose....
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Christmas On Eo.
I'm assuming like every other Christmas, there will be snow in EO as usual, just a light sprinkling around aeven, where you can still see grass at the edge of the maps etc. However, if it doesn't get updated (30-1 odds) then i think it'd be fair to say that eo is fading away. At the moment however, i think it's safe to assume we'll be seeing a nice white Christmas on eo, hopefully with no baru drops (most likely), that will break through to the new year on eo. Of course, what will that year hold? it is still undecided? Cutbacks on updates? An advance into Beta? Eo being shut down? We'll have to wait and see, but that's still long away, for now let's focus on Christmas, and the count down on endless online, it's a jolly time of year, so if you see someone, say hello, not ''U!!!!1111''...
Merry Almost Christmas =D
Merry Almost Christmas =D
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Manager Race
This post is not revolved around endless online, and may not concern many readers.
For anyone who is English, or anyway that reads the sports recently, you'll know that England were knocked out of the Euro 2008 qualifiers, and along with them went our manager, Steve maclaren.
Twas a sad match to watch, and even sadder were the consequences, there won't be anything in terms of football for us Englishmen to cheer about next year, but I'll still watch Euro, I'll be supporting Germany =D.
However, with Mr. Maclaren now out of the job, it leaves the gap for you can replace him. Most fans want jose mourinho, the bookies favourite was martin o'neill (who recently said he didn't want it), and so many more names have been thrown in to the hat that you could start a league with them. However, with this Capello character, whom managed AC Milan, Juventus, Roma and Real Madrid, now at first to be picked it raises serious alarm bells for our country. Do we really want this stupid, almost unheard of, forgien club manager that never played the game himself running our team for us? I say no.
Personally, i would back the following :
Alan Shearer : Has a great mind of the game and a unique perspective, including the ability to watch and analyse a match whilst it's being played, and can make great decisions.
Jurgen Klinsmann : Great German player in his day, spent time at an English club, managed Germany to the world cup final in his first year. Said he's love the job. Contains almsot the same abilities as shearer.
I see one of these two as the way forward for England, not some fruity tooty club manager that's no-ones heard of, or someone that doesn't even want the job just the money (Mourinho), let's get in the talent.
For anyone who is English, or anyway that reads the sports recently, you'll know that England were knocked out of the Euro 2008 qualifiers, and along with them went our manager, Steve maclaren.
Twas a sad match to watch, and even sadder were the consequences, there won't be anything in terms of football for us Englishmen to cheer about next year, but I'll still watch Euro, I'll be supporting Germany =D.
However, with Mr. Maclaren now out of the job, it leaves the gap for you can replace him. Most fans want jose mourinho, the bookies favourite was martin o'neill (who recently said he didn't want it), and so many more names have been thrown in to the hat that you could start a league with them. However, with this Capello character, whom managed AC Milan, Juventus, Roma and Real Madrid, now at first to be picked it raises serious alarm bells for our country. Do we really want this stupid, almost unheard of, forgien club manager that never played the game himself running our team for us? I say no.
Personally, i would back the following :
Alan Shearer : Has a great mind of the game and a unique perspective, including the ability to watch and analyse a match whilst it's being played, and can make great decisions.
Jurgen Klinsmann : Great German player in his day, spent time at an English club, managed Germany to the world cup final in his first year. Said he's love the job. Contains almsot the same abilities as shearer.
I see one of these two as the way forward for England, not some fruity tooty club manager that's no-ones heard of, or someone that doesn't even want the job just the money (Mourinho), let's get in the talent.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Inb4 News
Truly, this has been the most boring, dried out week of endless online in history. Seriously, absolutely nothing has happened...
I mean come on, give me a new hack, or someone getting scammed, or a blockade, or, anything! Seriously every morning when i logg on i spend 5 minutes at my pc screen, 4:50 minutes waiting for it to load, and 10 seconds seeing that nothing has happened and logging off.
And it's not just me, all bloggers seem to be going through a dry spell, as with the forums, there just seems to be nothing happening for anyone to post about, and so people loose interest =P
I'll try to post more often but there's no need if there's nothing to post about, and you'll see this happening to a lot of bloggs (all except nez who always seems to have something to say) unless something comes along and spices things up, and quick...
Truly, this has been the most boring, dried out week of endless online in history. Seriously, absolutely nothing has happened...
I mean come on, give me a new hack, or someone getting scammed, or a blockade, or, anything! Seriously every morning when i logg on i spend 5 minutes at my pc screen, 4:50 minutes waiting for it to load, and 10 seconds seeing that nothing has happened and logging off.
And it's not just me, all bloggers seem to be going through a dry spell, as with the forums, there just seems to be nothing happening for anyone to post about, and so people loose interest =P
I'll try to post more often but there's no need if there's nothing to post about, and you'll see this happening to a lot of bloggs (all except nez who always seems to have something to say) unless something comes along and spices things up, and quick...
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Haven't posted lately...
Been playing on PES2008, Halloween, bonfire night (UK), and just enjoying other things outside of endless online. And you should too, don't spend whole days strapped down to your computer trying to get that drop you want, try 1 more time, and if it doesn't happen, logg off, turn off, and go do something other than sitting at a pc all day, you'll thank me for it =D.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
How it brakes down
1. Speeding , Scamming , Hacking etc.
2. Arvid and rexor logg on and go hunting for people and wall them.
3. It was going successfully.
4. Vult-r Released all the speeders / scammers / hackers for no reason.
5. Arvid and rexor go round trying to wall as many of the original walled as they cna.
6. Arvid and rexor logg on and go hunting for people and wall them.
7. It's going successfully.
8. Wikky tells people to speed / scamm although he's playing on dofus at the moment...
C+C Please.
2. Arvid and rexor logg on and go hunting for people and wall them.
3. It was going successfully.
4. Vult-r Released all the speeders / scammers / hackers for no reason.
5. Arvid and rexor go round trying to wall as many of the original walled as they cna.
6. Arvid and rexor logg on and go hunting for people and wall them.
7. It's going successfully.
8. Wikky tells people to speed / scamm although he's playing on dofus at the moment...
C+C Please.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
The Vikings
Quote :
I have resurrected ''Vikings Of Legend'' In the new guild ''The Vikings'', forumers, friends, or olbies
are free to join, but we will not be accepting newbs or people we don't know. This will not be a scamming guild as we attempt to give it a good name.We also use the old recruiting system. We need recruits!
Basically, we only accept forumers, olbies, or close friends into the guild which will make it stick well. Remember this is a non-scamming guild now, so don't join thinking you can scamm. But we WILL be a nuisance in order to rebirth some of the Viking's old traditions, we'll block areas and the arena and spam global etc.
Please feel free to join if you are a forumer, an olbie or a close friend of a co-existing member. And let this guild grow to is past glory!
I have resurrected ''Vikings Of Legend'' In the new guild ''The Vikings'', forumers, friends, or olbies

