Well, today certainly is strange, there's a whole host of ideas and comment floating around, varying from the server being shut down, to vult fixing some glitches. Back in version 20 the game was down for about 5 days if memory serves, and that came back, there are a number of options as to why this has happened, I'll go through each now..
1.Glitch Fixes
Well, this one seems to be the most believable, that vult-r and his little team has just rebooted for a while so they can fix some of the glitches such as that of ranking or other leader abilitys...
Here's another one that is hot on the agenda, it seems as though after everything that has happened, he may just as well roll it back to a couple weeks ago, the hell with people's exp, and get on with life is it were 2 weeks ago...
This has to be considered, that the server or data tablets that support the system are just experiencing some down time due to an error or small glitch which is being fixed inside the server not on the game...
4.Server Wipe
The most drastic of measures, i think it is fair to say that this is not liked by many an endless online player, but there is always a possibility that he has finally decided to just wipe the entire game and start again, maybe with all the version 28 pieces installed, maybe not, you'll have to wait. I for one though, think that a wipe could be a potentially great idea contrary to popular belief...Wouldn't this explain the missing people / guilds?
5.Version 28
Version 28 could be released as a ''Commander'' update, this is unknown to endless online yet, but a commander update is where the admins will go and out all the stuff fin there, bit by bit, themselves and try it as they go along, as appose to trying it on the development server or test server and then releasing ti to the public willy nilly...
6.Unable to pay for servers
This one is on the table, it has been rumoured that Vult-r has not been able to pay for the servers this month and has lost them until, well, he pays for them? Either way, this could also explain why the forums are down, as the test server and the forums both run on the same server, and in the past, reboots haven't effected the forums usually....Of course, this whole 'server' dilemma would remind me of back in the days when vult scammed the forums and said endless online was going to go down for good..
7.The end...
Potentially, the end, vult-r is sick of people complaining, hacking, misusing, exploiting, real world trading, just about everything. It could also be that he just can't take it anymore, with a busy work life or life In general, ti becomes difficult for him and the other, admins to keep up with the game, especially as people hack it, you may not believe this, or even want to, but you have to admit, that there is always a possibility, there never isn't, and as a famous Chinese proverb once said ''All great things must come to an end.''...
8. Ok
OK, so thank you for reading and contemplating each idea or rumour, my bet is with either 6, 4 or 1, but just behind that is 7, if this game were to shut down, i hope you would remember to keep checking back here, I'll blog bout something else, but don't get to worried yet, unless that psychic i saw yesterday was right..
''A game will end very soon my friend''
That freaked me out xD -Picto
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well lets just hope its not the end of eo. ive barely just begun!!!!!!!!! :P and i think today was a alright day ive made new friends just by the chatboxes and ive grown to enjoy battleship lol.
lol, i hope it doesn't close also, i would have to change what i'd log about, and i'd miss the forums laods...
Omfg. If EO does shut down, then Im free. I am a little obsessed with this game and go on it for all hours.. So, if it shuts down, move on and move on.. But then, I'd hate it if EO shut down.. =[
P.s. My char name is Golatho. [Purely original]
Shut down isn't possible because Vult isn't a complete moron-he would rather sell the game to a person who wants to continue the work than just destroy it.
im crossing my fingers for a server wipe
Actually he pays the server bills with the money that he gets from the publicity in his websites.
He must be fixing something... and remember that he still has to work in real life
I am with you Stevenson, I am also hopeing for a clean wipe....
I would be losing 42 levels and a good ammount of gold but it still would not bug me and i really think it would be the best thing to do.
However, Is seriously doubt thats going to happen :/
Ah well, Whatever is going on I hope hes atleast fixing something for the better.
The Vult-r.com thing is actually kind of strange... "Ok"
What th hell does that mean? xD
I wouldn't mind a wipe to much, but if EO just is over... Well, that would be sad.
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