I'm currently in need of some html assistance, if anyone knows how to move the sidebar a bit further over to the right that would be great, as at the moment it's a bit close to the stupid post section, so yeah, let me know in comments if you know how that would work. In Other News, here's the new V28A graphical update patch i mentioned :
Download 1 Provided by cascade
Download 2 Provided by FileFactory
They're both the same, and created by our very own DF, they provide some graphical changes to the game, whic are all upgrades and increase the game's quality, this features :
- Health bar changed from pink to red
- Royal Shield magic casting animation fixed
- Last Samurai sitting position feet fixed
- New Hero Plate walking front view rise is fixed
- School Costume walking back view rise is fixed
- Priest Robes Arrow shooting always wearing blue boots is fixed
- Bank Bobs eyes have been fixed
C:\Program Files\EndlessOnline\Gfx , or wherever you saved endless, and in the GFX files, and when pasting say ''yes to all''. If you don't want to include the heart pink > red update,
just don't copy gfx002 to the gfx folder. A huge thanks and congrats to DF / Knight for all that information, really helpful for the OSD maniacs that won't everything perfect, and of course, for people that just hate bank Bob's eyes.
No other news, except i really still don't know about any news on v28AMAIN or v28B , but i'm pretty sure they're close so stick around, i can't imagine vult releasing a resource version and then not releasing anything proper for ages. However, still don't believe anything anyone tells you unless it comes from an official source, e.g. Me, DF, Wikky, Nezlo Or an admin, as it will most probably be false and / or stupid. E.g. : ''OMG lal i finally got teh new bow wewt!''
And with that rather comical note, i leave you with this : 80% of all women would rather see a human die in a movie, than an animal ^^. -Picto
Actually don't expect anything on v28 for over a week. Vult's insanely busy at work right now.
Also, if you don't know much about html then I don't suggest playing around with the format of your blog. Especially the sidebar and the main...
However if you absolutely must change it I believe this will accomplish what you want. Find the "Outer-Wrapper" section in your template and replace that section with the following code.
/* Outer-Wrapper
----------------------------------------------- */
#outer-wrapper {
width: 850px;
margin:0 auto;
font: normal normal 100% Georgia, Serif;
#main-wrapper {
width: 550px;
float: left;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 280px;
float: right;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
Also, if you don't mind...change my link to http://endlessreport.xm.com/ in your links menu. TY.
Cheers wikky, will do, nice to see your checking out the blog, and i do know about hml, just not about moving the frigging sidebar xD
Just reduce the width # for the sidebar. Try something like 250 and it will put some more distance between them. It's really a trial and error thing to get it right after that.
thanks wikky, helped alot, btw, i would appreciate it if you added my blog to your link listings if you wanted to =)
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