Basically, we only accept forumers, olbies, or close friends into the guild which will make it stick well. Remember this is a non-scamming guild now, so don't join thinking you can scamm. But we WILL be a nuisance in order to rebirth some of the Viking's old traditions, we'll block areas and the arena and spam global etc.
Please feel free to join if you are a forumer, an olbie or a close friend of a co-existing member. And let this guild grow to is past glory!
Saturday, 20 October 2007
The History Of EO - Wolfdog
The History Of Endless Online as written By - Wolfdog
Added Analogue (Final Section) - Picto.
This is truly a great read, it was incomplete so i added a bit, but it is truly worth reading, and you'll get that warm fuzzy feeling inside, as you take a step by step journey through endless online's history, as it were.
The History of Endless-Online as it stands can be divided into four distinct periods. These periods are the pre-v12 stage (The Period of Growth), v12-v14 (The reign of the oldbies/Golden Ages), v15-v18 (The change in era), and v19-the present (Recent History or Revenge of the Newbs).
The Period of Growth (pre-v12)
The events in this time frame were few and scarce. Clothing was added near the end of this era, but one needed to use the Dressbot service to use the clothing. The community was very small and tightly knit. It ranged from 9-12 people, which showed that the game was still getting started, and hadn't even gained much publicity.
The Reign of the Oldbies/Golden Ages (v12-v14)
The game slowly and steadily gained momentum. A basic battle system was introduced in v12, and with it came the paperdoll (ability to change your character's clothes by dragging and dropping clothes from your inventory onto the paperdoll). Monsters were now killable, and they dropped clothing and other items (some which were useless at the time [Potions, skulls, etc]). Monsters also gave experience, but levels weren't enabled at the time, so killing monsters for experience was useless.
Scamming came hand in hand with the growth in population. The Vikings (an official unofficial guild of scammers) made it their job to scam as many people as they could. They succeeded in scamming a good portion of the EO players, but their success rate died down when Mediators were introduced to the game. Mediators were ordinary players that were trusted by admins. Their job was to help the players of Endless Online by completing trades for them (Every mediator had their own method, but in the end it still prevented scams). Out of the ~20 mediators that were appointed, only 1 was corrupt, so the project was a success.
When v14 came out in October 2004, a very crucial update came with it: a trade system. This eliminated the need for Mediators, so they were disbanded. Skilled scammers were able to manipulate the trade system, but their new scams were shortlived because an upgrade was implemented shortly thereafter.
Endless Online grew more and more by the day, to the point where signups needed to be closed (v12) for a period of time. This resulted in angry forum members that were not able to sign up for the game. They stuck around on the forums for a bit, then either left, or cooperated.
Throughout this entire era, player run guilds were formed. Memorable guilds include The Vikings and Fallen Angels. They were groups of people that were joined by a common purpose. They communicated using free message boards (phpBB, InvisionFree, etc) and the ingame chat. There was a number of unofficial guilds near the end of v14, but only a handful stood the test of time. Those that survived were made official in v15 (read on to learn more).
Nearing the end of v14, EndlessRadio was created. It was an online radio station run by a few players of EO. It quickly became very popular, and eventually had DJs that were ingame admins and developers. The peak was 40 listeners, while there were only 60-70 players online. Some of the Disc Jockeys for this settlement included Mizzy, Sakurakur, Rexor, Myriad, Tale, Paper and many more less noteable players.
The Change in Era (v15-v18)
The introduction of version 15 represents a major shift in the community dynamics of Endless-Online. An increase in server capacity and an arguably unwarranted overpromotion of the game led to a drastic increase in the number of players. This created a lot of tension between the older players and the new players since the former were unable to absorb such a large group into their ranks.
Version 16 can be considered the Dark Age for Endless-Online. The version release coincided with the introduction of a brand new server hosting company. The server capacity was again increased and more functions were added to the game. This new version was short-lived, however, when the new server company walked away from its contractual agreements and approximately $800 of Vult-R's money. During this time there was a greater emphasis placed on the Endless-Online forums and the IRC where the Oldbie/Newbie community continued their hostilities.
Version 17 marked the return of Endless-Online after over a month. The return marked a number of changes to the game but a diminished server capacity. One of the features of this version was the guild option which allowed players to congregate. This development allowed for a couple of important developments. The first of these was the Organization (ORG). Started by the player Marluxia in version 15 it was the second guild to organize under the new system. The ORG represented the first new player uprising where many joined for the sense of belonging that the Oldbies would not afford them. The Organization would eventually crumble under the internal politics of the guild and the undermining of Marluxia's cult of personality.
The second important development was the Esgares Empire (EE). This guild was organized under the player Zemeckis and consisted of a core group of loyal players dedicated to pointing out the flaws in the game. The Empire took pride in finding the faults in the game and exploiting them for their own amusement. Most notable is their use of blocking to cause massive traffic jams within the game. This direct protest led to the introduction of the walkthrough function in the game. The Empire has since disbanded but some of the members are now considered to be legends within the community.
Certain other guilds (Fallen Angels, The Vikings) from previous versions were made official in this era. The Vikings didn't last long, due to the fact that scamming wasn't easy anymore, though they were successful in some instances. Members of the Vikings stuck around in the guild and used the Guild Chat to talk to their friends, and the guild turned into a shadow of what it once was. The Fallen Angels guild (an association of players that had been with the game since early on) lasted for a long time (v19) and some members spent most of their ingame time helping newer players (showing them places, giving them items to start off with, etc.), giving the guild a good reputation for a while.
Version 18 represented the end of this era. The Empire and the Organization were dwindling. The server situation was working itself out. The Revival of version 19 and the subsequent turmoil were just around the corner.
Version 19
Version 20 was kicked off with a nice summer event hosted by Tale and Laine. The event was the arrival of the Kitty Hat and The Toad Hat, both being very rare and valued items for quite some time. Many new areas were available which made the community skyrocket. Yet again, causing a hefty amount of social status between the "Newbies" and the "Oldbies".
Though, this was a great revolutionary time, as many ideas from the players of Endless-Online were taken into consideration.
A New Age Begins (v21 - Present) (By Picto.)
Shuddering away from what had been left behind, scamming, duping, glitches, endless online finally grew into the game it would become, as development took a turn from being about making the game playable, to adding new items and such. Arenabot left, devil costumes were but a mere memory, and endless online started to spread its wings, ready to leave it's nest and fly out into the world of online gaming. And as it became more advertised and successful, more joined, and so marked the beginning of the new age ; The coming of the newbs.
There were still many changes that endless online had yet to go through, such as new places and items. Admins left, people complained, blogs were set up, as endless online established itself as a proper game. And so the history died, no longer were the days of small communities were everyone knew everyone else, and the MMORPG effect came into play, as endless' players slowly drifted apart, and finally left.
And as they did, and new people came, the game fell into turmoil over and over. Sabanthrea died, Sakurakur left, arvid was hacked, and the new age signalled the most exciting and eventful period in eo's history ever. And as darkplug got deleted, and berdy and debstar left, endless finaly began to become what it now is, and will probably always be, until they day we look back at the duping, and the blue room, and see ourselves making the history, the history of the new age, of endless online...
-Picto, with great great thanks to Wolfdog
Added Analogue (Final Section) - Picto.
This is truly a great read, it was incomplete so i added a bit, but it is truly worth reading, and you'll get that warm fuzzy feeling inside, as you take a step by step journey through endless online's history, as it were.
The History of Endless-Online as it stands can be divided into four distinct periods. These periods are the pre-v12 stage (The Period of Growth), v12-v14 (The reign of the oldbies/Golden Ages), v15-v18 (The change in era), and v19-the present (Recent History or Revenge of the Newbs).
The Period of Growth (pre-v12)
The events in this time frame were few and scarce. Clothing was added near the end of this era, but one needed to use the Dressbot service to use the clothing. The community was very small and tightly knit. It ranged from 9-12 people, which showed that the game was still getting started, and hadn't even gained much publicity.
The Reign of the Oldbies/Golden Ages (v12-v14)
The game slowly and steadily gained momentum. A basic battle system was introduced in v12, and with it came the paperdoll (ability to change your character's clothes by dragging and dropping clothes from your inventory onto the paperdoll). Monsters were now killable, and they dropped clothing and other items (some which were useless at the time [Potions, skulls, etc]). Monsters also gave experience, but levels weren't enabled at the time, so killing monsters for experience was useless.
Scamming came hand in hand with the growth in population. The Vikings (an official unofficial guild of scammers) made it their job to scam as many people as they could. They succeeded in scamming a good portion of the EO players, but their success rate died down when Mediators were introduced to the game. Mediators were ordinary players that were trusted by admins. Their job was to help the players of Endless Online by completing trades for them (Every mediator had their own method, but in the end it still prevented scams). Out of the ~20 mediators that were appointed, only 1 was corrupt, so the project was a success.
When v14 came out in October 2004, a very crucial update came with it: a trade system. This eliminated the need for Mediators, so they were disbanded. Skilled scammers were able to manipulate the trade system, but their new scams were shortlived because an upgrade was implemented shortly thereafter.
Endless Online grew more and more by the day, to the point where signups needed to be closed (v12) for a period of time. This resulted in angry forum members that were not able to sign up for the game. They stuck around on the forums for a bit, then either left, or cooperated.
Throughout this entire era, player run guilds were formed. Memorable guilds include The Vikings and Fallen Angels. They were groups of people that were joined by a common purpose. They communicated using free message boards (phpBB, InvisionFree, etc) and the ingame chat. There was a number of unofficial guilds near the end of v14, but only a handful stood the test of time. Those that survived were made official in v15 (read on to learn more).
Nearing the end of v14, EndlessRadio was created. It was an online radio station run by a few players of EO. It quickly became very popular, and eventually had DJs that were ingame admins and developers. The peak was 40 listeners, while there were only 60-70 players online. Some of the Disc Jockeys for this settlement included Mizzy, Sakurakur, Rexor, Myriad, Tale, Paper and many more less noteable players.
The Change in Era (v15-v18)
The introduction of version 15 represents a major shift in the community dynamics of Endless-Online. An increase in server capacity and an arguably unwarranted overpromotion of the game led to a drastic increase in the number of players. This created a lot of tension between the older players and the new players since the former were unable to absorb such a large group into their ranks.
Version 16 can be considered the Dark Age for Endless-Online. The version release coincided with the introduction of a brand new server hosting company. The server capacity was again increased and more functions were added to the game. This new version was short-lived, however, when the new server company walked away from its contractual agreements and approximately $800 of Vult-R's money. During this time there was a greater emphasis placed on the Endless-Online forums and the IRC where the Oldbie/Newbie community continued their hostilities.
Version 17 marked the return of Endless-Online after over a month. The return marked a number of changes to the game but a diminished server capacity. One of the features of this version was the guild option which allowed players to congregate. This development allowed for a couple of important developments. The first of these was the Organization (ORG). Started by the player Marluxia in version 15 it was the second guild to organize under the new system. The ORG represented the first new player uprising where many joined for the sense of belonging that the Oldbies would not afford them. The Organization would eventually crumble under the internal politics of the guild and the undermining of Marluxia's cult of personality.
The second important development was the Esgares Empire (EE). This guild was organized under the player Zemeckis and consisted of a core group of loyal players dedicated to pointing out the flaws in the game. The Empire took pride in finding the faults in the game and exploiting them for their own amusement. Most notable is their use of blocking to cause massive traffic jams within the game. This direct protest led to the introduction of the walkthrough function in the game. The Empire has since disbanded but some of the members are now considered to be legends within the community.
Certain other guilds (Fallen Angels, The Vikings) from previous versions were made official in this era. The Vikings didn't last long, due to the fact that scamming wasn't easy anymore, though they were successful in some instances. Members of the Vikings stuck around in the guild and used the Guild Chat to talk to their friends, and the guild turned into a shadow of what it once was. The Fallen Angels guild (an association of players that had been with the game since early on) lasted for a long time (v19) and some members spent most of their ingame time helping newer players (showing them places, giving them items to start off with, etc.), giving the guild a good reputation for a while.
Version 18 represented the end of this era. The Empire and the Organization were dwindling. The server situation was working itself out. The Revival of version 19 and the subsequent turmoil were just around the corner.
Version 19
Version 20 was kicked off with a nice summer event hosted by Tale and Laine. The event was the arrival of the Kitty Hat and The Toad Hat, both being very rare and valued items for quite some time. Many new areas were available which made the community skyrocket. Yet again, causing a hefty amount of social status between the "Newbies" and the "Oldbies".
Though, this was a great revolutionary time, as many ideas from the players of Endless-Online were taken into consideration.
A New Age Begins (v21 - Present) (By Picto.)
Shuddering away from what had been left behind, scamming, duping, glitches, endless online finally grew into the game it would become, as development took a turn from being about making the game playable, to adding new items and such. Arenabot left, devil costumes were but a mere memory, and endless online started to spread its wings, ready to leave it's nest and fly out into the world of online gaming. And as it became more advertised and successful, more joined, and so marked the beginning of the new age ; The coming of the newbs.
There were still many changes that endless online had yet to go through, such as new places and items. Admins left, people complained, blogs were set up, as endless online established itself as a proper game. And so the history died, no longer were the days of small communities were everyone knew everyone else, and the MMORPG effect came into play, as endless' players slowly drifted apart, and finally left.
And as they did, and new people came, the game fell into turmoil over and over. Sabanthrea died, Sakurakur left, arvid was hacked, and the new age signalled the most exciting and eventful period in eo's history ever. And as darkplug got deleted, and berdy and debstar left, endless finaly began to become what it now is, and will probably always be, until they day we look back at the duping, and the blue room, and see ourselves making the history, the history of the new age, of endless online...
-Picto, with great great thanks to Wolfdog
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
I've found a new hangout, the wall...

