Well you saw it there first... There is an explanation to all this whoo-har, and i think i may of called it in the last post. It being that the prices of the current endless online server has bucked up to around £200 (or $200 but idc), and Apparently vult-r has recently purchased around about 8 servers for his own projects etc.
This is known to be true now, courtesy of DF and of course wickedfrost, of whom i hand a large thanks for letting me and others know about this.
The due date for the re-establishment of the forums and game is August 1st, and all your stuff is safe, don't panic.
I think this means no wipe? =(
Lol, cheers, looks like I've got a bunch of version 28 information to collect when the server is re-released, looks as though he may be adding NPC's / maps... -Picto
One More Note : Check out the newly installed hat box at the bottom of the page, the idea came when i was told about spinchat by a friend, you can chat, play games with others and even put spammers on ignore lists, enjoy ^^.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
"Your Putting Your Whole Crew In Jeopardy!"
Well, today certainly is strange, there's a whole host of ideas and comment floating around, varying from the server being shut down, to vult fixing some glitches. Back in version 20 the game was down for about 5 days if memory serves, and that came back, there are a number of options as to why this has happened, I'll go through each now..
1.Glitch Fixes
Well, this one seems to be the most believable, that vult-r and his little team has just rebooted for a while so they can fix some of the glitches such as that of ranking or other leader abilitys...
Here's another one that is hot on the agenda, it seems as though after everything that has happened, he may just as well roll it back to a couple weeks ago, the hell with people's exp, and get on with life is it were 2 weeks ago...
This has to be considered, that the server or data tablets that support the system are just experiencing some down time due to an error or small glitch which is being fixed inside the server not on the game...
4.Server Wipe
The most drastic of measures, i think it is fair to say that this is not liked by many an endless online player, but there is always a possibility that he has finally decided to just wipe the entire game and start again, maybe with all the version 28 pieces installed, maybe not, you'll have to wait. I for one though, think that a wipe could be a potentially great idea contrary to popular belief...Wouldn't this explain the missing people / guilds?
5.Version 28
Version 28 could be released as a ''Commander'' update, this is unknown to endless online yet, but a commander update is where the admins will go and out all the stuff fin there, bit by bit, themselves and try it as they go along, as appose to trying it on the development server or test server and then releasing ti to the public willy nilly...
6.Unable to pay for servers
This one is on the table, it has been rumoured that Vult-r has not been able to pay for the servers this month and has lost them until, well, he pays for them? Either way, this could also explain why the forums are down, as the test server and the forums both run on the same server, and in the past, reboots haven't effected the forums usually....Of course, this whole 'server' dilemma would remind me of back in the days when vult scammed the forums and said endless online was going to go down for good..
7.The end...
Potentially, the end, vult-r is sick of people complaining, hacking, misusing, exploiting, real world trading, just about everything. It could also be that he just can't take it anymore, with a busy work life or life In general, ti becomes difficult for him and the other, admins to keep up with the game, especially as people hack it, you may not believe this, or even want to, but you have to admit, that there is always a possibility, there never isn't, and as a famous Chinese proverb once said ''All great things must come to an end.''...
8. Ok
OK, so thank you for reading and contemplating each idea or rumour, my bet is with either 6, 4 or 1, but just behind that is 7, if this game were to shut down, i hope you would remember to keep checking back here, I'll blog bout something else, but don't get to worried yet, unless that psychic i saw yesterday was right..
''A game will end very soon my friend''
That freaked me out xD -Picto
1.Glitch Fixes
Well, this one seems to be the most believable, that vult-r and his little team has just rebooted for a while so they can fix some of the glitches such as that of ranking or other leader abilitys...
Here's another one that is hot on the agenda, it seems as though after everything that has happened, he may just as well roll it back to a couple weeks ago, the hell with people's exp, and get on with life is it were 2 weeks ago...
This has to be considered, that the server or data tablets that support the system are just experiencing some down time due to an error or small glitch which is being fixed inside the server not on the game...
4.Server Wipe
The most drastic of measures, i think it is fair to say that this is not liked by many an endless online player, but there is always a possibility that he has finally decided to just wipe the entire game and start again, maybe with all the version 28 pieces installed, maybe not, you'll have to wait. I for one though, think that a wipe could be a potentially great idea contrary to popular belief...Wouldn't this explain the missing people / guilds?
5.Version 28
Version 28 could be released as a ''Commander'' update, this is unknown to endless online yet, but a commander update is where the admins will go and out all the stuff fin there, bit by bit, themselves and try it as they go along, as appose to trying it on the development server or test server and then releasing ti to the public willy nilly...
6.Unable to pay for servers
This one is on the table, it has been rumoured that Vult-r has not been able to pay for the servers this month and has lost them until, well, he pays for them? Either way, this could also explain why the forums are down, as the test server and the forums both run on the same server, and in the past, reboots haven't effected the forums usually....Of course, this whole 'server' dilemma would remind me of back in the days when vult scammed the forums and said endless online was going to go down for good..
7.The end...
Potentially, the end, vult-r is sick of people complaining, hacking, misusing, exploiting, real world trading, just about everything. It could also be that he just can't take it anymore, with a busy work life or life In general, ti becomes difficult for him and the other, admins to keep up with the game, especially as people hack it, you may not believe this, or even want to, but you have to admit, that there is always a possibility, there never isn't, and as a famous Chinese proverb once said ''All great things must come to an end.''...
8. Ok
OK, so thank you for reading and contemplating each idea or rumour, my bet is with either 6, 4 or 1, but just behind that is 7, if this game were to shut down, i hope you would remember to keep checking back here, I'll blog bout something else, but don't get to worried yet, unless that psychic i saw yesterday was right..
''A game will end very soon my friend''
That freaked me out xD -Picto
Monday, 30 July 2007
Reboot And Welcome

First of all : DON'T FREAK OUT IT'S GONNA BE OK xD...
One more first of all, i don't know and neither does anyone know when the server will be back up, as a man of science once said, ''It could take 1 minute or 1 million years''. Do not ask as no-one will know, but lets hope it isn't 2 weeks again like back in version 20, also, just calm down...
Welcome to the new address, i made it ESPECIALLY easy for you to locate the new website, by making the old address take you to that other website, either way, www.pictoking.blogspot.com is out new location. Plus, many of you may of noticed the reboot that just happened, that is why i made this post...
A reboot is something hat happens very very often, often when something needs to be fixed, updates, altered or rolled back, don't worry, it'll probably be up after you've read this post, if not, just wait a while. A rollback? not sure, a wipe? Let's hope, either way, this is Picto, just posting to tell you not to worry, if there's a rollback however, you may see this Post grow, thanks, and here's picture to lighten the mood...

