Saturday, 7 July 2007

7 / 7 / 07

Lucky, Lucky Lucky! Today, 7/7/07, is apparently the luckiest day of the year, and of course, the millennium, yep, we won't have another one of these for another 1000 years so squeeze out all the luck you can. Personally, i have, I've been out and found a great bargain, i got a game in the post that i didn't order, i got a baru (at last) on endless online, and of course, the king of all luck, i found £10 in the pocket of my trousers that i didn't Even know was there. Don't you just love it when that happens.

Anyway, some of the more alert of you have probably noticed i added a little doodle thing down the very bottom of the page, and some careful HTML modifying means i get away without having the annoying animated logo in the top left corner and no stupid link under the tool, so if you ever feel like a bit of drawing to pass some day, feel free to draw a bit of art..

Also, after finally getting my baru, i am now pondering on what i should do for this week's picto-tv, which will air tomorrow, as will Willz' magnificent aeven press, so stop by for a good reading...although, eventually, when that list gets to big I'll have to think about some way of perhaps manipulating all parts of each issue on to one page, or perhaps having each link leading to a page that contains the links instead of the actual press pages themselves...hmmmmmm...

Well i would also like to say that vult-r was obviously talking complete bull about that stupid James bond thing, unless it's going down later on, but i doubt that very much. And thank you to the 7000 people that have visited since i moved to blogger, and we're now averaging about 800 hits a day and counting, so please, keep coming back, I've got some more to dish out in the near future...

Oh and on one more note, i'd like to say this : Thank you to 'Kooky' for being the most generous and kind-hearted player i have ever met <3.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The next 7/7/07 is in 2107, that's 100 years...I take it back, your blog is pretty cool..Have a party, it's not everyday I toss you a compliment.

Picto. said...

incorrect kochen, for that will be7/7/107 in actual fact, although it will be wrote as 7/7/07