Friday, 20 July 2007


Edit : I Just Read Wikky's Blog, He's Done Something Just Like This Before Me =P...

Well, there seems to be some harsh discussion towards mainers recently, mainly from test's end of the stick...

It appears alot of the people that play on the main server, apptly dubbed 'Mainers', have recently crowded the test server, annoying its players, and i can see why they may be annoyed at first, but i have the solution, and reasoning for why they shouldn't stress out, and why they should leave it alone...

Reasons For Disliking The New Immigrants

Well, firstly it's obvious that people dislike their server being crowded. Poeple often go to test to escape the problems or dislike of crowding on main, and so want a more peaceful game to play with a community where you can remember everyone's name, somehow, this is why test is more appealing, and at times, i think it is almost more of a chatroom than a game. However, there are those that still want it to be a hardcore game, but they just want it to be a little quieter, so this is where mainers come in to it...

Since version 28A was released, people that play main, who are initially hardcore gamers, have switched servers for a while as to play with the new items, monsters and areas, and also be ready for all the updates as they are released, since there is more going on. But they are not like normal 'Testers', who are generally more in it for the community, so here is where it comes in to play.

People dislike mainers for a number of reasons :

  • Well, generally people they don't like or tried to rid of have came over in the immigration.
  • Hackers and scammers from main have came over in order to steal the new items.
  • The test server will only hold 250 people, so when more have logged in at a time than that, then people have to wait for them to logg out before they can logg in.
  • It is causing severe lagg to the players that can't cope with a populaiton of 200+
  • They are cluttering up all the spots that testers like and want to enjoy...
So i think you cna all see why exactly people are angry about mainers joining test, but i think the main problem is to do with people having to wait to logg in, and also the lagg. But also contrasting views is a big problem, as mainers and testers will see thing differently depending, often including prices or exp locations, and so conflicts occur inevitabley. And so, the hate between servers is re-kindled...

Reasons To Allow Mainers To Play Test

  • People have the right to choose what server they wish to play and no-one can tell them otherwise.
  • A larger community can also be beneficial for test as it will bring in new prices or increased demand for better items, thus raising prices.
  • Everybody wants to try out the new things, no-one can stop them.
  • Test needs new players to help test out the security and accessablity to new updates including login or account creation.
  • It is making the test server more of a game and more competetive.
  • This game can be enjoyed by whoever they please..
Now, the test server is not endless online's second server, it is simply a testing ground to test new updates or changes so they can later be added to main without problems occuring or glitches ruining gameplay for other players.

And remember, back in the day the communtiy of test was very small...

More people testing means more repsonses to whether something is working or not from all different viewpoints, whether that be different connections, locations or Ping, vult needs to know whether these new updates are compatible for everyone who plays this game...

Of course, the people are never going to be satsified, and arguement will always come to ''GTFO Mainers!!11111'' regardless of what people think, becuase we all tend to have this confidenece that we can have our on territory and possession if we want it, and be able to tell people what they can or can't do...

If a man came up to us in the street and asked to look in our pockets and wallet we would say ''get lost!'' and run away or tell someone.
But if a police officer was to come up and ask us, then we would immidiately agree to letting him look in.

This is the same, if there were hundred of admins on main, and they all came over to test, then people would be happy and would greet them, because they are authority. But since it is other people no better than us we all seem to think that we have our own barrier where we are compeltely in control of what happens, and they have no authority over what we do in our own world, e.g. the test server, which we seem to think belongs to us. And thus we can tell them to ''Get lost''. However, mainers and admins are the same things, people, just we have different attitudes towards them cos one can ban and the other can't. But, what if we were to treat them all the same...?

In conclusion, people have their right to choose to play whichever server they please, we cannot tell them otherwise, and although they will leave eventually, regardless mainers will annoy testers, because they both want different things. One wants a communtiy where they can freely logg in without watign and have a chat, one wants to kill a dragon. Either way, mainers are benneficial for test in many ways, and they will leave eventually, so clam down, and just wait for that day, but until then, remember, be nice, because you wouldn't leave a server if someone ordered you to would you?


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