If i was asked to guess what's about to happen, i'd just say he's gonna fix the glitches mentioned in previous picto-blog posts, and hopefully the forums too...
One more note, i hope you all enjoy Thexphantom's funny endless online videos, exclusive to the picto-blog, to view, just check the little drop-down box to your bottom right, they'll pass the reboot time...
First of all : DON'T FREAK OUT IT'S GONNA BE OK xD...
One more first of all, i don't know and neither does anyone know when the server will be back up, as a man of science once said, ''It could take 1 minute or 1 million years''. Do not ask as no-one will know, but lets hope it isn't 2 weeks again like back in version 20, also, just calm down...
Welcome to the new address, i made it ESPECIALLY easy for you to locate the new website, by making the old address take you to that other website, either way, www.pictoking.blogspot.com is out new location. Plus, many of you may of noticed the reboot that just happened, that is why i made this post...
A reboot is something hat happens very very often, often when something needs to be fixed, updates, altered or rolled back, don't worry, it'll probably be up after you've read this post, if not, just wait a while. A rollback? not sure, a wipe? Let's hope, either way, this is Picto, just posting to tell you not to worry, if there's a rollback however, you may see this Post grow, thanks, and here's picture to lighten the mood...
If i was asked to guess what's about to happen, i'd just say he's gonna fix the glitches mentioned in previous picto-blog posts, and hopefully the forums too...
One more note, i hope you all enjoy Thexphantom's funny endless online videos, exclusive to the picto-blog, to view, just check the little drop-down box to your bottom right, they'll pass the reboot time...
Sunday, 29 July 2007
In other news i have added another link section to replace the now vacant Aeven press location, sorry, that means no more issues, Willz just couldn't keep them coming... Either way, i have now added ''Thex Power Hour'' which will contain video's released every now and then starring Thexphantom and a host of other characters doing crazy things or being serious, so check them out,oh, and they contian strogn langauge...Only on the picto-blog...
Get ready for change -Picto
In other news i have added another link section to replace the now vacant Aeven press location, sorry, that means no more issues, Willz just couldn't keep them coming... Either way, i have now added ''Thex Power Hour'' which will contain video's released every now and then starring Thexphantom and a host of other characters doing crazy things or being serious, so check them out,oh, and they contian strogn langauge...Only on the picto-blog...
Get ready for change -Picto
Saturday, 28 July 2007
G-G-Glitches And Prices...
After Vult's idiotic ''Gold Isolation Program'' ,Or as people have dubbed it ''GIMP'' (Which it will hereby be referred to in this post) thing, there have been a few glitches which i will review in this post...
Now, as i am to understand , the ranking system as some what screwed up...I myself have experienced these difficulties, people cannot change or assign ranks now although they are leaders, however, i think this only applies to leaders that have joined the guild since GIMP, i am expecting that this will be fixed soon, however, it could perhaps be some form of protecting the actual original leader/s from now leaders altering their guild in negative ways, such as changing description or rank. As of this point though, i am sure it's probably a glitch and will be fixed in due course...
Here's another stupid glitch that has been bugging people lately, it has come to my attention that for some reason Lens' cannot just be double-clicked on to your paperdoll, but must be dragged into the weapon slot, this is annoying, but it is not a fatal fault...It'll be fixed son enough i am sure...
Here is another strange glitch that has happened immediately after GIMP, people's stats are often screwing up for no good reason. Now, I'll remind you that this isn't THAT common, however, there is a chance that you could log on and end up with 59 con for no reason until you log off, Vult said that this will be fixed soon....
: 1MIL + LVL3 = WTF? :
I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but a while after GIMP Vult-R did an 'Alt' search, in which he automatically searched all account and any under level 3 with 1 million gold + had their gold reduced to 1 million, and now it seems as though it has not dispersed, and so, keeping 1mil+ on an alt for protection or if you have a new account , the next time you log you will have your gold reduced to 1 million...
GIMP continues, if , on any account, you now have over 10 million gold then you will be automatically transported to the GIMP room until you drop your gold, not sure once again whether this is a glitch or not, but sure is damn annoying...
Now this certainly is a glitch. At first i was happy with the newest prices, but at the same time, some thing are screwed up, things that are OK include hero being 100-300k and the prices of bows, crossbows and Twin blades being higher, however, some of them are just screwed up...Let's review the current prices...
Baru : 1mil - 2mil
Baruta : 600k - 1.2mil
Fladdat : 500k - 1mil
Knob : 2mil - 6mil
Oblon : 10k - 50k
Rapier : 10k - 50k
Male Hero : 100k - 200k
Female Hero : 30k - 100k
Bow : 20k - 45k
Crossbow : 70k - 150k
Ultima : 5k - 15k
Dark Endur : 80k - 150k
Some of those prices are OK , however, many of them are not OK, all the ones highlighted in red i am unhappy with. I see baru actually being somewhere In the region of 500k - 1mil instead, until later versions of course because they are discontinued after all. Also, what the hell has happened to dark endur, it was 10k - 20k before, and i don't remember anyone buying for a high price, but it has someway worked itself up in price. The final one i will look at though is knob, now, i just mean, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, OK i understand it's an OK weapon and it's rather rare considering, but what the hell has happened here, what sort of demand can there be if it is this sorta price, i mean come on, drop it people, drop it to at least 1mil - 3mil, i mean c'mon, if knob is that much shouldn't lens (despite the glitch) be more considering it is crafted using a knob?
One final note, i may be starting a weekly podcast soon, and since there hasn't been an Aeven press in the best part of 2 weeks, if one is not released tomorrow then i will indefinitely remove the links to the issues. And finally, i would just like to say that DARKSLATE is buying baru for 800k - 1mil so PM him in game if you want to sell before these prices drop further.
Well thanks for reading, i understand that wikky is currently on vacation, and so I'll be babysitting all of you report subscribers for the week, don't worry, I'll have all the information, oh and no, i haven't sold out / been influenced by legit money please stop insulting me in game...And stop asking for dates on version 28, at this rate, i think vult-r is planning to do something very much similar to what he has done on test and may be just be doing updates...
Oh, and i may be changing my address to www.pictoblog.blogspot.com soon for convenience, thank you....
Thanks -Picto
Now, as i am to understand , the ranking system as some what screwed up...I myself have experienced these difficulties, people cannot change or assign ranks now although they are leaders, however, i think this only applies to leaders that have joined the guild since GIMP, i am expecting that this will be fixed soon, however, it could perhaps be some form of protecting the actual original leader/s from now leaders altering their guild in negative ways, such as changing description or rank. As of this point though, i am sure it's probably a glitch and will be fixed in due course...
Here's another stupid glitch that has been bugging people lately, it has come to my attention that for some reason Lens' cannot just be double-clicked on to your paperdoll, but must be dragged into the weapon slot, this is annoying, but it is not a fatal fault...It'll be fixed son enough i am sure...
Here is another strange glitch that has happened immediately after GIMP, people's stats are often screwing up for no good reason. Now, I'll remind you that this isn't THAT common, however, there is a chance that you could log on and end up with 59 con for no reason until you log off, Vult said that this will be fixed soon....
: 1MIL + LVL3 = WTF? :
I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but a while after GIMP Vult-R did an 'Alt' search, in which he automatically searched all account and any under level 3 with 1 million gold + had their gold reduced to 1 million, and now it seems as though it has not dispersed, and so, keeping 1mil+ on an alt for protection or if you have a new account , the next time you log you will have your gold reduced to 1 million...
GIMP continues, if , on any account, you now have over 10 million gold then you will be automatically transported to the GIMP room until you drop your gold, not sure once again whether this is a glitch or not, but sure is damn annoying...