It's true, arvid logged on yesterday and i asked whether he'd teleport me to near the wall (in maze) and he did. So i spent some time, talking with these guys, and with arvid, about this wall situation, and it all seems to be going well. And one thing i noticed is that most of the people are rightly accused, they are still genuinely good people, who should be treated same as everyone else, yes still they deserve punishment, but socially, they are no different from you or me.
perhaps this punishment is a little cruel, but if this si what is needed in order to keep the peace, then it is what happens, and there is nothing that can change.
Now, i love hanging around here, but unfortunately i get a lot of ''Picto get me out plx'', and unless i know you are wrongly accused, I'm not even going to try.
Anyway, i thought i may as well point some things out about the wall :
1) You can't scroll out, don't buy scrolls.
2) Don't plee to arvid for freedom, it won't work.
3) People claiming to be admins are not.
4) I'm not in a walk around jail, I'm just hanging about.
5) Don't ask me to release you
6) Don't kiss ass.
7) Being a snitch won't get you out.
8) Don't complain
9) I don't know how long you're walled for.
If you are walled, i suggest either making a new character, or just trying to enjoy your time , in guild chat, global, or with fellow walled, or with me =D, and don't beat yourself up about it.
Perhaps, this is a new golden age of endless, perhaps finally we're going to see some discipline, and 2008 i happen to know will bring some BIG discipline changes, but until then, arvid is a one man army, and it seems to be doing its job.
If you wanna come chill with me, head down to maze 32 in the castle maze, top right corner, i never leave, and i have a hoot, cheers.
Oh and hi to the following :
Good guys.
It's true, arvid logged on yesterday and i asked whether he'd teleport me to near the wall (in maze) and he did. So i spent some time, talking with these guys, and with arvid, about this wall situation, and it all seems to be going well. And one thing i noticed is that most of the people are rightly accused, they are still genuinely good people, who should be treated same as everyone else, yes still they deserve punishment, but socially, they are no different from you or me.
perhaps this punishment is a little cruel, but if this si what is needed in order to keep the peace, then it is what happens, and there is nothing that can change.
Now, i love hanging around here, but unfortunately i get a lot of ''Picto get me out plx'', and unless i know you are wrongly accused, I'm not even going to try.
Anyway, i thought i may as well point some things out about the wall :
1) You can't scroll out, don't buy scrolls.
2) Don't plee to arvid for freedom, it won't work.
3) People claiming to be admins are not.
4) I'm not in a walk around jail, I'm just hanging about.
5) Don't ask me to release you
6) Don't kiss ass.
7) Being a snitch won't get you out.
8) Don't complain
9) I don't know how long you're walled for.
If you are walled, i suggest either making a new character, or just trying to enjoy your time , in guild chat, global, or with fellow walled, or with me =D, and don't beat yourself up about it.
Perhaps, this is a new golden age of endless, perhaps finally we're going to see some discipline, and 2008 i happen to know will bring some BIG discipline changes, but until then, arvid is a one man army, and it seems to be doing its job.
If you wanna come chill with me, head down to maze 32 in the castle maze, top right corner, i never leave, and i have a hoot, cheers.
Oh and hi to the following :
Good guys.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
As I'm assuming you can clearly see, i have added various adverts to both the opening page and the blog, true, this is adsense, a system in which you earn money by page impressions and clicks of ads. I finally decided after all this time i wanted to start being paid for the blog, but didn't want to take donations =D, so i thought I'd see how this goes, and don't worry, these ads won't disrupt the page or get in your way,and the blog will continue as normal, and after about 48 hours they'll become a bit more relevant to the blog, thanks.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
A Guide to not getting scammed
Here's the baseline, you're not supposed to buy currency or accounts form other games, or other servers, or different accounts, or just anything in general, but i know it'll never end, so i may as well make sure you all do it safe ...
1. Making sure you don't find scammers :
When you're buying or selling different game items or accounts, such as runescape, don't use global, global is a breeding ground fro scammers. Pathetic losers that sit there all day watching that little box, just waiting for someone to be buying runescape gold or accounts so they can spring on you and scamm you for all you have.
Instead, go to places like the forums, guild members or aeven square. Now aeven square is were i would normally do shopping if buying for a different game, as people there are newbs and really don't grasp the idea of people begin able to scamm them easily, they also believe that people are genuine on the game, and so will most likely let you go first or some other method meaning this is beneficial. And newbs are less likely to scamm you as well as they do not know how, it's a good way, and often cheap as they have no real grasp on prices, of getting items or accounts from other games.
2. Talk to them
Scammers will often show obvious symptoms if they're going to scamm, these include :
Letting the price drop without a fight
Acting innocent and stupid (''i'm no good at computers'')
Saying they've been scam me out of alot of gold (like 3m+)
If they are wearing very expensive items
Saying ''I'm not gonna scamm you''
Saying ''You can report me if i scamm''
Saying ''I talk to arvid''
Players that tell you to follow instead doff just talking in group chat
Symptoms of honest players :
Players that tend to bend to your demands
Players that will only take a certain price
Players that don't mention scamming.
Players that appear to be wearing crappy clothes and don't have much knowledge of real world trading.
Other various symptoms suggesting nervousness.
People determined to sell.
Still can't tell, check the blacklist to see if they are scammers, ask global or others, and if you still can't tell, just walk away.
3. Not sure?
Always suggest a simultaneous trade to see if they are honest, by explaining the fact that they can have endless open in a window and have the other game open in a browser, if they deny that option they will most likely scamm. There is no reason they wouldn't want to do a perfectly safe method now is there?
4. Always play in a window.
It's just common sense, it gives you the ability to check things whilst in trade to make sure you're not going to get scammed, e.g. If someone is selling you an account for say, runescape, have the name of the account already typed in, and get them to say the pass before you accept on endless, if playing in a window, u can quickly type the password din on runescape and make sure before accepting.
5. Not sure?
Just don't go throguh with it, only ever trade if you're 100% certain.
6. Get a trustworthy middleman
If you're going to be buying an endless online account, get someone you know you can trust, either a very close friend, or someone that everyone knows :
Avamay (Not sure if these two are middlemening again yet)
Trustworthy forum members.
And if not, download endless proxy for just the trade so you can check the account while in trade using the multi-client.
Never do the half, details, half method, honestly, it's a 100% scamm.
8.Don't break first.
Never give in. If you're debating on who goes first never break and go ''ok i will'', this is exactly what a scammer wants you to do, they have more patience than you do, because if this scammed doesn't work they can just do another, where as you want whatever it is you're trading, so you can snap eventually. If it comes down to you and him in a simultaneous trade, just waiting for one of you to accept on one of the trades, wait for him, never accept first, because they'll just cancel their trade, and kapow, you're scammed.
9.Get proof.
Always get proof that they have the money, or items, or account, don't just take their word for it.
10. Don't do it
Alot of the time it isn't even worth it anyway
11.Don't trust anyone
In this game, it's hard to trust anyone you don't know / can beat up in r/l. Mya divs is try to sya personasl.
12. Don't scamm.
I suppose that this guide could be reversed to be a guide of how to scamm and what to look out for, but seriously, don't scamm, it's not good, you'll get reported, and walled, and that little mark will lie on your concious forever, you know how painful it is to be scammed yourself don't you, but every time you scamm someone they have to go through the same feeling.
Well, that's all the help i can give you, it's still your choice if you want to to out and buy things , risking you money, but remember, there are always gonna be pathetic losers out there, that only care about he money in your pocket.
