First of all : DON'T FREAK OUT IT'S GONNA BE OK xD...
One more first of all, i don't know and neither does anyone know when the server will be back up, as a man of science once said, ''It could take 1 minute or 1 million years''. Do not ask as no-one will know, but lets hope it isn't 2 weeks again like back in version 20, also, just calm down...
Welcome to the new address, i made it ESPECIALLY easy for you to locate the new website, by making the old address take you to that other website, either way, is out new location. Plus, many of you may of noticed the reboot that just happened, that is why i made this post...
A reboot is something hat happens very very often, often when something needs to be fixed, updates, altered or rolled back, don't worry, it'll probably be up after you've read this post, if not, just wait a while. A rollback? not sure, a wipe? Let's hope, either way, this is Picto, just posting to tell you not to worry, if there's a rollback however, you may see this Post grow, thanks, and here's picture to lighten the mood...
If i was asked to guess what's about to happen, i'd just say he's gonna fix the glitches mentioned in previous picto-blog posts, and hopefully the forums too...
One more note, i hope you all enjoy Thexphantom's funny endless online videos, exclusive to the picto-blog, to view, just check the little drop-down box to your bottom right, they'll pass the reboot time...
Did you notice that Test is down also?
I was about to say that... its weird =S
Yes, very very strange. Makes me think that it is going to be something big. But I am usually wrong. xD
We need some inside scoop from someone. Wikky was online last night but nothing on his blog today. So no insight there.
I smell a wipe coming.
I don't think there will be a wipe. Can you imagine literally thousands of people all starting out at lvl 0 at the same time? It just would not work. The EO world would be completely screwed up (more than usual) xD.
Unlike many ppl, I am still for a rollback. It pisses me off to see newbs, and I do mean very recent newbs, wearing Heros and using lens to kill goats because they got a huge drop of duped money.
Maybe that is sour grapes on my part because the only cash I have is what I worked for - and it ain't much let me tell you.
I rly dont want a rollback. one reson is becuz i dont want to lose my DE witch i got from a friend and. i dont want to lose my 40k i got from sellin my rapier. lol and i dont want to lose my Hat of wonders... or in a roll back do they just take the traded stuff back???
Okay. For one, the top 100 guild and players, server status, and whose online has been messed up on main since the reboots mostly. Test has been down at the same time.
I also heard that Vult-r hasn't been able to pay the money to keep the servers up so that may be the reason to why they are down.
I hope there isn't a wipe. Seems pointless to be honest. A rollback wouldn't work anymore either, because I don't believe it could be feasably done over a week, and during that time, a lot of players have been levelling etc.
If Mishie is right, and Vult-R hasn't been able to pay to keep the servers up, for shame. He should have warned us, or asked for help in some way shape or form.
Personally, I think he's fixing all the glitches and bugs, maybe even uploading v28a onto main (heres hoping)
But whatever the outcome, it would be nice for SOME news.
Most likely a glitch fix. It could be v28 but it doesn't feel like it.
Anyways. Like the chat box's too big though.
but why is the glitch fix taking so long? surely if like last time it was simply that, it wouldnt take this long?
im thinking on making a video about this "rebot" or something. but fo sho be on the look out for a 300 spoof. =]
The top 100 Guilds and Players, Online Playerlist and Server Status have been down for quite some time, Picto. Not ages ago, but it is somewhat old.
And if you checked vult-r's site, all it says is "Ok." o.o..
yeah ,,,, saw that ok thing too 0_O ,, endless bye bye!!???
whoa... thats.... weird... >.>
Any idea how long this has been on the archive?
[%] Barber range fix (invisible bug)
[%] Unlimited buy items bug fixed.
[%] Slow queries removed from gameserver.
[%] Character filter on guild tag/names.
yah stevenson i waz looking at that too. idk how long its been on thair but it mite mean vults updateing? *sigh* im geting rly bored....
Thats been up for a few days on the version history at least, i noticed it on friday
That "Ok" is creepy...
I'm half heartedly hoping that EO has been shut down. Not that I hate the game and stuff, it's just the lack of moderation, the vast amount of idiots, and the limited space says that EO is going nowhere.
That 'Ok' creeps me the hell out... o.o;
I would hope EO isn't being shut down or anything like that. Shin is right... even Vult-r isn't brainless enough to have not let us know if the game was being scrapped. Even he would ask for some support through donations.
But seriously that thing on his site... wtf... o.o;
I have a very bad feeling something bad is going to happen. Its been over a day now..
don't worry, back in like versoion 20 it was done for soem what 2 weeks, i don't think vult would not tell us if he was shutting down , but the server could eb correct, because the forums have closed also which run using the same server as the test server, so i don't know. Ther only thing thatwises me up t that is that when he kicked us he said ''We're beginning the reboot process''...
he said that right befor the rebot happend??
Heh, I only started v. 27 so I am pretty new. [No, I am not a newb.] So basically, i am concerned. I am very very bored now. Plus, in vult-r's website, he put 'ok' which is really weird.
V.27? yeah, you are.
And what is the vult-r website that u all are talking about?
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