Now this certainly is a glitch. At first i was happy with the newest prices, but at the same time, some thing are screwed up, things that are OK include hero being 100-300k and the prices of bows, crossbows and Twin blades being higher, however, some of them are just screwed up...Let's review the current prices...
Baru : 1mil - 2mil
Baruta : 600k - 1.2mil
Fladdat : 500k - 1mil
Knob : 2mil - 6mil
Oblon : 10k - 50k
Rapier : 10k - 50k
Male Hero : 100k - 200k
Female Hero : 30k - 100k
Bow : 20k - 45k
Crossbow : 70k - 150k
Ultima : 5k - 15k
Dark Endur : 80k - 150k
Some of those prices are OK , however, many of them are not OK, all the ones highlighted in red i am unhappy with. I see baru actually being somewhere In the region of 500k - 1mil instead, until later versions of course because they are discontinued after all. Also, what the hell has happened to dark endur, it was 10k - 20k before, and i don't remember anyone buying for a high price, but it has someway worked itself up in price. The final one i will look at though is knob, now, i just mean, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, OK i understand it's an OK weapon and it's rather rare considering, but what the hell has happened here, what sort of demand can there be if it is this sorta price, i mean come on, drop it people, drop it to at least 1mil - 3mil, i mean c'mon, if knob is that much shouldn't lens (despite the glitch) be more considering it is crafted using a knob?
One final note, i may be starting a weekly podcast soon, and since there hasn't been an Aeven press in the best part of 2 weeks, if one is not released tomorrow then i will indefinitely remove the links to the issues. And finally, i would just like to say that DARKSLATE is buying baru for 800k - 1mil so PM him in game if you want to sell before these prices drop further.
Well thanks for reading, i understand that wikky is currently on vacation, and so I'll be babysitting all of you report subscribers for the week, don't worry, I'll have all the information, oh and no, i haven't sold out / been influenced by legit money please stop insulting me in game...And stop asking for dates on version 28, at this rate, i think vult-r is planning to do something very much similar to what he has done on test and may be just be doing updates...
Oh, and i may be changing my address to www.pictoblog.blogspot.com soon for convenience, thank you....
Thanks -Picto
Friday, 27 July 2007
Ok, this is ridiculous now, after that blue room incident i created a new account, a lvl 1 account, and then i sold my baru for 3million gold. Then, i relogg only to find that for some god damn reason you've created this new stupid rule that if your under lvl 3 with over 1mil you loose all your money down to 1mil, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING VULT. Do you have any idea how many people are going to loose legit money because of this stupid idea...
remember, if you ever log out with over 1million gold on a lvl 2 character YOU WILL LOOSE ALL GOLD BACK DOWN TO 1MIL...
This is the stupidest crap that the idiotic admins have ever god damn done, stupid idiots...
Let me get this straight, i loose about 12mil in the blue room, then i have to make a new account, then as soon as I'm doing good again, i loose 2.7mil , thanks a f**king lot admins...Stupid Dumb asses...
Oh and in case you were wondering, all the prices should go back to normal now, the deed is done, and it has ended, so there may as well have nothing happened, anyway what I'm trying to say is that the prices should go back to what they were originally...And so, these prices willl eventually happen and go back to normal....
remember, if you ever log out with over 1million gold on a lvl 2 character YOU WILL LOOSE ALL GOLD BACK DOWN TO 1MIL...
This is the stupidest crap that the idiotic admins have ever god damn done, stupid idiots...
Let me get this straight, i loose about 12mil in the blue room, then i have to make a new account, then as soon as I'm doing good again, i loose 2.7mil , thanks a f**king lot admins...Stupid Dumb asses...
Oh and in case you were wondering, all the prices should go back to normal now, the deed is done, and it has ended, so there may as well have nothing happened, anyway what I'm trying to say is that the prices should go back to what they were originally...And so, these prices willl eventually happen and go back to normal....
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Room Of Doom
The title depicts that of a member of the room of doom, local rich guy Clusterbomb himself, him, like i, was stuck in said room of doom for literally hours last nigh,t until eventually i went to sleep, and woke up, to find myself still in there...
So here's the ENTIRE STORY.....
First Of All though : Is duping possible?
The answer is flat out yes, in the past it has easily been possible for memory editors to change gold amounts client side, meaning they could have lots of gold offline, however, it has only recently became known to us that duping is also available server side, meaning the Can replicate gold on to the server and thus have billions at their disposal....However, the error has been fixed and it is mos likely no longer achievable...
Now back to the story...
Around about last Saturday calan and chaosdog and their team of evils logged on to endless online, having recently found a gold hack. which they in turn exploited, and then, began to drop several hundred millions on the ground around them, making the economy richer. And then they also bought several items at extremely high and unusual prices, and so it began...
Throughout the weak it seemed to calm down rather a lot, but every now and then, chaos and his team would be dropping mills and buying items for insane amounts, as to make the economy richer and richer...
Then, yesterday, ti was huge again, and chaosdog and calan went on a huge dropping / buying spree, and the prices became insanely twisted, knob now ranging over to around 8mil.
And so, last night, we braced our selves for a rollback, then the reboot came, and the forums flooded, literally 200 people were viewing stupid topics, crying about the reboot, anyway, it was eventually over and everyone returned to life, all except a few...
Around about 200 people were sentenced to a blue admin room that contained all 3 major admins, to be punished (?) for having too much gold. People like i and cluster who had earnt our gold honestly were of course annoyed, anyway, vult started going crazy getting people to drop their gold, and signs were erected telling people that they needed less that 10mil...
And so, the dropping began, i was literally surrounding by tens of tens of millions, every square was full to the brim of gold that people desperately now hated so much...
i myself eventually brought myself to drop my gold level to below 10mill, and so i brought to it 9mil and expected to leave, anyway, a few map mutations came and then there was a note saying that everyone in the room had to leave within 10 seconds or be jailed, and so everyone logged out. Unfortunately, it appears as though the few that didn't were actually transported to the maze with the under 10mil that the had kept, were as we were stuck in here still...
As the night raged on, we still saw no hopes of leaving, everyone in the room had under 10mil in their inventory and in their bank (a bank bob was supplied0, then, lots of signposts started popping up like mushrooms on the bathroom floor mat, telling us not to exploit glitches, and to always tell our admins, patronising us like they were our own parents and we were their sniveling small children.
Then, there was another post saying ''Make sure you have less than 10Mil and the re-logg your client'', of course, contrary to popular belief, this did nothing, instead we were stuck there for longer. Anyway, a couple of reboots later, we were STILL in there, people now just wanted to get out, it was 12:00pm here and i was god damn tired. Anyway, there seemed no signs of stopping, and then the admins logged off....
Vult returned with some messages about stats being messed up and not being able to equip things etc., and he made his little joke about the stupid v28 release, and then left, guffawling all the wayhome, and we remained trapped here..
Anyway, i then left for my sleep and i have been told there was one final reboot, and then, peace lay quiet....
Anyway, i logged on this morning to find my bank character still in the blue room, this time on black squares which i could not move off of though, either way, i PMed a little and asked global, and as It turns out, i had to junk ALL of my money in order to be released, and so Finaly, giving up on that turtle i so desperately wanted, i regretfully let my money fall to it's demise, and to my relief, i manage to leave the blue room, only with a few items that i Had been keeping....
and so ends that, but wait, what becomes of our youthful hackers i hear you cry, why, try asking them, try asking them,trough the crowd that surrounds them in glory. As they show off their new DEVIL ND TURTLE COSTUMES. The most ridiculous thing i have ever seen, although last time this happened i didn't expect the same stupidity from vult again, to give these morons a reward for coming clean? Absolute f**king pathetic, by a far the most retarded thing to ever happen on this game, why should lot of innocent hard working players be punished for no good reason, and the 2 hackers get rewarded to an insane degree...

