Lovely Jubbly, the updates are coming out so fast i just can't keep up, there coming out every hour now and i'm just not having time to update the blog and keep you in the know, fortunatly, i've managed to stay on my feet this time, here:
Aeven Forest
After you come of the boat from newb island you can go straight forward then left down the path in to a new area..In this new area there are four different entrances to different parts of the forest, all containing weird new monsters.
Upper Left Area
In this location you'll find some flowy's, which are new monsters that are big flowers with faces and legs...They give 58exp and have abotu medium health, but are easy to kill, there attacks looks awesome and they are slow moving and passive.Up in the top left corner of this areas you'll find some new sprites and some beautifully designed cliffs which fit perfectly with the colour of this place...the flowys don't drop yet...
Second Top Left Area
This area is just infested with more flowys but also another new montser, the Espring.They drop gold and have about the same amount of health as as flowy, and will give 77exp upon death, they also have a cool attack animation...
Second Bottom Left Area
Nothing Here but some more esprings and a couple nutvipers which will be explained in the next section...
Lower Bottom Area
Now here's an interesting location, some more nice pixel work, and a another new monster, but more secrets. First of all, it's a lvl 15 barrier to enter, and once in side you'll find nutvipers, that drop , yes you know correctly, jack spears! Another new weapon, which looks pretty cool in actual fact, and has ok stats :
1 accuaracy
They are dropped by nutvipers currently but also by another monster i think (you'll find out later), so here are the nutvipers,they give 96exp, their attack isn't all ther impressive:
But It Keeps Going? Next Stop, Dragon cave....
So you continue through the nutviper place and through a few more paths until you see lava like this:
This means you're very lucky, because it means you are level 15 and cna now enter DRAGON CAVE! Yes, feel very privalaged, as you can now fight with an almighty dragon, and probably end up dieing...So continue round and through the cave entrance and voila! Your in dragon cave, it's a fairly big cave infested with biters and, dragons of course. So the first thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting a dragon...
Then the second thing you'll notice is lots of people fighting lots of dragons...
That's right, there can be up to 6 dragons in the cave at any one time, all ready to fight, and kill, they hit highs of 50 and are not ks protected, and for good reason, they are very powerful and have lots of health, so when teaming it comes back down to kill stealinh again, and snatching that 1224exp and a possible chnace to get one of the following :
Scav Bow
Jack Spear
Saw Sword
Draco Armour
And that's just about it, and yes, your right, i did say scav bow, see :
Stats For the scav bow :
2-2 damage
2 accuracay
Yes, but it's a rather rare drop by the draogns, but if your lucky you'll scoop one up, next on the list, the jack sword has alreayd been then, the saw sword, a rather nice weapon with some nice stats...
Smexy aye? Now here's the lowdown on thee stats :
1-8 attack
9 accuracy
That's just what i've heard about the stats so far and may not be real, but i'll keep you updated if i recieve definite stats. And finaly, a new armour, the Draco / Dracota armour which is dropped by the dragon, you'll be very lucky to be caught wearing this...
Current stats are :
6 Defence
3 Evade
And ThenThere Was More...
Ok, so they exsist and that's done and dusted, but there's still more to be seen, let's keep going with glasses!
These can currently only be bought from newb island for 1.2k so i suppose you'd have to do some sorta transfer to get them, however, i'm sure in the future they will become available from another shop...they have no stats...
Also, you can now get the oak shield as a drop from the swamp temple, they arne't worth very much now, they are dropped by Flombies so go kill a couple of them and you'll get something...
Current information suggests stats of : 2 defence, 1 Con and 11hp...
Mole Farm
Just right of the goat farm is a new area including some farm patches, an inaccessable house and ofcourse, some moles.They don't drop and only give 1 exp, poor things...
And that's it, thankyou all for reading and have a ncie time killign draogns, remember, anythign not mentioned in this guide is fake, including:
The release of doctor's or nurse's uniforms
A hospital anywhere in EO
Warbears beign released
I'd like to give some thanks, but there are too many to name individually so i'll name a couple :
The Test Server Community As A Whole
A Big Thankyou To UltimatePig, So Say Hello And Thanks To Him If You See Him Around...
And a HUGE thankyou to Chenmason for being so amazing, helping me and getting me information that i simply wouldn't of known alone...
Personally i would wait a week or two before buying a new weapon, you'll get it much cheaper than it's current price...
And that's it, but i'll keep you updated with official stats for draco, oak shield and the saw sword, and if any updates are released, you know who to go to first, thanks...-Picto
Very nice update man, I am very glad to see you are keeping it updated a bit, Wikky and myself have busy lives and i am sure you have your own life as well which makes it hard at times to keep it up.
Props ;]
Good update picto... im gonna use ur dragons pics for Sky forums if u dont mind... im not lvl 15 yet in test server
Whoa Picto....
Sweet pictures and information man!
Thanks a bunch!
Sweet info i love how you keep me informed and so does Wicked frost and Nezlo.:]
hey uhhmmm im the first one who discovered oak shield from the what do you call that monsters from the swamp temple??? btw im orcdaw why i cant see my name there?
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