A nice zeppelin-inspired title there but anway, i've covered some pretty heavy sujects recently, so i thought i'd take a break and just give you a low down of happenings in nice brief sections and keep it all a bit casual as well.
So firstly i'd just like to say in response to my last post, thanks for all the comments, all were well thought out and i enjoyed hearing other's opinions; and a lot of people brought up some big thinking points about these new servers, and to extend on my last post, i'd like to bring to your attention 2 new eo player-owned servers which are visible in the near future...
Now i'm not suggesting you head straight over to those and start bombarding the creators with questions or comments but in case anyone is interested or has any serious questions you can read up about them there, baring in mind these are forums so the info and posts are a little rough around the edges, but my point is that these server's seem to be coming a long well, and it's suprising to see the response and dedication that they're recieving, i look forward to seeing how they turn out...
Ok, second, the endless report is starting to stagger a bit more, as i said before i don't condemn or dislike the report, i think it's a nice site and it has a legacy, but wikky barely even checks it now and these new reporters aren't really doing all that well, infact one of them quit quite recently. It's a shame to see such a successful blog not even mention the massive updates of recent weeks or have any active attention besides these amateur bloggers (no offence), but i hope it can restore some of it's former glory in it's new regime, check it out in my links drop down on the right.
The more observent of you may of noticed i've linked to the browsers which best display this website as well, if you're still using IE or other old browsers i'd seriosuly suggest following one of these links and downloading a decent one, if not for the good of this site then for your personal browsing experience.
Finally, i've recently signed up to google analytics so this wbesite is now being tracked, and i can see that although i recieve a lot of direct traffic through i'm also finding that a lot of my hits are coming through search engines and alike so please try to rememebr my URL, and also thanks to nezlo, the report and eoSky who have all contributed hits via links on their site, i'm really glad to see the picto-blog up and running again now a month or two after re-opening and seeing it going so strongly, so thankyou readers!
Comment if you have any questions / opinions, i love to hear from my readers! Thanks.
You are very welcome sir. I strive to at least point others in the best direction to find whatever source they may be looking for. I'm not in it for competition or fame like some others I've seen in the past just starting out.(This is not directed towards anyone, Just stating)
I agree about wikky's blog, Just a shame to see how these people are handing it now. Inexperience can be seen right away and the report is not a good place to start learning.
I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just telling it as i see it. Anyways, Keep up the good work Picto :)
Thanks nezlo! I'm always really pleased to read intelligent comments from other bloggers. I agree with you that the inexperience is clearly visible, i'd like to think that he'll turn it around because when all 3 of our blogs were up and running a year or two ago it was great, a bit of friendly competetion, but mainly we were looking after all aspects of eo; and i think only the report can match the information and behind the scenes detail that some players demand.
I like to think that people know i report for the sake of my opinion, not for the fame.
Hey man this is gay, I linked you and even got Dhex to put you on Eosky, no credits? Whatever, I dont need em =P
its not nice to see loads of reporters on endless report.i like the odd few,but at first they were posting all the on same has evened out now which is very good to see.dont look at ur blog much picto.i like it.
Thankyou foot ;D
New post tonight people
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