Image : A game of spot the innocents anyone?

Image : The map mutations cause us to flee our client..
In conclusion, i lost about 12million of my own hard earned cash, just because some dumb idiots had to go ruin the game for everybody...I hope everyone learns, life is cruel, but you have to take it with a grain of salt...
As f these events, i am fairly sure that we will not be seeing any proper rollback any time soon, and ,will there be a server wipe? who knows...
i leave you with this thought...One in the hand is worth two in the bush... did we really get so greedy?
So here's the ENTIRE STORY.....
First Of All though : Is duping possible?
The answer is flat out yes, in the past it has easily been possible for memory editors to change gold amounts client side, meaning they could have lots of gold offline, however, it has only recently became known to us that duping is also available server side, meaning the Can replicate gold on to the server and thus have billions at their disposal....However, the error has been fixed and it is mos likely no longer achievable...
Now back to the story...
Around about last Saturday calan and chaosdog and their team of evils logged on to endless online, having recently found a gold hack. which they in turn exploited, and then, began to drop several hundred millions on the ground around them, making the economy richer. And then they also bought several items at extremely high and unusual prices, and so it began...
Throughout the weak it seemed to calm down rather a lot, but every now and then, chaos and his team would be dropping mills and buying items for insane amounts, as to make the economy richer and richer...
Then, yesterday, ti was huge again, and chaosdog and calan went on a huge dropping / buying spree, and the prices became insanely twisted, knob now ranging over to around 8mil.
And so, last night, we braced our selves for a rollback, then the reboot came, and the forums flooded, literally 200 people were viewing stupid topics, crying about the reboot, anyway, it was eventually over and everyone returned to life, all except a few...
Around about 200 people were sentenced to a blue admin room that contained all 3 major admins, to be punished (?) for having too much gold. People like i and cluster who had earnt our gold honestly were of course annoyed, anyway, vult started going crazy getting people to drop their gold, and signs were erected telling people that they needed less that 10mil...
And so, the dropping began, i was literally surrounding by tens of tens of millions, every square was full to the brim of gold that people desperately now hated so much...
i myself eventually brought myself to drop my gold level to below 10mill, and so i brought to it 9mil and expected to leave, anyway, a few map mutations came and then there was a note saying that everyone in the room had to leave within 10 seconds or be jailed, and so everyone logged out. Unfortunately, it appears as though the few that didn't were actually transported to the maze with the under 10mil that the had kept, were as we were stuck in here still...
As the night raged on, we still saw no hopes of leaving, everyone in the room had under 10mil in their inventory and in their bank (a bank bob was supplied0, then, lots of signposts started popping up like mushrooms on the bathroom floor mat, telling us not to exploit glitches, and to always tell our admins, patronising us like they were our own parents and we were their sniveling small children.
Then, there was another post saying ''Make sure you have less than 10Mil and the re-logg your client'', of course, contrary to popular belief, this did nothing, instead we were stuck there for longer. Anyway, a couple of reboots later, we were STILL in there, people now just wanted to get out, it was 12:00pm here and i was god damn tired. Anyway, there seemed no signs of stopping, and then the admins logged off....
Vult returned with some messages about stats being messed up and not being able to equip things etc., and he made his little joke about the stupid v28 release, and then left, guffawling all the wayhome, and we remained trapped here..
Anyway, i then left for my sleep and i have been told there was one final reboot, and then, peace lay quiet....
Anyway, i logged on this morning to find my bank character still in the blue room, this time on black squares which i could not move off of though, either way, i PMed a little and asked global, and as It turns out, i had to junk ALL of my money in order to be released, and so Finaly, giving up on that turtle i so desperately wanted, i regretfully let my money fall to it's demise, and to my relief, i manage to leave the blue room, only with a few items that i Had been keeping....
and so ends that, but wait, what becomes of our youthful hackers i hear you cry, why, try asking them, try asking them,trough the crowd that surrounds them in glory. As they show off their new DEVIL ND TURTLE COSTUMES. The most ridiculous thing i have ever seen, although last time this happened i didn't expect the same stupidity from vult again, to give these morons a reward for coming clean? Absolute f**king pathetic, by a far the most retarded thing to ever happen on this game, why should lot of innocent hard working players be punished for no good reason, and the 2 hackers get rewarded to an insane degree...
Image : A game of spot the innocents anyone?
Image : The map mutations cause us to flee our client..
In conclusion, i lost about 12million of my own hard earned cash, just because some dumb idiots had to go ruin the game for everybody...I hope everyone learns, life is cruel, but you have to take it with a grain of salt...
As f these events, i am fairly sure that we will not be seeing any proper rollback any time soon, and ,will there be a server wipe? who knows...
i leave you with this thought...One in the hand is worth two in the bush... did we really get so greedy?
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Well, I'm sure you all know whats going down then now...yep, prices are...well, there insane, there's just been so much insanity, and duping, and vult is Finlay going to do the right thing, that's right a rollback, I'll admit that i only learnt this from wikky, but i have bee reassured many times, and yes, it is in order, apparently, it'll be 1 week long, so it'll be back to liek last Friday, and duping will be fixed, along with all culprits being deleted, and no, you cannot save your stuff contrary to popular belief, so you'll have to pout up with it.
For all of you that have made lots of exp, ti's a small price to pay for the, literally billions of gold that has been duped since this began, which I'll admit, is out of control, now then, people are randomly dropping their money now, so don't get too excited if you get a 100k drop or even if someone buys your knob staff for 50mil lol, cos it'll all be rolled back, unlucky.
All i know thus far is that it'll be before Saturday, and will rollback 1 week, with he whole issue taken care of. And thus, prices should return to normal. This was a fun week wasn't it, people became millionaires, people had some fun, but Finaly, it has ended, and with due course, now the game can get back to normal, and the people that have worked hard for their millions can rest.
Oh, and a final note, if you see someone who's lvl 1 but has like 1-50mil, don't be surprised, alot of the more clever rich people tend to keep their spare money on different accounts to make sure they are safe if they get hacked, i have around 4mil on a lvl 1, and when i showed someone in trade, they immediately assumed i had hacked, dudes, clam down. Some people love to ruin games, why do you think san andreas online closed down?
EDIT : reboot, Can't logg in? May of happened early...
EDIT2 : btw, for those of you that don't know what reboot is, it is when the Admins need everyone off the server so they Can reboot the data tables, to perform actions such as removing areas, adding items, or rolling back, you cannot log on yet, but fortunately it doesn't usually last Long so please do not worry...
For all of you that have made lots of exp, ti's a small price to pay for the, literally billions of gold that has been duped since this began, which I'll admit, is out of control, now then, people are randomly dropping their money now, so don't get too excited if you get a 100k drop or even if someone buys your knob staff for 50mil lol, cos it'll all be rolled back, unlucky.
All i know thus far is that it'll be before Saturday, and will rollback 1 week, with he whole issue taken care of. And thus, prices should return to normal. This was a fun week wasn't it, people became millionaires, people had some fun, but Finaly, it has ended, and with due course, now the game can get back to normal, and the people that have worked hard for their millions can rest.
Oh, and a final note, if you see someone who's lvl 1 but has like 1-50mil, don't be surprised, alot of the more clever rich people tend to keep their spare money on different accounts to make sure they are safe if they get hacked, i have around 4mil on a lvl 1, and when i showed someone in trade, they immediately assumed i had hacked, dudes, clam down. Some people love to ruin games, why do you think san andreas online closed down?
EDIT : reboot, Can't logg in? May of happened early...
EDIT2 : btw, for those of you that don't know what reboot is, it is when the Admins need everyone off the server so they Can reboot the data tables, to perform actions such as removing areas, adding items, or rolling back, you cannot log on yet, but fortunately it doesn't usually last Long so please do not worry...
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Selling What?
Erm, just to let you know first, i have a set date for my vacation (holiday) now, I'll be jetting off to America in later august, not quite sure where yet however, but anyway, back to the real issues...
It could seem as though after though strange happenings that have recently took place, and firstly i would like to say one thing, get ready....
i have recently been informed (that's right, wikky's not the only one with sources around here) that yes, there is a gold hack / dupe in endless online, i must say we all saw in coming eventually, if you look back at what's been going on these past years, eventually someone was going to make some sorta of exploit for gold, server side...
Either way, i was completely oblivious until someone tipped me off to go ask some questions to a particular WHO shall not be named at this point in time...Either way, i have been around the block several times and discovered that there is some form of duplication using a certain program which can easily downloaded and utilised with skill, and so formally, i must say i am sorry for giving you incorrect information the last post, but you must understand, I was almost convinced that chaosdog was Innocent, why?
Mainly because i believe in the best of people, i have friends that have nearly 1billion gold, and i believe that his motives for buying may of been the same as Onyxfalcon's, and also, is aw how good it did for the prices that i found it hard to believe a rollback could ruin all that, and no, for all you Report fanatics that are like...
my motives for trying telling you lot that there was no hacking were completely non-gold influenced, i already have enough gold on an alt, which I've been saving extensively for quite a few versions now, and for one purpose, of which i will now state...
I am currently buying any account with a turtle costume (lore0 on it. I have been informed that they are about 3-4million gold, ad so, my years of saving pay off, as i have that sorta amount now to spend, i am willing to purchase one without a title, high level or items for at least 3mil, as i have been offered an account by clusterbomb already, but it is hard to be online whilst he is, with him being in the USA and all, so, if any of you are willing to sell, tell me in a comment on her,e or PM on the forums or in game at ''Pictoking'', i am willing to spend upwards of 3.5mil max, if i do not find a seller, i suppose i will continue to save, or perhaps buy some other items...
