Some nice new updates again for test now, which is raking in more and more of the main community in an attempt for people to get their hands on 1 of the 2 new weapons...
First though, there are 2 new locations, one being the House at the previously added pig farm, and another being the newly dubbed 'Sky Castle' located in the sky wonder.
Bare in mind that the new locations are very laggy indeed.
Pig House
Not anything special to be honest, but the house in the pig farm is now accessible, it's empty except for some furniture that is sittable, a bit of fun to have a quiet chat in, but nothing else...Also, you may notice loads'a big books knocking about, they have no reason as of yet...
Skyland Castle
This place is a little more interesting, there is more to do and see, and it has been inhabited by phoenixes for now, which is why everyone is there trying to get a fan or a bazzar staff.
Don't underestimate the size of this are,a it's much bigger than you think. There is a way to access the upper floors of the castle also, but I'm not quite sure on that just yet...
Here's a nice good update, the new monster Phoenix. It hangs about at the sky castle, respawning in several different locations, they have a rather high amount of hp, but they don't hit particularly high, also, when they attack they breath fire ^^. They can be killed and deposit a nice 175exp, and you may end up getting one of the following :
Gold (Little Amount)
Bazzar Staff
Fan (Very Rare)
Light Katana
And so Here are a couple of the rewards :
Bazzar Staff
The most common new item, they are dropped by the Phoenix or are currently sold from 30-45k , and they are worth getting. They give you :
6 wis
2 acc
3-3 damage
Which is rather nice to be perfectly hones,t but if your planning on buying the i would suggest you wait a week or two until the price is around 5-10k.
And thank you to Meiresthai for a huge help on that information.
The second of our new items, and what a lovely little thing it is,. they certainly are a rare drop and you'd be hard done to find someone selling one cheap. So, as before, i would wait until the price has lowered. there Stats are :
8 Charisma
That's it, more of a display weapon aye?
Well then, that's all your updates for now,but I'm already loving the new monsters, items and locations.I should imagine we'll continue to receive small chunks like this on est, until eventually vult will release them all in one big v28Main on main and all you lot can get your grubby new version hands on them, until then, you can only got to test and start beating funny coloured birds, have fun. -Picto
P.S. I have also now arranged all the new aeven presses into one page per issue as to save space, and the new issue is out, thanks Willz!
question i used the test sever then when i went back to my reg account and like the cactuses and stuff were there and like all the new hp tp tnl stuff to but like nothing else...and it wasnt the test server it was the reg...can u help is that bad or good im confused
that's because installing the new version will replace the GFX files for the beetle and all the bars at the top, they will still function as they did in v27, just look a little different. If you notice, the cactuses' name is ''Beetle'' still.
Cool I love this blog and your info. :D :D :D I cant stop watching your blog I see it every day for the scoop.
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