Earlier i got scammed again out of 10k, and as the person left the room, she actually said ''sorry'', it would seem as though this person didn't actually want to scamm, more like she had to, so please, try to resist, and try not to get scammed yourselves. And if you do get scammed, report their names, they will get punished for their crimes.
1. Making sure you don't find scammers :
When you're buying or selling different game items or accounts, such as runescape, don't use global, global is a breeding ground fro scammers. Pathetic losers that sit there all day watching that little box, just waiting for someone to be buying runescape gold or accounts so they can spring on you and scamm you for all you have.
Instead, go to places like the forums, guild members or aeven square. Now aeven square is were i would normally do shopping if buying for a different game, as people there are newbs and really don't grasp the idea of people begin able to scamm them easily, they also believe that people are genuine on the game, and so will most likely let you go first or some other method meaning this is beneficial. And newbs are less likely to scamm you as well as they do not know how, it's a good way, and often cheap as they have no real grasp on prices, of getting items or accounts from other games.
2. Talk to them
Scammers will often show obvious symptoms if they're going to scamm, these include :
Letting the price drop without a fight
Acting innocent and stupid (''i'm no good at computers'')
Saying they've been scam me out of alot of gold (like 3m+)
If they are wearing very expensive items
Saying ''I'm not gonna scamm you''
Saying ''You can report me if i scamm''
Saying ''I talk to arvid''
Players that tell you to follow instead doff just talking in group chat
Symptoms of honest players :
Players that tend to bend to your demands
Players that will only take a certain price
Players that don't mention scamming.
Players that appear to be wearing crappy clothes and don't have much knowledge of real world trading.
Other various symptoms suggesting nervousness.
People determined to sell.
Still can't tell, check the blacklist to see if they are scammers, ask global or others, and if you still can't tell, just walk away.
3. Not sure?
Always suggest a simultaneous trade to see if they are honest, by explaining the fact that they can have endless open in a window and have the other game open in a browser, if they deny that option they will most likely scamm. There is no reason they wouldn't want to do a perfectly safe method now is there?
4. Always play in a window.
It's just common sense, it gives you the ability to check things whilst in trade to make sure you're not going to get scammed, e.g. If someone is selling you an account for say, runescape, have the name of the account already typed in, and get them to say the pass before you accept on endless, if playing in a window, u can quickly type the password din on runescape and make sure before accepting.
5. Not sure?
Just don't go throguh with it, only ever trade if you're 100% certain.
6. Get a trustworthy middleman
If you're going to be buying an endless online account, get someone you know you can trust, either a very close friend, or someone that everyone knows :
Avamay (Not sure if these two are middlemening again yet)
Trustworthy forum members.
And if not, download endless proxy for just the trade so you can check the account while in trade using the multi-client.
Never do the half, details, half method, honestly, it's a 100% scamm.
8.Don't break first.
Never give in. If you're debating on who goes first never break and go ''ok i will'', this is exactly what a scammer wants you to do, they have more patience than you do, because if this scammed doesn't work they can just do another, where as you want whatever it is you're trading, so you can snap eventually. If it comes down to you and him in a simultaneous trade, just waiting for one of you to accept on one of the trades, wait for him, never accept first, because they'll just cancel their trade, and kapow, you're scammed.
9.Get proof.
Always get proof that they have the money, or items, or account, don't just take their word for it.
10. Don't do it
Alot of the time it isn't even worth it anyway
11.Don't trust anyone
In this game, it's hard to trust anyone you don't know / can beat up in r/l. Mya divs is try to sya personasl.
12. Don't scamm.
I suppose that this guide could be reversed to be a guide of how to scamm and what to look out for, but seriously, don't scamm, it's not good, you'll get reported, and walled, and that little mark will lie on your concious forever, you know how painful it is to be scammed yourself don't you, but every time you scamm someone they have to go through the same feeling.
Well, that's all the help i can give you, it's still your choice if you want to to out and buy things , risking you money, but remember, there are always gonna be pathetic losers out there, that only care about he money in your pocket.
Earlier i got scammed again out of 10k, and as the person left the room, she actually said ''sorry'', it would seem as though this person didn't actually want to scamm, more like she had to, so please, try to resist, and try not to get scammed yourselves. And if you do get scammed, report their names, they will get punished for their crimes.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
This is the first time I've ever posted twice in one day, anyway, I'm assuming you all know by now, but there have been some HUGE changes to the picto-blog.
No this was not spontaneous, I've been photoshopping / writing / coding for almost a fortnight now, i didn't tell anyone though, thought it would be a nice surprise. So I've attempted to make the blog alot more professional and grown up, by removign some silly images and texts, and replacing them with more stylish, subtle images or texts.
But haste, there is still more to come than what you have seen so far, including replacing ALOT of images for links etc. Also i need to work out some kinks and improve certain things, until it is finally complete.
I will list below the changes :
[+] = Added
[%] = Changed
[-] = Removed
Without Further Ado :
[+] = A Completely New Opening Page For The Blog.
[%] = Top Image For The Picto-Blog.
[%] = Image Leading To The Blacklist
[%] = Location Of Counter
[%] = Location Of Links Drop-Down
[-] = Removed A Few Links From The Drop-down
[+] = Top Current Flash Games
[-] = removed The Chat Box From The Blog
[+] = Added Chat Box To Opening Page
[%] = Changed Opening Page's URL To www.pictoking.blogspot.com And Blog's URL To www.pictokingblog.blogspot.com
[%] = Background Colour Is Now Darker (But Not Black)
[%] = Text Colour And Link Colour
[%] = Font (Hopefully)
[%] = Location Of 'Contact Picto' Link
[%] = Location Of Headlines Section
[-] = Counter From Blog Page
[+] = Faster Page Loading Time.
[%%%] = Several Other minor Appearance Changes.
[+] = Sub-Directory.
So thanks for sticking with us, and remember, the opening page and blog are not complete yet, so hang in there, got a couple more bumps in the road...
No this was not spontaneous, I've been photoshopping / writing / coding for almost a fortnight now, i didn't tell anyone though, thought it would be a nice surprise. So I've attempted to make the blog alot more professional and grown up, by removign some silly images and texts, and replacing them with more stylish, subtle images or texts.
But haste, there is still more to come than what you have seen so far, including replacing ALOT of images for links etc. Also i need to work out some kinks and improve certain things, until it is finally complete.
I will list below the changes :
[+] = Added
[%] = Changed
[-] = Removed
Without Further Ado :
[+] = A Completely New Opening Page For The Blog.
[%] = Top Image For The Picto-Blog.
[%] = Image Leading To The Blacklist
[%] = Location Of Counter
[%] = Location Of Links Drop-Down
[-] = Removed A Few Links From The Drop-down
[+] = Top Current Flash Games
[-] = removed The Chat Box From The Blog
[+] = Added Chat Box To Opening Page
[%] = Changed Opening Page's URL To www.pictoking.blogspot.com And Blog's URL To www.pictokingblog.blogspot.com
[%] = Background Colour Is Now Darker (But Not Black)
[%] = Text Colour And Link Colour
[%] = Font (Hopefully)
[%] = Location Of 'Contact Picto' Link
[%] = Location Of Headlines Section
[-] = Counter From Blog Page
[+] = Faster Page Loading Time.
[%%%] = Several Other minor Appearance Changes.
[+] = Sub-Directory.
So thanks for sticking with us, and remember, the opening page and blog are not complete yet, so hang in there, got a couple more bumps in the road...
Everybody's Changing
As you can already see, there have been plenty of changes to the blog, as i try to make it more professional and easier on they eyes, bare in mind there are alot more to come and you'll see alot more changes within the next 3 hours, thanks.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