Anyway, here is a final of the new items :
Lens : 60-80k
Hero : 60-80k
Fladdat : 150k - 200k
Baru : 800k- 1mil
Knob : 1mil +
Basically, to sum up what i couldn't before, some people, have hacked (not naming names) gold (or 'duped') bought things at crazy prices to raise the price alot and dropped lots of gold, kthx?
To conclude, I'm sorry for making a mistake on the whole events of a couple days ago, but when you are certain of something you don't tend to change, and considering i made that post about 30Min's after that event, u can understand why some things may of been wrong, anyway, thanks for reading, I'll see y'all later, hopefully in a turtle costume -=D
EDIT : one more note, if you want to join the greatest guild ever, "The Wasted Chefs" Then PM me, doomspker or fleshed in game (I'm the leader ; D) and we'll be Happy to recruit you, if your lvl5+, free admission and custom ranks..
It could seem as though after though strange happenings that have recently took place, and firstly i would like to say one thing, get ready....
i have recently been informed (that's right, wikky's not the only one with sources around here) that yes, there is a gold hack / dupe in endless online, i must say we all saw in coming eventually, if you look back at what's been going on these past years, eventually someone was going to make some sorta of exploit for gold, server side...
Either way, i was completely oblivious until someone tipped me off to go ask some questions to a particular WHO shall not be named at this point in time...Either way, i have been around the block several times and discovered that there is some form of duplication using a certain program which can easily downloaded and utilised with skill, and so formally, i must say i am sorry for giving you incorrect information the last post, but you must understand, I was almost convinced that chaosdog was Innocent, why?
Mainly because i believe in the best of people, i have friends that have nearly 1billion gold, and i believe that his motives for buying may of been the same as Onyxfalcon's, and also, is aw how good it did for the prices that i found it hard to believe a rollback could ruin all that, and no, for all you Report fanatics that are like...
my motives for trying telling you lot that there was no hacking were completely non-gold influenced, i already have enough gold on an alt, which I've been saving extensively for quite a few versions now, and for one purpose, of which i will now state...
I am currently buying any account with a turtle costume (lore0 on it. I have been informed that they are about 3-4million gold, ad so, my years of saving pay off, as i have that sorta amount now to spend, i am willing to purchase one without a title, high level or items for at least 3mil, as i have been offered an account by clusterbomb already, but it is hard to be online whilst he is, with him being in the USA and all, so, if any of you are willing to sell, tell me in a comment on her,e or PM on the forums or in game at ''Pictoking'', i am willing to spend upwards of 3.5mil max, if i do not find a seller, i suppose i will continue to save, or perhaps buy some other items...
Anyway, here is a final of the new items :
Lens : 60-80k
Hero : 60-80k
Fladdat : 150k - 200k
Baru : 800k- 1mil
Knob : 1mil +
Basically, to sum up what i couldn't before, some people, have hacked (not naming names) gold (or 'duped') bought things at crazy prices to raise the price alot and dropped lots of gold, kthx?
To conclude, I'm sorry for making a mistake on the whole events of a couple days ago, but when you are certain of something you don't tend to change, and considering i made that post about 30Min's after that event, u can understand why some things may of been wrong, anyway, thanks for reading, I'll see y'all later, hopefully in a turtle costume -=D
EDIT : one more note, if you want to join the greatest guild ever, "The Wasted Chefs" Then PM me, doomspker or fleshed in game (I'm the leader ; D) and we'll be Happy to recruit you, if your lvl5+, free admission and custom ranks..
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Strange Happenings
Alot happened yesterday...alot, seriously, this game is screwed up, and now guess what, people want a god damn rollback, well then, let's talk this through...
22 July 2007 - 8:00am (GMT)
Chaosdog has logged on to eo, he has been known for hacking etc. before, but i don't think he has ever duped or anything, anyway, on with it..
22 July 2007 - 8:15am (GMT)
Rumours get out that for some reason Chaosdog may be dropping 10mils in the guild house and is buying barus for 1mil+. Now, the part about the 10mils dropping WAS A RUMOUR , he did no such thing although he may of been dropping cash of some quantity, but not that high...
Bare in mind that chaosdog is extremely rich..
22 July 2007 - 8:24am (GMT)
On main, since chaosdog has started buying barus for 1mil+, everyone else has also, rich people are buying barus for 1-10mil, people are going crazy offering mils and mils for the armour never due to be released...
22 July 2007 - 8:31am (GMT)
I arrive back at the guild house due to Clusterbomb's advise, chaos dog is there, not dropping money, but buying barus for large quantity's of money. He explains to me that he is very rich, and has bought money before in several ways. But he has not duped any money as of yet..
He buys my baru for 10 Million gold.
22 July 2007 - 8:40am (GMT)
Baurs are at the peak of expense, only global, they are reaching almost 8mil form average player, bare in mind that only chaos has bought a couple of barus, and the only one to currently buy for 10million. Most of global is full of
''SELLING BARU 8M PM MEH!!!!!@@@''
22 July 2007 - 8:52am (GMT)
Buy bow i have bought back my baru at the price of 4 million gold, and several other items i deemed necessary to celebrate my new found wealth. I have also given several players upwards of 100k because i was feeling generous =D. Of course when you give a little, they want more...
22 July 2007 - 8:57am (GMT)
Everything has calmed down now, nobody got 10mil drops, and only a few sold barus for 10mil, everything else was simply the work of endless online's stupid economy screwing things around again...Chaosdog has logged off, and i receive a mysterious PM telling em to cover Chaosdog's tracks or they will reveal my details via global, at which point he told me in a pm those very details, i do so by giving people such as qwerty and qwas money to keep quiet.
22 July 2007 - 10:00am (GMT)
qwerty and qwas post a topic on the subject regardless to my plee, i have ran several things to help protect my account in the future, i am not bothered, i am left with about 80k (after giving loads away and paying qwerty and qwas) and around about 3mil on alt accounts, which are still safe (phew)...
Life returns to normal, although people still want a rollback, i don't think vult will, some pure economy meddling won't require a rollback, and this has only been beneficial, now the new prices are as follows :
Lens - 70k
Baru - 800k+
Knob - 1mil (Again thank god)
Fladdat - 150k
Hero - 60k
If you look back at the events, no duping was involved, and in actual fact, all that happened was a bit of charity and some crazy economics, It's all settled now, and i wouldn't anticipate a rollback in the future..
It wasn't hacking, it was being in the Right place at the right time, thanks -Picto
22 July 2007 - 8:00am (GMT)
Chaosdog has logged on to eo, he has been known for hacking etc. before, but i don't think he has ever duped or anything, anyway, on with it..
22 July 2007 - 8:15am (GMT)
Rumours get out that for some reason Chaosdog may be dropping 10mils in the guild house and is buying barus for 1mil+. Now, the part about the 10mils dropping WAS A RUMOUR , he did no such thing although he may of been dropping cash of some quantity, but not that high...
Bare in mind that chaosdog is extremely rich..
22 July 2007 - 8:24am (GMT)
On main, since chaosdog has started buying barus for 1mil+, everyone else has also, rich people are buying barus for 1-10mil, people are going crazy offering mils and mils for the armour never due to be released...
22 July 2007 - 8:31am (GMT)
I arrive back at the guild house due to Clusterbomb's advise, chaos dog is there, not dropping money, but buying barus for large quantity's of money. He explains to me that he is very rich, and has bought money before in several ways. But he has not duped any money as of yet..
He buys my baru for 10 Million gold.
22 July 2007 - 8:40am (GMT)
Baurs are at the peak of expense, only global, they are reaching almost 8mil form average player, bare in mind that only chaos has bought a couple of barus, and the only one to currently buy for 10million. Most of global is full of
''SELLING BARU 8M PM MEH!!!!!@@@''
22 July 2007 - 8:52am (GMT)
Buy bow i have bought back my baru at the price of 4 million gold, and several other items i deemed necessary to celebrate my new found wealth. I have also given several players upwards of 100k because i was feeling generous =D. Of course when you give a little, they want more...
22 July 2007 - 8:57am (GMT)
Everything has calmed down now, nobody got 10mil drops, and only a few sold barus for 10mil, everything else was simply the work of endless online's stupid economy screwing things around again...Chaosdog has logged off, and i receive a mysterious PM telling em to cover Chaosdog's tracks or they will reveal my details via global, at which point he told me in a pm those very details, i do so by giving people such as qwerty and qwas money to keep quiet.
22 July 2007 - 10:00am (GMT)
qwerty and qwas post a topic on the subject regardless to my plee, i have ran several things to help protect my account in the future, i am not bothered, i am left with about 80k (after giving loads away and paying qwerty and qwas) and around about 3mil on alt accounts, which are still safe (phew)...
Life returns to normal, although people still want a rollback, i don't think vult will, some pure economy meddling won't require a rollback, and this has only been beneficial, now the new prices are as follows :
Lens - 70k
Baru - 800k+
Knob - 1mil (Again thank god)
Fladdat - 150k
Hero - 60k
If you look back at the events, no duping was involved, and in actual fact, all that happened was a bit of charity and some crazy economics, It's all settled now, and i wouldn't anticipate a rollback in the future..
It wasn't hacking, it was being in the Right place at the right time, thanks -Picto
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Harry Potter Ends...
Hey all, well, harry potter was released last night (the book) at stores around the UK, and i have a couple of surprises. Now me myself don't read the books, in fact, i find them generally boring (including the movies), and i myself just found the spoilers on th'internet just so i can say ''I know how it goes!''
If you don't want to know how it ends, i seriously suggest you turn away and don't click the below link as it holds the answers, however, if your a cat that is immortal to curiosity, feel free to check, and then gloat to everyone, or maybe run down to your nearest book store and yell out the ending...
Click Here To Reveal The Spoilers.
And that's that, enjoy... -Picto
If you don't want to know how it ends, i seriously suggest you turn away and don't click the below link as it holds the answers, however, if your a cat that is immortal to curiosity, feel free to check, and then gloat to everyone, or maybe run down to your nearest book store and yell out the ending...
Click Here To Reveal The Spoilers.
And that's that, enjoy... -Picto
Friday, 20 July 2007
Edit : I Just Read Wikky's Blog, He's Done Something Just Like This Before Me =P...
Well, there seems to be some harsh discussion towards mainers recently, mainly from test's end of the stick...
