Saturday, 21 July 2007

Harry Potter Ends...

Hey all, well, harry potter was released last night (the book) at stores around the UK, and i have a couple of surprises. Now me myself don't read the books, in fact, i find them generally boring (including the movies), and i myself just found the spoilers on th'internet just so i can say ''I know how it goes!''

If you don't want to know how it ends, i seriously suggest you turn away and don't click the below link as it holds the answers, however, if your a cat that is immortal to curiosity, feel free to check, and then gloat to everyone, or maybe run down to your nearest book store and yell out the ending...

Click Here To Reveal The Spoilers.

And that's that, enjoy... -Picto


Dhex said...

I wish I havent readed the spoiler

Picto. said...

lol, i warned you =D

Cade said...

I can't wait to see the movie. :) But first I gotta see 3 and 4 lol. ^_^"