There are some changes coming in the next week, I'll be adding / taking things form the page, things like little tools and stuff, and i also may be joining adsense so you'll end up seeing some adverts here and there, course, I'm just waiting for that e-mail confirmation ^^.
I already removed the big chat box at the bottom due to lack of visitors, it'd be better off with one of this small ones by flash that just settle neatly into the side.
Also, one last thing, i may be adding an opening page to house all of these things as i am running out of space on the right, a layout like this :
Title at top
Tools etc. at sides.
Some sorta large tool in the middle
But that is just future for now, and if anyone knows a decent page builder as such BESIDES awardspace, then please don't hesitate to say so.
So thanks, hope i can get going with some changes.
I already removed the big chat box at the bottom due to lack of visitors, it'd be better off with one of this small ones by flash that just settle neatly into the side.
Also, one last thing, i may be adding an opening page to house all of these things as i am running out of space on the right, a layout like this :
Title at top
Tools etc. at sides.
Some sorta large tool in the middle
But that is just future for now, and if anyone knows a decent page builder as such BESIDES awardspace, then please don't hesitate to say so.
So thanks, hope i can get going with some changes.
Sunday, 30 September 2007
* I've Been Walling On The Railroad, All The Livelong day... *
Indeed, it seems walling, like celebrity's getting cancer, is all the rage nowadays. And arvid just can't help himself from a decent walling every now and then, in fact, it's all the time, and each person that gets walled is just another step towards bringing justice and peace to this game, and no, Medusa did not get walled.
To be honest though, if you did get walled you did deserve and so don't complain, especially not to me wikky, nezlo or the endless online forums, because people won't listen or care about you, you are cheaters that should be walled.
I feel just a little grateful though, that arivd has apparently been using my blacklist, as a tour guide to jailing endless online players. This may also be why i have received a number of threats on my pc recently, all of the complete BS.
Also, there really hasn't been so much of an influx of people being added to the blacklist recently, so please feel free to submit some more if you see or know of them, thanks.
To be honest though, if you did get walled you did deserve and so don't complain, especially not to me wikky, nezlo or the endless online forums, because people won't listen or care about you, you are cheaters that should be walled.
I feel just a little grateful though, that arivd has apparently been using my blacklist, as a tour guide to jailing endless online players. This may also be why i have received a number of threats on my pc recently, all of the complete BS.
Also, there really hasn't been so much of an influx of people being added to the blacklist recently, so please feel free to submit some more if you see or know of them, thanks.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
If there is one thing that Nezlo is amazing at, it is this, making you look back and think, ''god, i remember that, it was so fun'' And so, i present to you , Nezlo's little slide show , here.
Well that isn't the slide show, but it's sorta the collection of all the images in a big, easy to view folder. I'd personally like to thank Nezlo for resurrecting some of the good times from eo's and my past, including :
Paperclip hacking arvid (One of my favourite memories)
Vult + arvid trying out the new spells.
Chaos spawn invasion.
The old arena.
Other various old times in eo.
Darkplug being deleted (absolute favourite memory of endless)
The old creation.
Nezlo's pictures are great at that effect where you see the images and it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside, when you relive the events and get swallowed in reminiscing.
I advise you all take a scroll through his screen shots, I'm sure i'll add alot of the to the thread on the forums, and of course, alot of these thanks goes to DF / knight.
Those pictures are possibly the greatest thing about endless online at the moment, it's not just about leveling or chilling out, it's about memories...
Well that isn't the slide show, but it's sorta the collection of all the images in a big, easy to view folder. I'd personally like to thank Nezlo for resurrecting some of the good times from eo's and my past, including :
Paperclip hacking arvid (One of my favourite memories)
Vult + arvid trying out the new spells.
Chaos spawn invasion.
The old arena.
Other various old times in eo.
Darkplug being deleted (absolute favourite memory of endless)
The old creation.
Nezlo's pictures are great at that effect where you see the images and it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside, when you relive the events and get swallowed in reminiscing.
I advise you all take a scroll through his screen shots, I'm sure i'll add alot of the to the thread on the forums, and of course, alot of these thanks goes to DF / knight.
Those pictures are possibly the greatest thing about endless online at the moment, it's not just about leveling or chilling out, it's about memories...
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Dawn Of Stupidity.
Well, i created a new guild named Dawn Of Victory, and of course, unlike my previous guild,s this one is actually going to last this time. It's only small at the moment, and is reserved for :
Lvl 5+
Forum Members
Close Friends of existing members
I'm aiming high this time, i want a big guild, so if you want to join pm me in game, and if you're under level 5, just ask nicely ; D.
1 More thing, hence the ''stupidity'' in the title, that someone is spreading rumours that i hack and scam on my alts, including guildhouse, of course, this is really not the case. I've heard it was jie-1, but also that other people are catching on just for laughs, this is not true, the closest i ever came to scamming was trying to scam the guy that scammed me out of 400k, but that's just justice.
Have a nice day -Picto
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Contact me.
Erm, due to recent requests, I've added a little image link on the right that allows you to send e-mail directly to me for private messaging or submitions to the blog. Took ages to locate the correct code for how to get a link to an e-mail writing page but i cracked it =D.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Scammed again.
Guess what, i just got scammed, again, that's 500k in one god damn week....
Basically, same as last time, i went in to trade, someone put up 95k for a TB, so naturally i thought I'd accept, i waited ages for him to accept, and he did. So then i accepted but after i only had 1g from the deal, where in trade it CLEARLY said 95000. Obviously it's the same trick as last time, with deadly effects, with this trick they can get whatever they want.
I seriously urge you not to trust ANYONE nowadays, offers that seems too good, or even just normally , may probably be a scam, this is seriously getting out of control now and it is not good at all. I fear this type of trade scam is only just re-emerging , and Will continue to get more and more serious until you can't trust anyone, but especially not ''Mgmgrand'', my scammer, the stupid twisted freak should be jailed scammed / hacked / jailed as soon as some important people see this.
We are getting to a point where eo becomes more secures so hacks become more dangerous, 500k in one week is quite a record, but just wait until someone looses 1mil+ or something, absolutely god damn ridiculous...
Basically, same as last time, i went in to trade, someone put up 95k for a TB, so naturally i thought I'd accept, i waited ages for him to accept, and he did. So then i accepted but after i only had 1g from the deal, where in trade it CLEARLY said 95000. Obviously it's the same trick as last time, with deadly effects, with this trick they can get whatever they want.
I seriously urge you not to trust ANYONE nowadays, offers that seems too good, or even just normally , may probably be a scam, this is seriously getting out of control now and it is not good at all. I fear this type of trade scam is only just re-emerging , and Will continue to get more and more serious until you can't trust anyone, but especially not ''Mgmgrand'', my scammer, the stupid twisted freak should be jailed scammed / hacked / jailed as soon as some important people see this.
We are getting to a point where eo becomes more secures so hacks become more dangerous, 500k in one week is quite a record, but just wait until someone looses 1mil+ or something, absolutely god damn ridiculous...
Monday, 17 September 2007
Me and my alts.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Finally, after many a vote and many a joke, it had finally ended, and now, there is only but to announce our grateful winners, and so, without further ado, the winners!
'Welcome' - Best New Member Award (January 2007 +) - Nominations :
Congratulations to nightvision!