It appears alot of the people that play on the main server, apptly dubbed 'Mainers', have recently crowded the test server, annoying its players, and i can see why they may be annoyed at first, but i have the solution, and reasoning for why they shouldn't stress out, and why they should leave it alone...
Reasons For Disliking The New Immigrants
Well, firstly it's obvious that people dislike their server being crowded. Poeple often go to test to escape the problems or dislike of crowding on main, and so want a more peaceful game to play with a community where you can remember everyone's name, somehow, this is why test is more appealing, and at times, i think it is almost more of a chatroom than a game. However, there are those that still want it to be a hardcore game, but they just want it to be a little quieter, so this is where mainers come in to it...
Since version 28A was released, people that play main, who are initially hardcore gamers, have switched servers for a while as to play with the new items, monsters and areas, and also be ready for all the updates as they are released, since there is more going on. But they are not like normal 'Testers', who are generally more in it for the community, so here is where it comes in to play.
People dislike mainers for a number of reasons :
Reasons To Allow Mainers To Play Test
And remember, back in the day the communtiy of test was very small...
More people testing means more repsonses to whether something is working or not from all different viewpoints, whether that be different connections, locations or Ping, vult needs to know whether these new updates are compatible for everyone who plays this game...
Of course, the people are never going to be satsified, and arguement will always come to ''GTFO Mainers!!11111'' regardless of what people think, becuase we all tend to have this confidenece that we can have our on territory and possession if we want it, and be able to tell people what they can or can't do...
If a man came up to us in the street and asked to look in our pockets and wallet we would say ''get lost!'' and run away or tell someone.
But if a police officer was to come up and ask us, then we would immidiately agree to letting him look in.
This is the same, if there were hundred of admins on main, and they all came over to test, then people would be happy and would greet them, because they are authority. But since it is other people no better than us we all seem to think that we have our own barrier where we are compeltely in control of what happens, and they have no authority over what we do in our own world, e.g. the test server, which we seem to think belongs to us. And thus we can tell them to ''Get lost''. However, mainers and admins are the same things, people, just we have different attitudes towards them cos one can ban and the other can't. But, what if we were to treat them all the same...?
In conclusion, people have their right to choose to play whichever server they please, we cannot tell them otherwise, and although they will leave eventually, regardless mainers will annoy testers, because they both want different things. One wants a communtiy where they can freely logg in without watign and have a chat, one wants to kill a dragon. Either way, mainers are benneficial for test in many ways, and they will leave eventually, so clam down, and just wait for that day, but until then, remember, be nice, because you wouldn't leave a server if someone ordered you to would you?
Well, there seems to be some harsh discussion towards mainers recently, mainly from test's end of the stick...
It appears alot of the people that play on the main server, apptly dubbed 'Mainers', have recently crowded the test server, annoying its players, and i can see why they may be annoyed at first, but i have the solution, and reasoning for why they shouldn't stress out, and why they should leave it alone...
Reasons For Disliking The New Immigrants
Well, firstly it's obvious that people dislike their server being crowded. Poeple often go to test to escape the problems or dislike of crowding on main, and so want a more peaceful game to play with a community where you can remember everyone's name, somehow, this is why test is more appealing, and at times, i think it is almost more of a chatroom than a game. However, there are those that still want it to be a hardcore game, but they just want it to be a little quieter, so this is where mainers come in to it...
Since version 28A was released, people that play main, who are initially hardcore gamers, have switched servers for a while as to play with the new items, monsters and areas, and also be ready for all the updates as they are released, since there is more going on. But they are not like normal 'Testers', who are generally more in it for the community, so here is where it comes in to play.
People dislike mainers for a number of reasons :
- Well, generally people they don't like or tried to rid of have came over in the immigration.
- Hackers and scammers from main have came over in order to steal the new items.
- The test server will only hold 250 people, so when more have logged in at a time than that, then people have to wait for them to logg out before they can logg in.
- It is causing severe lagg to the players that can't cope with a populaiton of 200+
- They are cluttering up all the spots that testers like and want to enjoy...
Reasons To Allow Mainers To Play Test
- People have the right to choose what server they wish to play and no-one can tell them otherwise.
- A larger community can also be beneficial for test as it will bring in new prices or increased demand for better items, thus raising prices.
- Everybody wants to try out the new things, no-one can stop them.
- Test needs new players to help test out the security and accessablity to new updates including login or account creation.
- It is making the test server more of a game and more competetive.
- This game can be enjoyed by whoever they please..
And remember, back in the day the communtiy of test was very small...
More people testing means more repsonses to whether something is working or not from all different viewpoints, whether that be different connections, locations or Ping, vult needs to know whether these new updates are compatible for everyone who plays this game...
Of course, the people are never going to be satsified, and arguement will always come to ''GTFO Mainers!!11111'' regardless of what people think, becuase we all tend to have this confidenece that we can have our on territory and possession if we want it, and be able to tell people what they can or can't do...
If a man came up to us in the street and asked to look in our pockets and wallet we would say ''get lost!'' and run away or tell someone.
But if a police officer was to come up and ask us, then we would immidiately agree to letting him look in.
This is the same, if there were hundred of admins on main, and they all came over to test, then people would be happy and would greet them, because they are authority. But since it is other people no better than us we all seem to think that we have our own barrier where we are compeltely in control of what happens, and they have no authority over what we do in our own world, e.g. the test server, which we seem to think belongs to us. And thus we can tell them to ''Get lost''. However, mainers and admins are the same things, people, just we have different attitudes towards them cos one can ban and the other can't. But, what if we were to treat them all the same...?
In conclusion, people have their right to choose to play whichever server they please, we cannot tell them otherwise, and although they will leave eventually, regardless mainers will annoy testers, because they both want different things. One wants a communtiy where they can freely logg in without watign and have a chat, one wants to kill a dragon. Either way, mainers are benneficial for test in many ways, and they will leave eventually, so clam down, and just wait for that day, but until then, remember, be nice, because you wouldn't leave a server if someone ordered you to would you?
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
10'0000 , A Milestone...
For those of you that haven't noticed, i have finally reached 10'000 page hits and counting, i am now getting somewhere in the region of 400-500 hits a day and going strong, there are many thanks that i would like to give, to people that made this possible, but I'll keep it short:
-The Test Server Community
-Monkfiter / Cybermonk
-The Admins Of Endless Online
-All The Forumers Especially Onyxfalcon And Marauding <3.
-Those Helpful People That Told Me To Go To Blogger.
-All You People That Have Revisited Over And Over To Find Out The Latest Information.
-And Of Course, Nezlo.
Your all legends, and I'm so happy that since moving to here from free webs my popularity has sored and is still growing, to a point at which i may have to go round to every one's houses and kiss them. I've tried to keep you happy, and updated at the very second new things are introduced, because I want to all to be happy, in - the - know people, that read my blog with a good cup of Joe each morning and night for a right ol' chortle, but also some informative information...
And yes, i have removed Picto-Tv, all though i will still publish videos occasionally. And, i may be starting a Pod Cast soon...
So, to sum up, thanks to all the people that have visited 10'000 times over these 8 months, i never thought I'd be saying this on that cold January morning when i created the picto-blog, but now, I'm ready for the next 10'000, bring it on, and lets have plenty of fun talking about and discovering endless online, its tricks, the updates and the entire Internet, I'm ready...
-The Test Server Community
-Monkfiter / Cybermonk
-The Admins Of Endless Online
-All The Forumers Especially Onyxfalcon And Marauding <3.
-Those Helpful People That Told Me To Go To Blogger.
-All You People That Have Revisited Over And Over To Find Out The Latest Information.
-And Of Course, Nezlo.
Your all legends, and I'm so happy that since moving to here from free webs my popularity has sored and is still growing, to a point at which i may have to go round to every one's houses and kiss them. I've tried to keep you happy, and updated at the very second new things are introduced, because I want to all to be happy, in - the - know people, that read my blog with a good cup of Joe each morning and night for a right ol' chortle, but also some informative information...
And yes, i have removed Picto-Tv, all though i will still publish videos occasionally. And, i may be starting a Pod Cast soon...
So, to sum up, thanks to all the people that have visited 10'000 times over these 8 months, i never thought I'd be saying this on that cold January morning when i created the picto-blog, but now, I'm ready for the next 10'000, bring it on, and lets have plenty of fun talking about and discovering endless online, its tricks, the updates and the entire Internet, I'm ready...
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Lovely Jubbly, the updates are coming out so fast i just can't keep up, there coming out every hour now and i'm just not having time to update the blog and keep you in the know, fortunatly, i've managed to stay on my feet this time, here:
Aeven Forest
After you come of the boat from newb island you can go straight forward then left down the path in to a new area..In this new area there are four different entrances to different parts of the forest, all containing weird new monsters.
Upper Left Area
In this location you'll find some flowy's, which are new monsters that are big flowers with faces and legs...They give 58exp and have abotu medium health, but are easy to kill, there attacks looks awesome and they are slow moving and passive.Up in the top left corner of this areas you'll find some new sprites and some beautifully designed cliffs which fit perfectly with the colour of this place...the flowys don't drop yet...

Second Top Left Area
This area is just infested with more flowys but also another new montser, the Espring.They drop gold and have about the same amount of health as as flowy, and will give 77exp upon death, they also have a cool attack animation...

Second Bottom Left Area
Nothing Here but some more esprings and a couple nutvipers which will be explained in the next section...
Lower Bottom Area
Now here's an interesting location, some more nice pixel work, and a another new monster, but more secrets. First of all, it's a lvl 15 barrier to enter, and once in side you'll find nutvipers, that drop , yes you know correctly, jack spears! Another new weapon, which looks pretty cool in actual fact, and has ok stats :
1 accuaracy

They are dropped by nutvipers currently but also by another monster i think (you'll find out later), so here are the nutvipers,they give 96exp, their attack isn't all ther impressive:

But It Keeps Going? Next Stop, Dragon cave....
So you continue through the nutviper place and through a few more paths until you see lava like this:

This means you're very lucky, because it means you are level 15 and cna now enter DRAGON CAVE! Yes, feel very privalaged, as you can now fight with an almighty dragon, and probably end up dieing...So continue round and through the cave entrance and voila! Your in dragon cave, it's a fairly big cave infested with biters and, dragons of course. So the first thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting a dragon...

Then the second thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting lots of dragons...

That's right, there can be up to 6 dragons in the cave at any one time, all ready to fight, and kill, they hit highs of 50 and are not ks protected, and for good reason, they are very powerful and have lots of health, so when teaming it comes back down to kill stealinh again, and snatching that 1224exp and a possible chnace to get one of the following :
Scav Bow
Jack Spear
Saw Sword
Draco Armour
And that's just about it, and yes, your right, i did say scav bow, see :

Stats For the scav bow :
2-2 damage
2 accuracay
Yes, but it's a rather rare drop by the draogns, but if your lucky you'll scoop one up, next on the list, the jack sword has alreayd been mentioned...so then, the saw sword, a rather nice weapon with some nice stats...

Smexy aye? Now here's the lowdown on thee stats :
1-8 attack
9 accuracy
That's just what i've heard about the stats so far and may not be real, but i'll keep you updated if i recieve definite stats. And finaly, a new armour, the Draco / Dracota armour which is dropped by the dragon, you'll be very lucky to be caught wearing this...

Current stats are :
6 Defence
3 Evade
And ThenThere Was More...
Ok, so they exsist and that's done and dusted, but there's still more to be seen, let's keep going with glasses!

These can currently only be bought from newb island for 1.2k so i suppose you'd have to do some sorta transfer to get them, however, i'm sure in the future they will become available from another shop...they have no stats...
Also, you can now get the oak shield as a drop from the swamp temple, they arne't worth very much now, they are dropped by Flombies so go kill a couple of them and you'll get something...

Current information suggests stats of : 2 defence, 1 Con and 11hp...
Mole Farm
Just right of the goat farm is a new area including some farm patches, an inaccessable house and ofcourse, some moles.They don't drop and only give 1 exp, poor things...

And that's it, thankyou all for reading and have a ncie time killign draogns, remember, anythign not mentioned in this guide is fake, including:
The release of doctor's or nurse's uniforms
A hospital anywhere in EO
Warbears beign released
I'd like to give some thanks, but there are too many to name individually so i'll name a couple :
The Test Server Community As A Whole
A Big Thankyou To UltimatePig, So Say Hello And Thanks To Him If You See Him Around...
And a HUGE thankyou to Chenmason for being so amazing, helping me and getting me information that i simply wouldn't of known alone...
Personally i would wait a week or two before buying a new weapon, you'll get it much cheaper than it's current price...
And that's it, but i'll keep you updated with official stats for draco, oak shield and the saw sword, and if any updates are released, you know who to go to first, thanks...-Picto
Lovely Jubbly, the updates are coming out so fast i just can't keep up, there coming out every hour now and i'm just not having time to update the blog and keep you in the know, fortunatly, i've managed to stay on my feet this time, here:
Aeven Forest
After you come of the boat from newb island you can go straight forward then left down the path in to a new area..In this new area there are four different entrances to different parts of the forest, all containing weird new monsters.
Upper Left Area
In this location you'll find some flowy's, which are new monsters that are big flowers with faces and legs...They give 58exp and have abotu medium health, but are easy to kill, there attacks looks awesome and they are slow moving and passive.Up in the top left corner of this areas you'll find some new sprites and some beautifully designed cliffs which fit perfectly with the colour of this place...the flowys don't drop yet...
Second Top Left Area
This area is just infested with more flowys but also another new montser, the Espring.They drop gold and have about the same amount of health as as flowy, and will give 77exp upon death, they also have a cool attack animation...
Second Bottom Left Area
Nothing Here but some more esprings and a couple nutvipers which will be explained in the next section...
Lower Bottom Area
Now here's an interesting location, some more nice pixel work, and a another new monster, but more secrets. First of all, it's a lvl 15 barrier to enter, and once in side you'll find nutvipers, that drop , yes you know correctly, jack spears! Another new weapon, which looks pretty cool in actual fact, and has ok stats :
1 accuaracy
They are dropped by nutvipers currently but also by another monster i think (you'll find out later), so here are the nutvipers,they give 96exp, their attack isn't all ther impressive:
But It Keeps Going? Next Stop, Dragon cave....
So you continue through the nutviper place and through a few more paths until you see lava like this:
This means you're very lucky, because it means you are level 15 and cna now enter DRAGON CAVE! Yes, feel very privalaged, as you can now fight with an almighty dragon, and probably end up dieing...So continue round and through the cave entrance and voila! Your in dragon cave, it's a fairly big cave infested with biters and, dragons of course. So the first thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting a dragon...
Then the second thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting lots of dragons...
That's right, there can be up to 6 dragons in the cave at any one time, all ready to fight, and kill, they hit highs of 50 and are not ks protected, and for good reason, they are very powerful and have lots of health, so when teaming it comes back down to kill stealinh again, and snatching that 1224exp and a possible chnace to get one of the following :
Scav Bow
Jack Spear
Saw Sword
Draco Armour
And that's just about it, and yes, your right, i did say scav bow, see :
Stats For the scav bow :
2-2 damage
2 accuracay
Yes, but it's a rather rare drop by the draogns, but if your lucky you'll scoop one up, next on the list, the jack sword has alreayd been mentioned...so then, the saw sword, a rather nice weapon with some nice stats...
Smexy aye? Now here's the lowdown on thee stats :
1-8 attack
9 accuracy
That's just what i've heard about the stats so far and may not be real, but i'll keep you updated if i recieve definite stats. And finaly, a new armour, the Draco / Dracota armour which is dropped by the dragon, you'll be very lucky to be caught wearing this...
Current stats are :
6 Defence
3 Evade
And ThenThere Was More...
Ok, so they exsist and that's done and dusted, but there's still more to be seen, let's keep going with glasses!
These can currently only be bought from newb island for 1.2k so i suppose you'd have to do some sorta transfer to get them, however, i'm sure in the future they will become available from another shop...they have no stats...
Also, you can now get the oak shield as a drop from the swamp temple, they arne't worth very much now, they are dropped by Flombies so go kill a couple of them and you'll get something...
Current information suggests stats of : 2 defence, 1 Con and 11hp...
Mole Farm
Just right of the goat farm is a new area including some farm patches, an inaccessable house and ofcourse, some moles.They don't drop and only give 1 exp, poor things...
And that's it, thankyou all for reading and have a ncie time killign draogns, remember, anythign not mentioned in this guide is fake, including:
The release of doctor's or nurse's uniforms
A hospital anywhere in EO
Warbears beign released
I'd like to give some thanks, but there are too many to name individually so i'll name a couple :
The Test Server Community As A Whole
A Big Thankyou To UltimatePig, So Say Hello And Thanks To Him If You See Him Around...
And a HUGE thankyou to Chenmason for being so amazing, helping me and getting me information that i simply wouldn't of known alone...
Personally i would wait a week or two before buying a new weapon, you'll get it much cheaper than it's current price...
And that's it, but i'll keep you updated with official stats for draco, oak shield and the saw sword, and if any updates are released, you know who to go to first, thanks...-Picto
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Moar Moar Moar!
Some nice new updates again for test now, which is raking in more and more of the main community in an attempt for people to get their hands on 1 of the 2 new weapons...
First though, there are 2 new locations, one being the House at the previously added pig farm, and another being the newly dubbed 'Sky Castle' located in the sky wonder.
Bare in mind that the new locations are very laggy indeed.
Pig House
Not anything special to be honest, but the house in the pig farm is now accessible, it's empty except for some furniture that is sittable, a bit of fun to have a quiet chat in, but nothing else...Also, you may notice loads'a big books knocking about, they have no reason as of yet...

Skyland Castle
This place is a little more interesting, there is more to do and see, and it has been inhabited by phoenixes for now, which is why everyone is there trying to get a fan or a bazzar staff.