'orly?' - Most helpful member award - Nominations :
Congratulations to DF!

'Music-Man' - Best Musician Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Chaos!

'I Make Piccys Move' - Greatest Animator Award - Nominations :
Hisho Hiro
Congratulations to DannyPoloskei!

'Me Ish Funny' - Funniest Member Award - Nominations :
Mr. Cosby
Congratulations to Nianne!

'Be There Numbers? Good' - Most Technical Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Vult-R!

'Spam!!!!11111' - Most Spam Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Qwertyjoe.!

'Awwwwwww' - Worst Cock up of the year award - Nominations :
Room Of Doom
Chaos, Calan + Addy Get Mils.
8 Months For version 28
Calan Gets A Devil
Vult Unjails
The worst cock up of the year : The room of doom!

'I wooted' - Greatest moment of the year award - Nominations :
Marauding chokes on a cheesy puff Live on air.
Version 28 Is Released
YFL Returns!
Onyxfalcon Junks 80 Barus!
30 Hours And Still blocking - Malone.
Ice Radio Returns!
The best moment of the year in endless online : Ice radio returns!

'Datawhat?' - Worst site award - Nominations :
Enldess Archive
Endlessgame.piczo.com (Shut Down)
FreeEoMoney.piczo.com (Shut Down)
The crappest eo-related site of the year : Endless Archive!

'You need how much? Ok' - Kindest Player Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Sanouske!

'If you look to your left' - Most resourceful site award - Nominations :
Endless Report
Everything Endless
DF's eo guide site.
Congratulations to The endless report!

'i wanna be a star' - Best upcoming site award - Nominations :
Hell's Newest edition
Vegaz' Blog (brought back so considered new)
Sky's the limit
Congratulations to Eo-Times!

'Mwuhahahahahah' - Worst hacker award - Nominations :
Barrier (and all of his alts etc.)
EO's Worst hacker, well done Calan!

'Custom ranks' - Best Guild Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to EO's best guild, YFL!

The Big Ones :
'I'ma bopping n' a rockin' -Best Ice radio Dj - Nominations :
Kate (Vampira)
Congratulations to marauding, our favourite ice radio DJ!

'I Can Draw k?' - Best Artist Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Vanhawk, our best artist!

'From Blog To Infinity' - Greatest website Award - Nominations :
SKY's The Limit
Nezlo's Source
Endless - Times
Well done to Nezlo's Source!

'Pple liek me' - Greatest Player (In Game) Award - Nominations :
Well done to wickedfrost!

'Um, Crafting Ingredients are...' - Most knowledgeable - Nominations :
Congratulations to DF!

'This is the one!' - Person Of The Year Award! - Nominations :
This is it, our greatest member / player of the year 2006-2007 is!
*Drum roll*
Sterling Fox
Nezlo! Congratulations! A truly deserved winner, although all deserved to take home to gold, nezlo was a clear cut winner with an astonishing 28 votes collected form in game and on the forums, thanks!

So thank you all for voting and participating, from the nomiantons to the polls, we've had some great and close polls, and some great and well-deserved winners! I'm hoping that next year we can vote again for some new winners and get some new badges for the winners, until then, thanks for voting and goodbye!
'Welcome' - Best New Member Award (January 2007 +) - Nominations :
Congratulations to nightvision!

'orly?' - Most helpful member award - Nominations :
Congratulations to DF!

'Music-Man' - Best Musician Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Chaos!

'I Make Piccys Move' - Greatest Animator Award - Nominations :
Hisho Hiro
Congratulations to DannyPoloskei!

'Me Ish Funny' - Funniest Member Award - Nominations :
Mr. Cosby
Congratulations to Nianne!

'Be There Numbers? Good' - Most Technical Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Vult-R!

'Spam!!!!11111' - Most Spam Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Qwertyjoe.!

'Awwwwwww' - Worst Cock up of the year award - Nominations :
Room Of Doom
Chaos, Calan + Addy Get Mils.
8 Months For version 28
Calan Gets A Devil
Vult Unjails
The worst cock up of the year : The room of doom!

'I wooted' - Greatest moment of the year award - Nominations :
Marauding chokes on a cheesy puff Live on air.
Version 28 Is Released
YFL Returns!
Onyxfalcon Junks 80 Barus!
30 Hours And Still blocking - Malone.
Ice Radio Returns!
The best moment of the year in endless online : Ice radio returns!

'Datawhat?' - Worst site award - Nominations :
Enldess Archive
Endlessgame.piczo.com (Shut Down)
FreeEoMoney.piczo.com (Shut Down)
The crappest eo-related site of the year : Endless Archive!

'You need how much? Ok' - Kindest Player Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Sanouske!

'If you look to your left' - Most resourceful site award - Nominations :
Endless Report
Everything Endless
DF's eo guide site.
Congratulations to The endless report!

'i wanna be a star' - Best upcoming site award - Nominations :
Hell's Newest edition
Vegaz' Blog (brought back so considered new)
Sky's the limit
Congratulations to Eo-Times!

'Mwuhahahahahah' - Worst hacker award - Nominations :
Barrier (and all of his alts etc.)
EO's Worst hacker, well done Calan!

'Custom ranks' - Best Guild Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to EO's best guild, YFL!

The Big Ones :
'I'ma bopping n' a rockin' -Best Ice radio Dj - Nominations :
Kate (Vampira)
Congratulations to marauding, our favourite ice radio DJ!

'I Can Draw k?' - Best Artist Award - Nominations :
Congratulations to Vanhawk, our best artist!

'From Blog To Infinity' - Greatest website Award - Nominations :
SKY's The Limit
Nezlo's Source
Endless - Times
Well done to Nezlo's Source!

'Pple liek me' - Greatest Player (In Game) Award - Nominations :
Well done to wickedfrost!

'Um, Crafting Ingredients are...' - Most knowledgeable - Nominations :
Congratulations to DF!

'This is the one!' - Person Of The Year Award! - Nominations :
This is it, our greatest member / player of the year 2006-2007 is!
*Drum roll*
Sterling Fox
Nezlo! Congratulations! A truly deserved winner, although all deserved to take home to gold, nezlo was a clear cut winner with an astonishing 28 votes collected form in game and on the forums, thanks!

So thank you all for voting and participating, from the nomiantons to the polls, we've had some great and close polls, and some great and well-deserved winners! I'm hoping that next year we can vote again for some new winners and get some new badges for the winners, until then, thanks for voting and goodbye!
Friday, 14 September 2007
Eo's Blacklist - Scammers / Hackers / Speeders.
Due to recent events, i have decided to turn this very page into a page of scammers / hackers so they all get what they deserve, any scammers / hackers / speeders that you know of, feel free to pm me their names etc. so we can get some attention.
All Names MUST Have Evidence.
Remember never to trust / trade any of these people, they cannot be trusted and will attempt to scam.This also means they will be punished by the community.
Watch Out For :
All Names MUST Have Evidence.
Remember never to trust / trade any of these people, they cannot be trusted and will attempt to scam.This also means they will be punished by the community.
Watch Out For :
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Endless online, the way it should be.
Genuinely, today i had the most fun i have ever had on endless online.
The day started with me standing in the guild house trying to buy title account or runescape cash or accounts and slowly, after about 1 hour i grew bored, and then i moved out back behind the guild house so i could see PMs more easily, and after a long discussion, in which the trader ended up not showing up for the trade, i was rather sad, it was only then, that some people came walking past, 2 players, deadwil and lancie, who turned this day around.
while i continued to advertise they just stood around talking and enjoying the game, and then it hit me, this game isn't what it used to be for me, i don't take it competevily, i'm not trying to complete quests or start guilds, or have the newest item, i just stand around, usually alone, talking on global or writing in the blog.
But not today, eventually, i got bored of trying to buy stuff, and eventually gave up, but to my suprise, it was a turn for the better. I turned my speakers down and played some quality music, and sat back watching endless online roll on. I gave some gold to a new player that passed by, i had a couple laughs wathcing these two insult speeders on global, and realised how good they had eo figured, they logged on, without a care, and just enjoyed it, and had fun, something that i haven't done since monkfiter moved to test back in v 24.
So i took a note from these two, and i sat back, used a couple of emotions and started enjoying endless online the way it should be enjoyed, hanging out with your friends, laughing, and talking about the world, and of course makign fun of speeders.
So much did this make me happy, that from now on, this is what i want, either just a friend to hang about with, or just random people, so i can meet new people, and enjoy it.
Truly, today taught me alot about the way i, and alot of other people play this game, and it told me to enjoy the game, really. I have truly never been so happy on eo than today when lancie and deadwill merged and said ''i think this may be too awkward for picto >_>'' ''=D''. Truly, this is what endless online, and online gaming, is about, thanks you two.