Don't underestimate the size of this are,a it's much bigger than you think. There is a way to access the upper floors of the castle also, but I'm not quite sure on that just yet...
Here's a nice good update, the new monster Phoenix. It hangs about at the sky castle, respawning in several different locations, they have a rather high amount of hp, but they don't hit particularly high, also, when they attack they breath fire ^^. They can be killed and deposit a nice 175exp, and you may end up getting one of the following :
Gold (Little Amount)
Bazzar Staff
Fan (Very Rare)
Light Katana

And so Here are a couple of the rewards :
Bazzar Staff
The most common new item, they are dropped by the Phoenix or are currently sold from 30-45k , and they are worth getting. They give you :
6 wis
2 acc
3-3 damage
Which is rather nice to be perfectly hones,t but if your planning on buying the i would suggest you wait a week or two until the price is around 5-10k.

And thank you to Meiresthai for a huge help on that information.
The second of our new items, and what a lovely little thing it is,. they certainly are a rare drop and you'd be hard done to find someone selling one cheap. So, as before, i would wait until the price has lowered. there Stats are :
8 Charisma

That's it, more of a display weapon aye?
Well then, that's all your updates for now,but I'm already loving the new monsters, items and locations.I should imagine we'll continue to receive small chunks like this on est, until eventually vult will release them all in one big v28Main on main and all you lot can get your grubby new version hands on them, until then, you can only got to test and start beating funny coloured birds, have fun. -Picto
P.S. I have also now arranged all the new aeven presses into one page per issue as to save space, and the new issue is out, thanks Willz!
Some nice new updates again for test now, which is raking in more and more of the main community in an attempt for people to get their hands on 1 of the 2 new weapons...
First though, there are 2 new locations, one being the House at the previously added pig farm, and another being the newly dubbed 'Sky Castle' located in the sky wonder.
Bare in mind that the new locations are very laggy indeed.
Pig House
Not anything special to be honest, but the house in the pig farm is now accessible, it's empty except for some furniture that is sittable, a bit of fun to have a quiet chat in, but nothing else...Also, you may notice loads'a big books knocking about, they have no reason as of yet...
Skyland Castle
This place is a little more interesting, there is more to do and see, and it has been inhabited by phoenixes for now, which is why everyone is there trying to get a fan or a bazzar staff.
Don't underestimate the size of this are,a it's much bigger than you think. There is a way to access the upper floors of the castle also, but I'm not quite sure on that just yet...
Here's a nice good update, the new monster Phoenix. It hangs about at the sky castle, respawning in several different locations, they have a rather high amount of hp, but they don't hit particularly high, also, when they attack they breath fire ^^. They can be killed and deposit a nice 175exp, and you may end up getting one of the following :
Gold (Little Amount)
Bazzar Staff
Fan (Very Rare)
Light Katana
And so Here are a couple of the rewards :
Bazzar Staff
The most common new item, they are dropped by the Phoenix or are currently sold from 30-45k , and they are worth getting. They give you :
6 wis
2 acc
3-3 damage
Which is rather nice to be perfectly hones,t but if your planning on buying the i would suggest you wait a week or two until the price is around 5-10k.
And thank you to Meiresthai for a huge help on that information.
The second of our new items, and what a lovely little thing it is,. they certainly are a rare drop and you'd be hard done to find someone selling one cheap. So, as before, i would wait until the price has lowered. there Stats are :
8 Charisma
That's it, more of a display weapon aye?
Well then, that's all your updates for now,but I'm already loving the new monsters, items and locations.I should imagine we'll continue to receive small chunks like this on est, until eventually vult will release them all in one big v28Main on main and all you lot can get your grubby new version hands on them, until then, you can only got to test and start beating funny coloured birds, have fun. -Picto
P.S. I have also now arranged all the new aeven presses into one page per issue as to save space, and the new issue is out, thanks Willz!
Monday, 9 July 2007
Well, it's been rather a sore topic for quite a while, but don't you often walk around endless online, see someone wearing a Baru and just think, ''huh, nice armour'', do you even think about the fact they they haven't dropped in 8 months, it seems to be taking on that sort of 'Oblon , Rapier' agenda, where people forget they are discontinued and regard them as ordinary items that they could easily get back if they ever want, mainly because they are quite common...
So, let's take it from the top, December 25th 2006, vult has designed this sort of event, where a huge ice area has been infested with hundreds of dolls roaming around. Each doll upon death would drop either a bow, Crossbow, Baru or Baruta. Everyone had a great time and the event was a complete success, although it damaged the economy quite, and they were rather cheap just after the event (Barus), but after months of endless online economy torture, they eventually Rose, and now today stand at anything from 60K+, often peaking at around 100k.
SO, did people realise this was because there are no more to go around except for what the event left us with, or is endless' community just doing what it always does, raising or lowering prices for no apparent reasons, except for items such as hero which has slowly became more common since the release, and thus has a reason.
But subconsciously, under the tiny scab that is endless' economy, something has been happening, the original hundreds of Barus that vult-r left us with have inevitably widdled down to about 100, what with people junking them, being scammed or hacked, or deleting account with them on, they have eventually became few without anyone realising, because, there are none to replace the ones that were disappearing unlike with knobs or hero's.
So, it's been 8 months, and now we're looking at about 100- left in thew game aren't we, each costing upwards of 60 grand, so, what do we do, do we let it continue, slowly watching the price rise and the amount of Barus left decay, or do we wait for them to be released (unlikely), it is up to you, but i have on piece of advice, and it be this : buy your now, while you still have the chance, get it and hold on to it tighter than anything you could imagine, because, no matter what way you look at it the price is slowly rising...
Come a few weeks Onyxfalcon will be in possession of many barus, if he should decide to junk them, the price would sky rocket, whether he does that or not is entirely his decision, but whether he does that or you just wait for the price to rise as there become less, you'll be making a profit, or if your no in it for the cash, but want to be one of those people that has one of the final 10 Barus, then i would still recommend you buy now, before they shoot up to 100k+.
What makes em so saw they aren't being released? Instinct i suppose, although i have been told by many people as well, but it all seems to add up. One day. One drop. From One monster. In an event. Never seen before. On a special day. Never dropped again. No sign of them dropping again. So yes, you could say I'm fairly sure couldn't you...
Also, it just seems a bit like the devil suit, although that was a glitch, this two incidents seem fairly similar in terms of items, maybe they will go lore? Maybe not, either way, good luck to whoever gets their hands on one, your a vary lucky person, here's this week's Picto-Tv : ---V
*May still be uploading*
Good luck, and remember what i said, hopefully this will get Endless Online moving about Barus and start asking questions... -Picto
So, let's take it from the top, December 25th 2006, vult has designed this sort of event, where a huge ice area has been infested with hundreds of dolls roaming around. Each doll upon death would drop either a bow, Crossbow, Baru or Baruta. Everyone had a great time and the event was a complete success, although it damaged the economy quite, and they were rather cheap just after the event (Barus), but after months of endless online economy torture, they eventually Rose, and now today stand at anything from 60K+, often peaking at around 100k.
SO, did people realise this was because there are no more to go around except for what the event left us with, or is endless' community just doing what it always does, raising or lowering prices for no apparent reasons, except for items such as hero which has slowly became more common since the release, and thus has a reason.
But subconsciously, under the tiny scab that is endless' economy, something has been happening, the original hundreds of Barus that vult-r left us with have inevitably widdled down to about 100, what with people junking them, being scammed or hacked, or deleting account with them on, they have eventually became few without anyone realising, because, there are none to replace the ones that were disappearing unlike with knobs or hero's.
So, it's been 8 months, and now we're looking at about 100- left in thew game aren't we, each costing upwards of 60 grand, so, what do we do, do we let it continue, slowly watching the price rise and the amount of Barus left decay, or do we wait for them to be released (unlikely), it is up to you, but i have on piece of advice, and it be this : buy your now, while you still have the chance, get it and hold on to it tighter than anything you could imagine, because, no matter what way you look at it the price is slowly rising...
Come a few weeks Onyxfalcon will be in possession of many barus, if he should decide to junk them, the price would sky rocket, whether he does that or not is entirely his decision, but whether he does that or you just wait for the price to rise as there become less, you'll be making a profit, or if your no in it for the cash, but want to be one of those people that has one of the final 10 Barus, then i would still recommend you buy now, before they shoot up to 100k+.
What makes em so saw they aren't being released? Instinct i suppose, although i have been told by many people as well, but it all seems to add up. One day. One drop. From One monster. In an event. Never seen before. On a special day. Never dropped again. No sign of them dropping again. So yes, you could say I'm fairly sure couldn't you...
Also, it just seems a bit like the devil suit, although that was a glitch, this two incidents seem fairly similar in terms of items, maybe they will go lore? Maybe not, either way, good luck to whoever gets their hands on one, your a vary lucky person, here's this week's Picto-Tv : ---V
*May still be uploading*
Good luck, and remember what i said, hopefully this will get Endless Online moving about Barus and start asking questions... -Picto
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