I urge all of you to take some time from leveling, and sit back and enjoy endless online, the way it was created.
The day started with me standing in the guild house trying to buy title account or runescape cash or accounts and slowly, after about 1 hour i grew bored, and then i moved out back behind the guild house so i could see PMs more easily, and after a long discussion, in which the trader ended up not showing up for the trade, i was rather sad, it was only then, that some people came walking past, 2 players, deadwil and lancie, who turned this day around.
while i continued to advertise they just stood around talking and enjoying the game, and then it hit me, this game isn't what it used to be for me, i don't take it competevily, i'm not trying to complete quests or start guilds, or have the newest item, i just stand around, usually alone, talking on global or writing in the blog.
But not today, eventually, i got bored of trying to buy stuff, and eventually gave up, but to my suprise, it was a turn for the better. I turned my speakers down and played some quality music, and sat back watching endless online roll on. I gave some gold to a new player that passed by, i had a couple laughs wathcing these two insult speeders on global, and realised how good they had eo figured, they logged on, without a care, and just enjoyed it, and had fun, something that i haven't done since monkfiter moved to test back in v 24.
So i took a note from these two, and i sat back, used a couple of emotions and started enjoying endless online the way it should be enjoyed, hanging out with your friends, laughing, and talking about the world, and of course makign fun of speeders.
So much did this make me happy, that from now on, this is what i want, either just a friend to hang about with, or just random people, so i can meet new people, and enjoy it.
Truly, today taught me alot about the way i, and alot of other people play this game, and it told me to enjoy the game, really. I have truly never been so happy on eo than today when lancie and deadwill merged and said ''i think this may be too awkward for picto >_>'' ''=D''. Truly, this is what endless online, and online gaming, is about, thanks you two.
I urge all of you to take some time from leveling, and sit back and enjoy endless online, the way it was created.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Shopping Spree!
I'm buying some things by the way, I'll list them below :
In game name of ''Dragoon''
In game name of ''Fry'' Or ''Pan''
In game name of ''Fryingpan''
A Turtle Account for 350k lol
A Runescape account, lvl100+, white (no offence), warrior preferred, can be rich or poor, must have an acceptable name (no numbers or ''xx...''). I'm offering once again up to 350k cash depending.
Endless account with good name and good title.
Also, I'd like to say that the voting for the picto-awards is going smoothly, and i already have some winners, thanks.
In game name of ''Dragoon''
In game name of ''Fry'' Or ''Pan''
In game name of ''Fryingpan''
A Turtle Account for 350k lol
A Runescape account, lvl100+, white (no offence), warrior preferred, can be rich or poor, must have an acceptable name (no numbers or ''xx...''). I'm offering once again up to 350k cash depending.
Endless account with good name and good title.
Also, I'd like to say that the voting for the picto-awards is going smoothly, and i already have some winners, thanks.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Nomiantions Done
Final Nominated :
'Welcome' - Best New Member Award (january 2007 +) - Nomiantions :
'orly?' - Most helpful member award - Nomiantions :
Honk (Help In Art)
Vanhawk (Help In Art)
Chance (Created Official Rules)
'Music-Man' - Best Musician Award - Nomiantions :
'I Make Piccys Move' - Greatest Animater Award - Nominations :
Hisho Hiro
'Me Ish Funny' - Funniest Member Award - Nominations :
Mr. Cosby
'Be There Numbers? Good' - Most Technical Award - Nominations :
'Spam!!!!11111' - Most Spam Award - Nominations :
Download (Bluetails)
Ntyr Mssn (It is I, everto / banishedz)
'Awwwwwww' - Worst Cock up of the year award - Nomiantions :
Room Of Doom
Chaos, Calan + Addy Get Mils.
8 Months For version 28
Calan Gets A Devil
Vult Unjails
'I wooted' - Greatest moment of the year award - Nomiantions :
Marauding chokes on a cheesey puff Live on air.
Version 28 Is Released
YFL Returns!
Onyxfalcon Junks 80 Barus!
30 Hours And Still blocking - Malone.
Ice Radio Returns!
'Datawhat?' - Worst site award - Nominations :
Enldess Archive
Endlessgame.piczo.com (Shut Down)
FreeEoMoney.piczo.com (Shut Down)
'You need how much? Ok' - Kindest Player Award - Nomiantions :
'If you look to your left' - Most resourceful site award - Nominations :
Endless Report
Everything Endless
DF's eo guide site.
'i wanna be a star' - Best upcoming site award - Nomiantions :
Hell's Newest edition
Vegaz' Blog (brought back so considered new)
Sky's the limit
'Mwuhahahahahah' - Worst hacker award - Nominations :
Barrier (and all of his alts etc.)
'Custom ranks' - Best Guild Award - Nominations :
The Big Ones :
'I'ma bopping n' a rockin' -Best Ice radio Dj - Nomiantions :
Kate (Vampira)
'I Can Draw k?' - Best Artist Award - Nominations :
'From Blog To Infinity' - Greatest website Award - Nominations :
SKY's The Limit
Nezlo's Source
Endless - Times
'Pple liek me' - Greatest Player (In Game) Award - Nomiantions :
'Um, Crafting Ingredients are...' - Most knowledgeable - Nominations :
'This is the one!' - Person Of The Year Award! - Nomiantions :
Sterling Fox
There you have it, the nominations are complete, i will now hold votes every day on the forums to see who will win which category, i would also like to thank everyone for their support and nominations, and lets have some fun , close polls to reveal our champs!
'Welcome' - Best New Member Award (january 2007 +) - Nomiantions :
'orly?' - Most helpful member award - Nomiantions :
Honk (Help In Art)
Vanhawk (Help In Art)
Chance (Created Official Rules)
'Music-Man' - Best Musician Award - Nomiantions :
'I Make Piccys Move' - Greatest Animater Award - Nominations :
Hisho Hiro
'Me Ish Funny' - Funniest Member Award - Nominations :
Mr. Cosby
'Be There Numbers? Good' - Most Technical Award - Nominations :
'Spam!!!!11111' - Most Spam Award - Nominations :
Download (Bluetails)
Ntyr Mssn (It is I, everto / banishedz)
'Awwwwwww' - Worst Cock up of the year award - Nomiantions :
Room Of Doom
Chaos, Calan + Addy Get Mils.
8 Months For version 28
Calan Gets A Devil
Vult Unjails
'I wooted' - Greatest moment of the year award - Nomiantions :
Marauding chokes on a cheesey puff Live on air.
Version 28 Is Released
YFL Returns!
Onyxfalcon Junks 80 Barus!
30 Hours And Still blocking - Malone.
Ice Radio Returns!
'Datawhat?' - Worst site award - Nominations :
Enldess Archive
Endlessgame.piczo.com (Shut Down)
FreeEoMoney.piczo.com (Shut Down)
'You need how much? Ok' - Kindest Player Award - Nomiantions :
'If you look to your left' - Most resourceful site award - Nominations :
Endless Report
Everything Endless
DF's eo guide site.
'i wanna be a star' - Best upcoming site award - Nomiantions :
Hell's Newest edition
Vegaz' Blog (brought back so considered new)
Sky's the limit
'Mwuhahahahahah' - Worst hacker award - Nominations :
Barrier (and all of his alts etc.)
'Custom ranks' - Best Guild Award - Nominations :
The Big Ones :
'I'ma bopping n' a rockin' -Best Ice radio Dj - Nomiantions :
Kate (Vampira)
'I Can Draw k?' - Best Artist Award - Nominations :
'From Blog To Infinity' - Greatest website Award - Nominations :
SKY's The Limit
Nezlo's Source
Endless - Times
'Pple liek me' - Greatest Player (In Game) Award - Nomiantions :
'Um, Crafting Ingredients are...' - Most knowledgeable - Nominations :
'This is the one!' - Person Of The Year Award! - Nomiantions :
Sterling Fox
There you have it, the nominations are complete, i will now hold votes every day on the forums to see who will win which category, i would also like to thank everyone for their support and nominations, and lets have some fun , close polls to reveal our champs!
Friday, 7 September 2007
Picto-Awards : Nominations
Well They're here, the first ever Picto-Awards for the season 2006-2007, this celebrates and congradulates some of the finest of us all, and some of the greatest moets of the past year, this thread will include all nomiantions for each award, then the actual vote will be at another time during the month :
'Welcome' - Best New Member Award (May 2007+) - Nomiantions :
'orly?' - Most helpful member award - Nomiantions :
'Music-Man' - Best Musician Award - Nomiantions :
'I Make Piccys Move' - Greatest Animater Award - Nominations :
Hisho Hiro
'Me Ish Funny' - Funniest Member Award - Nominations :
Mr. Cosby
'Be There Numbers? Good' - Most Technical Award (coder) - Nominations :
'Spam!!!!11111' - Most Spam Award - Nominations :
Download (Bluetails)
'Awwwwwww' - Worst Cock up of the year award - Nomiantions :
Room Of Doom
Chaos, Calan + Addy Get Bills.
8 Months For version 28
Calan Gets A Devil
'I wooted' - Greatest moment of the year award - Nomiantions :
Marauding chokes on a cheesey puff Live on air.
Version 28 Is Released
YFL Returns!
Onyxfalcon Junks 80 Barus!
30 Hours And Still blocking - Malone.
'Datawhat?' - Worst site award - Nominations :
Enldess Archive
'You need how much? Ok' - Kindest Player Award - Nomiantions :
'If you look to your left' - Most resourceful site award - Nominations :
Endless Report
'i wanna be a star' - Best upcoming site award - Nomiantions :
'Mwuhahahahahah' - Worst hacker award - Nominations :
'Custom ranks' - Best Guild Award - Nominations :
The Big Ones :
'I'ma bopping n' a rockin' -Best Ice radio Dj - Nomiantions :
Kate (Vampira)
'I Can Draw k?' - Best Artist Award - Nominations :
'From Blog To Infinity' - Greatest website Award - Nominations :
SKY's The Limit
Nezlo's Source
'Pple liek me' - Greatest Player (In Game) Award - Nomiantions :
'Um, Crafting Ingredients are...' - Most knowledgeable - Nominations :
'This is the one!' - Person Of The Year Award! - Nomiantions :
So, if you have any nominations you would like to suggest feel fre,e we need about 5 things / people for each, oh, and i can easily guess that about 4 of these awards will be ''wickedfrost'' or ''the endless report'' so the blog + player will be entered into 2 categorys only, unlucky wikky, but other people need awards too
'Welcome' - Best New Member Award (May 2007+) - Nomiantions :
'orly?' - Most helpful member award - Nomiantions :
'Music-Man' - Best Musician Award - Nomiantions :
'I Make Piccys Move' - Greatest Animater Award - Nominations :
Hisho Hiro
'Me Ish Funny' - Funniest Member Award - Nominations :
Mr. Cosby
'Be There Numbers? Good' - Most Technical Award (coder) - Nominations :
'Spam!!!!11111' - Most Spam Award - Nominations :
Download (Bluetails)
'Awwwwwww' - Worst Cock up of the year award - Nomiantions :
Room Of Doom
Chaos, Calan + Addy Get Bills.
8 Months For version 28
Calan Gets A Devil
'I wooted' - Greatest moment of the year award - Nomiantions :
Marauding chokes on a cheesey puff Live on air.
Version 28 Is Released
YFL Returns!
Onyxfalcon Junks 80 Barus!
30 Hours And Still blocking - Malone.
'Datawhat?' - Worst site award - Nominations :
Enldess Archive
'You need how much? Ok' - Kindest Player Award - Nomiantions :
'If you look to your left' - Most resourceful site award - Nominations :
Endless Report
'i wanna be a star' - Best upcoming site award - Nomiantions :
'Mwuhahahahahah' - Worst hacker award - Nominations :
'Custom ranks' - Best Guild Award - Nominations :
The Big Ones :
'I'ma bopping n' a rockin' -Best Ice radio Dj - Nomiantions :
Kate (Vampira)
'I Can Draw k?' - Best Artist Award - Nominations :
'From Blog To Infinity' - Greatest website Award - Nominations :
SKY's The Limit
Nezlo's Source
'Pple liek me' - Greatest Player (In Game) Award - Nomiantions :
'Um, Crafting Ingredients are...' - Most knowledgeable - Nominations :
'This is the one!' - Person Of The Year Award! - Nomiantions :
So, if you have any nominations you would like to suggest feel fre,e we need about 5 things / people for each, oh, and i can easily guess that about 4 of these awards will be ''wickedfrost'' or ''the endless report'' so the blog + player will be entered into 2 categorys only, unlucky wikky, but other people need awards too

Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Jail Fever!
While obviously wickedfrost fever is tearing through endless online, i offer you this advice, get the injection.
I know wickedfrost wants his revenge, but seriously, he's going about it all wrong. Letting hackers and speeders out of jail will not help save this community, nor punish vult. Arvid jailed all those people, and then vult let some free, but the majority of people in jail deserve it, they are speeders, hackers, scammers, and don't deserve freedom. I understand that wikky is hurt, hell, we all have our beef with how the admins treat us and this game, but seriously wikky, get a grip. I got many nasty complaints after posting a comment on hiss blog complaining about his current actions, and I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but i stand by my views, and i through this logic at anyone that supports this :
1. A hacker is jailed for hacking several account
2. Wikky helps release the hacker to get back at vult
3. The hacker is now loose and up to no good, but you are happy that wikky is doing something.
4. You logg on a couple days later and your account has been hacked by the released hacker, you now disagree with wikky.
Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean this won't happen.
A block is a peaceful way to get a message through to an admin, whereas releasing a spawn of evil, underhanded players upon the community because you're feeling angry about an admin, is not. This is ,most likely not get admin attention to do anything, he'll just fix it, maybe try to jail a couple players, and probably end up banning or jailing wikky when the glitch is fixed. I know wickedfrost is just trying to do good, but this is all wrong, this will only destroy the community and come back to bite you all in the arse, i seriously suggest the next time you see this message :

Please refrain from yelling ''GO WIKKY'' and heading down there to help, this will be fixed, and it can only destroy the community more than it is already. Question me, flame me if you will, i stand by my morals and decision. -Picto
I know wickedfrost wants his revenge, but seriously, he's going about it all wrong. Letting hackers and speeders out of jail will not help save this community, nor punish vult. Arvid jailed all those people, and then vult let some free, but the majority of people in jail deserve it, they are speeders, hackers, scammers, and don't deserve freedom. I understand that wikky is hurt, hell, we all have our beef with how the admins treat us and this game, but seriously wikky, get a grip. I got many nasty complaints after posting a comment on hiss blog complaining about his current actions, and I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but i stand by my views, and i through this logic at anyone that supports this :
1. A hacker is jailed for hacking several account
2. Wikky helps release the hacker to get back at vult
3. The hacker is now loose and up to no good, but you are happy that wikky is doing something.
4. You logg on a couple days later and your account has been hacked by the released hacker, you now disagree with wikky.
Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean this won't happen.
A block is a peaceful way to get a message through to an admin, whereas releasing a spawn of evil, underhanded players upon the community because you're feeling angry about an admin, is not. This is ,most likely not get admin attention to do anything, he'll just fix it, maybe try to jail a couple players, and probably end up banning or jailing wikky when the glitch is fixed. I know wickedfrost is just trying to do good, but this is all wrong, this will only destroy the community and come back to bite you all in the arse, i seriously suggest the next time you see this message :
Please refrain from yelling ''GO WIKKY'' and heading down there to help, this will be fixed, and it can only destroy the community more than it is already. Question me, flame me if you will, i stand by my morals and decision. -Picto
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